Mars has been retrograde in Cancer, which is tough for Canada and the US -- both Cancer countries born July 1 and July 4. Tempers flare. People are stifled. Progress is stalled. Nothing is flowing as it should. Finally, today Mars turns direct. But this change is subtle. The fact is Mars sits at 17? Cancer from February 12 until March 9. (Three and a half weeks of a violin playing the same note!) Nevertheless, today Mars starts to inch forward. Hallelujah! This is hopeful. This is positive. This is constructive. But it's slow. By early May, change will become apparent. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde (not Mars) occurs March 15 to April 7. (The shadow phase March 8 - April 27.) This window is a poor time to buy ground transportation, technology, computers and cell phones. Forewarned is forearmed! (Nothing to do with four arms or forearms.)
Because the Sun is hiding in your chart right now, you're happy to play things low-key and take a backseat or work behind the scenes. Nevertheless, starting today, your ruler Mars will no longer be retrograde. This will be like taking the brakes off. You won't move forward because you're not stepping on the gas; but at least, the brakes are off. In a few weeks, you'll feel matters related to home and family began to gather momentum. This means home improvements and anything related to renovations or real-estate negotiations will start to unfold with promise, and there will be increased activity where you live. Unfortunately, domestic strife might arise if you don't agree with others. And so it goes.
Finally! The pace of your life will pick up slowly in the next few weeks. Likewise, your energy will also increase slowly, and noticeably after March 9. (You can count on this.) Not only will you feel your energy increase, the dynamics of your intellect and your communications with others will become more purposeful, even aggressive, especially if anyone disagrees with you. This is because you'll identify with your ideas! As your energy picks up, likewise, your daily calendar will become busier with appointments, errands, short trips, travel plans plus reading, writing and studying. You have something to say!
Financial matters and dealing with your possessions and the things you own have been stressful. You might have struggled with money decisions, while some of you lost your gusto to earn money or boost your earnings. This has been a concern. You might also have become a victim of your possessions. Be encouraged to know that these doubts will fade starting today. In fact, in a few weeks, you'll be purposeful, confident and active in moving your assets around and using your money to do your bidding. You will use your money to benefit yourself, buying things and taking care of your possessions in a way that makes you feel good. After all, with Jupiter in your sign, you have divine protection!
Life has been challenging for you in the past few months because Mars has been retrograde in your sign. Starting today, this is over. But like a large ship that takes a while to slowly turn, it will take a few weeks for you to feel the energy building up until you're pumped! At that point, you will be productive. You will assert yourself among others. You'll be more of a fighter for your own rights as well as the rights of others. Basically, you will sense down deep, that this is your chance to show the world what you can do. If not now, then when? For the first time in 12 years, lucky Jupiter is going to enter your sign this summer in June. Then, you'll be PowerPoint on steroids! All hail!
This has been a difficult time for you because some of your worst fears seem to be possible, creating feelings of self-doubt or making you paralyzed to act. But not entirely. Your fun-loving self still shines through and you have enjoyed good times. Nevertheless, this shadow phase has been there for the last few months. Be reassured that starting today, these feelings of angst and concern will start to diminish. In the next few weeks, your confidence will grow and by April 18, fiery Mars will burst back into your sign making you will feel empowered! "Bring me my bow of burnished gold. Bring me my arrows of desire...... Bring me my chariot of fire!"
You like to help others because it makes you feel good. (We all feel this way but I think Virgos feel this more strongly than other signs. It's a blessing you have.) But in the last few months, your interactions with groups, clubs, organizations and friends has challenged some basic principles. If options were not obvious or readily available, you ignored the demands of others because it seemed too hard to do something about it. (Yes, I know this is not like you.) Starting today, you will slowly turn things around. In fact, after a few weeks, you'll become more involved with friends and groups and make things happen! You'll enjoy being physically active and even competitive with others! Oh yeah.
You sense that you're approaching an opportunity later this year when you will make a great impression on others. (This is true.) Therefore, it's in your best interest to do whatever you can to be performance ready. Nevertheless, in the last several weeks, this hasn't motivated you. Meh. In part this was because you had a lot on your plate; plus, the motivation just wasn't there. (Let's put that P back in apathy.) However, starting today a new wind will begin blowing through your world and in a few weeks, your ambition to achieve will be aroused! In fact, you'll be so determined, you might clash with bosses or authority figures. One thing that will support you now is that you're keen to work! (This is a fortuitous coincidence.)
Recently the beliefs that you have embraced have been challenged. You have questioned your respect for tradition. Along with this, your desire to travel has been frustrated with obstacles and delays. No worries. As of today, this confusing, frustrating energy will begin to subside and slowly, in its place, you will find that you are excited about creative, intellectual opportunities. You might have a chance to travel. Avenues in publishing, the media, the law and medicine will be hold promise for you. Some of you will meet exciting people from different backgrounds and other cultures. Ironically, the thing that you have been trying to do will suddenly become possible and you will expand your knowledge of the world. Yay!
Now that Mars is moving forward, your ego will get stronger when it comes to confronting others about financial situations, disputes about inheritances, discussions about shared property and defining shared responsibilities. You won't hesitate to speak up and defend your rights. However, you might choose to reevaluate or modify your position on something. After all, you're dealing with possessions, property and debt that are jointly held. (This includes credit card companies.) Interactions with a parent are significant. Home repairs are likely. Nevertheless, Venus will guarantee fun socializing with others!
Mars retrograde opposite your sign has created angst in your closest relationships and partnerships. (I know you're nodding your head.) The good news is that as of today, much of this tension will reduce. Nevertheless, Mars will still be opposite your sign, creating some tension in a testy way. But the positive note is that you will be more successful in airing your grievances and standing up for yourself. Furthermore, both parties will be inclined now to put energy into repairing the relationship. This is a busy time with short trips, conversations, reading and studying. Make time to relax and entertain at home. Share good food and drink with a friend.
Good news! The fact that Mars is no longer retrograde is excellent for you because both your health and your ability to work efficiently have been adversely affected. One aspect of these problems was your own self-doubt and even fear. But now these negative forces are diminished. You'll move forward. Your new strength and attitude will build (albeit slowly) but they will strengthen in the next eight weeks. You'll be that confident Action Hero once again! Continue to focus on financial matters and acting on moneymaking ideas. Fortunately, right now you have the ability to appreciate the beauty of your daily surroundings - which is a blessing.
Your relationships with your kids as well as your relationships with romantic partners (to say nothing of your involvement with creative projects and socializing with others) has been off the rails lately. We both know this. Starting today those influences that were contributing to this dysfunctional situation will end. Admittedly, as you slowly turn 180? to go in the opposite direction, the improvements will come but incrementally, which means you must be patient. Be patient with your kids. Be patient with romantic partners. Be patient with your own appreciation (or lack of it) of your creative talents. Happier times are waiting for you as the next eight weeks unfold. Count on this!