All Signs

This year Mercury goes retrograde three times. The first time is from March 15 to April 7, which means we can expect transportation problems, transit delays, late deliveries, mixed-up communications, misplaced items, equipment breakdowns, and people from the past popping up. On the upside, this is an excellent time to finish old projects, study the past and get a better understanding of our own personal history. Because there's a shadow phase before and after each retrograde -- be smart and avoid buying ground transportation, technology, computers and cell phones between March 8 - April 27. (Gulp.) Yes, Mercury retrograde has benefits and drawbacks. It's like when one door closes and another door opens, which probably means you're in prison.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Heads up! This is a lively week! Admittedly, the Sun is still hiding in your chart, which means you're happy to work alone or behind the scenes. Nevertheless, on Monday, busy Mercury enters your sign, making you be eager to express your point of view to others. Your mind will be busy, and you'll have a strong urge to get out and be on the go. "Shops must be visited. Money must be spent!" But lo! Mercury will be retrograde in your sign on March 15 until April 7. (The buffer dates are March 8 - April 27.) That means THIS is the week to buy technology, cars, trucks, computers and cell phones. If not, wait until after April 27.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is an exciting week! On Monday, the Moon enters your sign to stay until Wednesday morning. (Once a month the Moon is in your sign for 2 1/2 days, and when this occurs, it gives you an advantage over all the other signs because your luck is slightly improved.) On Tuesday, you'll be energetic, practical and focused; and at the same time, light on your feet and ready for change. Go after what you want! Mid-week, financial issues look favourable! Look for ways to improve your job or get a better paying job or boost your earnings because you'll be convincing when talking to others. Saturday is a marvellous day to entertain. Invite family and friends over for good food and drink!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a fabulous week! The Sun is at high noon in your chart, casting you in a flattering spotlight making you look great in the eyes of others, especially authority figures. This advantage happens only once a year so by all means use this to go after what you want. Meanwhile, you have ambitious energy this week, which is why you'll accomplish more than usual, even though at the same time, it's a lighthearted, pleasant week. (You'll be like Col. Saito "Be happy in your work!") Midweek the Moon in your sign lines up with lucky Jupiter boosting your optimism! By Saturday, you'll dream up ways to get richer - or you'll spend money big time. Maybe both?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're eager for adventure! You want to travel and expand your world. Note: Explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine and the law because this is the year to get performance ready for next year, which is your time of harvest (which occurs once every 30 years). Meanwhile, this is a friendly week! Enjoy schmoozing with pals, groups and organizations. Someone or something will surprise you. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the Moon will be in your sign giving you an advantage over all the other signs. In fact, Saturday promises you a day full of productive opportunities! Make use of this day, because you are favoured. Hey - if you want something you've never had - you gotta do something you've never done.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

As this week begins, you're high viz., which means people notice you. (In fact, some will know personal details about your private life.) Something sudden and unexpected related to an authority figure (a parent, boss or even the police) might occur. Be aware of this. Fear not because this is actually a playful week! Even though you're focused on taxes, debt and shared property, you want to travel and explore exciting ideas and learn new things. It's a popular time for you, although by the end of the week, you'll be happy to relax and rest. Treat yourself to time off from your busy schedule. Do something restorative and pampering. Self-care - physical and mental. You matter.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Remember to get more sleep because with the Sun opposite your sign right now, your energy might be flagging. Nevertheless, you want to do something different this week. You want travel, adventure and memorable moments! (Note: Late Tuesday travel plans will be unpredictable.) Midweek, you're noticed, which is fortunate because you make a great impression on others. Obviously, this is your opportunity to demand the advantage or advance your agenda. (Timing is everything.) Meanwhile, gifts, goodies and financial favours from others will come to you this week. Get ready for a popular weekend that's physically active and maybe competitive. "Seize the day - trust not in the morrow!"

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a happy and productive week. You have an ambitious To Do list and you want to be efficient as possible. You also want to improve your health. And why not? Style icon, Vogue editor and fellow Libran Diana Vreeland said, "The body must stay fit. Fit people like themselves much better." You will be pleased with what you accomplish this week even though it's also a fun-loving, social time. At the beginning of the week, financial red-tape issues (taxes, insurance and debt) and shared property might be a focus. Expect a surprise. Midweek you want to travel and "get away from all this." Hopefully, you can do something different that is stimulating and exciting. By the weekend, you're high viz. and others admire you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

When the going gets tough - the Scorpios play! This is a wonderful week for sports, social outings, fun activities with kids, the arts and doing absolutely anything that pleases you. Admittedly, the week begins with the Moon opposite your sign, which means you have to go more than halfway when you're dealing with others. No biggie. Be polite, friendly and conciliatory. Midweek, financial discussions and negotiations will favour you. In fact, it's an excellent time to decide how to share or divide something. By the end of the week, you'll be eager for adventure, and hungry to travel or get a change of scenery. Meanwhile, relations with coworkers are cozy. In fact, a work-related romance might begin.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're happy to nest at home this week; however, you will also enjoy entertaining others because you're in a playful mood and keen to socialize. Travel will appeal - as always. (Sagittarius is the traveller of the zodiac.) As the week begins, you might tackle new creative projects. You'll work hard and perhaps work on behalf of someone else. Midweek, when the Moon opposes your sign, you have to cooperate with others, which is not difficult for you because at heart, you're breezy and easy-going. By the end of the week, you have strong feelings about financial matters and sharing wealth with someone else. You might even debate the ownership of something. But on the whole, it's a lighthearted week. Enjoy!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a lovely week for your sign because the pace is fast and you're happy with your busy schedule of short trips, errands, appointments plus increased reading and studying. Home repairs and family discussions will take place. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the week, you want to schmooze and socialize! Enjoy sports events, fun outings and playful activities with kids. Parents take note: be vigilant about your children to avoid accidents. Midweek, work-related travel and a chance to buckle down and get things done will appeal to you. By the end of the week, with the Moon opposite your sign, you are best served by being cooperative with others. This means you have to go along to get along.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

With fair Venus in your House of Communications, your everyday surroundings and activities are pleasant and agreeable. In fact, your appreciation of the beauty of your everyday surroundings will make you happy to be in your skin. This is a great time to enjoy the company of others. It's also an excellent time for writers and intellectual creativity. Meanwhile, although money and cash flow are on your mind, take time to enjoy home and family at the beginning of the week. (Caution against accidents.) Midweek offers wonderful opportunities to schmooze and socialize, particularly with the arts, sports events and fun times with kids. Expect a busy weekend.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This continues to be a powerful time for you because the Sun is in your sign giving you a chance to re-energize and replenish yourself. Both Mercury and Venus are in your Money House prompting you to think about moneymaking ideas. Venus of course wants you to buy beautiful things. Meanwhile, you're busy with appointments, discussions with siblings and relatives as well as short trips. Midweek, you'll enjoy hunkering down at home. Some will explore real-estate opportunities. Friday to Sunday promise social outings, fun activities with kids, romance, competitive sports and chances for a weekend getaway. This week can be whatever you want it to be.