All Signs

Valentine's Day is a sweet oasis in a hectic week ahead. However, even Valentine's Day will have a spontaneous quality, so don't over plan. Meanwhile, we're getting closer to Feb. 24 when Mars retrograde will be over. Glory hallelujah! Mars went retrograde in Leo on Dec. 6, and a month later, it slipped back into Cancer where it still is. When Mars is retrograde, people lash out and prematurely end things or sever bonds. Hidden anger simmers beneath the surface causing problems everywhere. Major equipment breakdowns and delays occur. Plans don't work out. Both Canada and the US are Cancer countries. (July 1st and July 4th) Mars was retrograde in Cancer in 1928, 1931, 1945-46, 1960, 1975, 1978, 1992-93, 2007 and this year 2025. In 2 1/2 weeks, life will move forward more easily. (It's always darkest before it gets pitch black.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Life has been difficult because you feel frustrated with family members. This anger might even be unconscious, which means that you might act compulsively or inappropriately and then wonder why. It's hard to get things done at home. You might begin projects in different areas, only to find them stalled in the water. Grrr. Meanwhile, something has upset your home routine. Interactions with parents might be particularly challenging. Fortunately, on the upside, relations with friends, groups and organizations are positive, enthusiastic and full of purpose. And one final blessing - with fair Venus in your sign, you find it easy to be charming and diplomatic. Sweet!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

In some ways, life has been lurching along. I say lurching because at times, it feels like it's two steps forward, one step backwards. For example, your communications with others have not been on the usual even keel that you like to maintain. As a rule, you don't get really angry, because if you do, it's game over and you know it. (This is why you're always in control.) But lately, your communications, especially with siblings, relatives and neighbours have been tested - and I mean tested. Fortunately, the Sun at the top of your chart is saving the day by making you look attractive to others, which ameliorates everything. In fact, their admiration warms and softens you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Mars retrograde makes you concerned about finances. You don't want to repeat past mistakes and you don't want to spend impulsively. You might have a conflict with someone about financial issues or your possessions, which create feelings of self-doubt; and you might catch yourself second-guessing whether you're being too aggressive or too passive about what you want to do. (It's a Gemini thang, which twin is talking?) Meanwhile, make plans to travel or do something for a change of scenery because this will lift your spirits! You will impress parents, bosses and authority figures with your word dazzle. (Some people have a way with words. Some not have way.)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Mars retrograde makes you feel fatigued and lacking in confidence and drive. (And yet, you can be irritated with others.) You might question your appearance and wonder about your wardrobe or your hair or the image you create on your world. The bottom line is once again, you're second-guessing yourself. Ironically, the truth of the matter is that fair Venus is at the top of your chart making you appealing and charming to everyone, especially authority figures. Furthermore, you feel confident about financial negotiations and decisions about shared property, inheritances, taxes and debt because you're on top of your game. Relax.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

By nature, you're confident and optimistic, as well as flirtatious and romantic. (Oh sure, there's more but do we have time?) The thing is that Mars has been retrograde in a hidden part of your chart, and will continue doing this for the next few weeks. This is why you are secretly nursing the worst fears about yourself. You doubt your abilities as a parent, a lover, a friend, a boss, an employee, a leader and so on. Fortunately, these crippling thoughts are temporary. Admittedly, with the Sun opposite your sign this month, you're tired and you need more sleep. A change of scenery will make you feel better. You have great ideas about your finances as well. You'll be strong and vibrant by the end of the month.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Relations with friends have been a bit bizarre because at times, you might be questioning your ability to be a good friend. You wonder if you've made enough effort to nourish your friendships. Ironically, you might feel irritated with a friend, but at the same time, you can't assert yourself or discuss it. These are self-critical, self-doubting thoughts triggered by Mars retrograde going through your House of Friendships. The truth is because you are so observant and always willing to help others, your friends love you. Meanwhile, this is a lovely, productive time for you. In addition, romance is affectionate. Let these feelings of self-doubt go because by the end of the month - they're history.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You present well because you're colour coordinated and well-dressed. As a people pleaser, you're also charming. (Libra is one of the most attractive signs of the zodiac.) That's why it's curious that you doubt your ability to make a great impression right now? You might be worried about the image you create on bosses and important people because you feel you're not receiving the recognition you deserve. In turn, this could trigger misunderstandings with bosses; and make you reassess your goals and wonder about your direction in life. Fortunately, this is also a fun-loving, playful time for you, which is why you're enjoying socializing, meeting friends in restaurants and taking time for romance and vacations. Live it up!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Travel delays have been disappointing. You might have had to cancel trips or revise travel plans. Meanwhile, interactions with others might be challenging because of heated debates and misunderstandings about philosophy, religion, politics and racial issues. These are hot topics. In fact, they could lead to thinking about getting further education or training. Perhaps you want to sharpen your media skills because you have plans about how to network better or reach out to others. Many of these ideas will start to come to fruition by the end of the month - but not before hand. Meanwhile, focus on home repairs and family to feel the greatest rewards this week. This is also a creative time for you!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Optimism is a survival issue because it's vital that you have a positive frame of mind for you to do what you want and to achieve your goals. Right now, you're worried about financial issues related to banking, mortgages, loans, inheritances and the resources and wealth of your partner. You seem to be second-guessing yourself and others. In one way, you think you know what you should do - but then, suddenly you're not sure. These feelings are triggered by Mars retrograde in one of your Money Houses. Wait until after February 24, and you will know what to do. In the meantime, stay busy. Enjoy short trips. Talk to others. Take a course or learn something new!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your closest relationships have been challenging because Mars has been retrograde opposite your sign. One of the biggest things you've been dealing with is repressed anger, either on your part or the part of someone else, which can mushroom into an argument at the drop of a hat. Be reassured that after February 24, whatever conflict you feel with someone else will be better defined and more easily understood. This will be less frustrating because you will know what's going on. Fortunately, you're on top of your earnings and your money scene. This is good. In fact, your confidence is strong. Enjoy redecorating at home. Invite someone over to see what you've done.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You are one sharp cookie. Many of you are computer geeks, scientists and activists because you want to make the world a better place. But lately, your confidence at work sucks. You're not sure about the security of your job, as well as whether or not you're dazzling others like you used to. Things are vague. Fear not, this self-doubt about your performance related to your work and even the state of your wellness or health is related to Mars retrograde. The good news is that Mars will no longer be retrograde after February 24. Fortunately, with the Sun and Mercury in your sign now, you're confident and attractive to others. (This is a temporary dark cloud on your horizon.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

For those of you who are parents, relations with your kids has been confusing. In fact, you might question your ability as a parent or a teacher. Likewise, romance has been in the toilet. No matter what you do, things seem to go sideways. Some of this has been due to a latent anger or hostility that you are finally expressing. And some of it is due to feeling distracted and not focused the way you usually are. After February 24, things will improve immensely! Trust me. In the meantime, keep a low profile. However, on Valentine's Day, Mercury will move into your sign making you chatty and talkative to everyone. It's all good. Everything will work out.