This week Wednesday the 29th ushers in the Chinese New Year, which will be the Year of the Wood Snake. Like Western astrology, Chinese astrology has 12 signs (which are animals instead of constellations); however, each animal can be one of five different elements, which therefore gives Chinese astrology a 60-year cycle. Their New Year always begins on a New Moon; and this particular New Moon is auspicious because it makes a bountiful aspect to lucky, moneybags Jupiter. Yay! We welcome good fortune! At the end of the week, the weekend is dreamy and romantic. (Sigh.) Meanwhile, the theme for this week is friendships. Remember: friends don't let friends drive naked.
This is a popular week. Not only will you enjoy warm times with friends, you will also be more involved with groups and organizations. The Sun, Mercury, the New Moon and Pluto are all in your House of Friendships, which means this is the perfect time for you to think about the friends you have. Do you hang out with quality people? Do your friends have your back? Examine the role your friends play in your life. Meanwhile this first New Moon of the year is an omen that this year will be filled with good feelings and peace and harmony with others. You will accomplish something good and useful for yourself. What a blessing!
This is an auspicious time for you. The first New Moon of this year (that occurs on Wednesday and ushers in the Chinese New Year) takes place at the very top of your chart. "All hail Caesar!" This means you will be more high viz. this year. Not only will people notice you more for various reasons, they will admire you. (Buy some new duds.) You will be able to see your life as a whole and take stock and explore how you can be a positive force in your world. Don't hesitate to explore new activities, new directions and learn new things. Be confident that what you do will boost your earnings and bring you increased wealth. Ka-ching!
The first New Moon of this year (which occurs on Wednesday) suggests more travel for you this year. Not only will you travel more, you'll have a deeper desire to learn and study more, especially philosophy, religion and politics. Basically, you want to expand your world both physically and intellectually. Indeed, it's a fortunate year for you because Jupiter is in your sign until June - something that happens only once every 12 years, and when this occurs, your good fortune increases! Plus, you're happier! Afterwards, in the summer, when Jupiter leaves your sign, it moves to your Money House and makes you richer. (Am I boring you?)
Auspicious news! The first New Moon of this year is Wednesday's New Moon, which starts the Chinese New Year. Furthermore, because it makes a beneficial contact with moneybags Jupiter, this signals that you will benefit from the wealth and resources of others this year. Inheritances might come to you. Money back from the government might come to you. Your partner might have increased benefits or wealth that indirectly helps you. This is a strong signal that you are going to have a beneficial year; and of course, in June of this year, lucky Jupiter enters your sign for the first time in 12 years! And it will stay in your sign for an entire year! Lucky you!
When it comes to dealing with spouses, partners and close friends, this year will be better for you. The first New Moon of the year will be Wednesday's New Moon that ushers in the Chinese New Year. This occurs directly opposite your sign in your House of Partnerships. Furthermore, because it makes a wonderful aspect with lucky Jupiter, these relationships will broaden your world in some way. This year, you might travel more with friends and partners. They might encourage you to have more ambitious goals. In the meantime, get more rest this month because you will need it. Sleep is the fuel in your tank.
People are aware of your success and your excellent reputation now because lucky Jupiter is at the top of your chart. However, this week, it so happens that the first New Moon of the year (the beginning of the Chinese New Year) takes place in the part of your chart associated with your work, your job, your health and even your pet. This means these areas will get a lovely boost now and for the entire year! It's a "message" coming to you from the universe. You can expect your health to improve, for example. You will flourish well in your job. You might travel for work. Pets might become a source of joy. It's all good.
Good news! This year will be full of fun-loving, playful opportunities and more chances to travel. (All that fun stuff.) This is for several reasons, not the least of which is the symbolic fact that the first New Moon of this year (Wednesday this week -- the day of the Chinese New Year) takes place in the part of your chart that is about recreation, socializing, exploring the entertainment world, and everything to do with sports, playful activities with kids, vacations and fun outings. As the most social sign of the zodiac, this is music to your ears. Even in practical terms, these are the areas that you might boost your income i.e. exploring ways to entertain other people could increase your wealth.
It's interesting to note that the first New Moon of the year is this week on Wednesday, which starts the Chinese New Year. In your chart, this event takes place in the area related to home and family. Because this is a fortunate New Moon that happens to be dancing with lucky, moneybags Jupiter, it means your home will become enhanced in some way this year. You might make home improvements. You might expand your home. Likewise, family relations will be enriched and will be warmer and more mutually supportive. You might even expand your family. Meanwhile, practical and financial support from partners and others will continue to come your way. Looking good!
Being outdoors, physical activity, and optimism are survival issues for your sign. Most especially is optimism. You have to believe that something better is around the next corner or coming down the pipe. Recently news in the media has been discouraging, which is why I encourage many of you to take a news fast. Do yourself this favour. (If the world is going to end next week, someone will tell you.) Meanwhile, Wednesday's New Moon is auspicious because it is symbolic for the coming year. And this particular New Moon is dancing with your ruler Jupiter in a way that promises you increased optimism, chances to travel, plus opportunities to learn and meet new people. Go out for a brisk walk and alphabetize your blessings.
You value home and family. You like well-planned endings. You're never casual about money. This is why you'll be happy to learn that the first New Moon of this year (which ushers in the Chinese New Year) takes place in your Money House, which symbolizes that your assets, possessions and finances are looking solid this year. This is because this particular New Moon is dancing with lucky, moneybags Jupiter, which in turn promotes your ability to earn money as well as your ability to enjoy your job. And if you are not happy with your job, then you can get a better job. This blessing even extends to your health. Therefore, even though partnerships have been demanding (and will continue to be so until the end of February), your assets look reliable.
There is a lot of activity in your sign this week. Primarily it's because the first New Moon of this year, which is the beginning of the Chinese New Year, takes place in your sign. Furthermore, it so happens that it is making a favourable aspect to bountiful Jupiter, which means your sign is likewise blessed. Among the many advantages that you can expect this year will be wonderful opportunities for a vacation and a chance to explore your creative talents. You will also enjoy increased involvement with children. Indeed, parents will receive joy from their kids. Confusion related to your job and even your health will be over by the end of February. Hang in there.
This week the first New Moon of the year occurs on Wednesday (ushering in the Chinese New Year). However, what makes it a special New Moon is the fact that it is dancing beautifully with lucky, moneybags Jupiter, which is a sure sign that this year you will improve your home environment and improve the physical aspects of your home as well - perhaps through remodelling, redecorating or renovations. Some of you might even move. Likewise, family relationships will improve in a lovely way, and family members will be more generous with each other. Currently, difficulties with kids will continue but they will be resolved (or improved) by the end of February. It's all good. Your home base is solid.