All Signs

My apologies for not mentioning Mercury retrograde earlier! (However, those who have my Annual Forecasts would have had this information.) Mercury will be retrograde from Nov. 26 to Dec.15. This is why we're dealing with confused communications, misplaced items as well as problems with ground transportation (cars, trucks and bikes) and delays in public transit. The postal strike is one classic example. It gets worse: The shadow phase of Mercury retrograde is from Nov. 15 to Jan. 3, 2025. (Yikes!) This is a bummer for those who want to buy holiday gifts like computers, cell phones and high-tech equipment to say nothing of cars, trucks and bikes. It looks like when the going gets tough - the tough don't go shopping.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your urge to travel and expand your world continues to be strong this week. If you can get outta Dodge - you will! Even if you can't travel in a major way, you can do day trips. Do something to get a change of scenery and spice up your life. Happily, Mercury retrograde will help you finish manuscripts, books and important school papers. Meanwhile, you are not into self-denial right now. Au contraire! You want to play! Sports, the theatre, social outings, fun activities with kids and chances to schmooze are where it's at for you this week. Plus, you create a favourable impression on everyone! This is because Venus is at the top of your chart, which makes you look attractive to authority figures. People are impressed. (Some will begin a flirtation with a boss.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Mercury retrograde can be helpful to you because it will make it easier for you to wrap up loose details with financial matters and anything to do with taxes, debt, inheritances and insurance issues. You'll be surprised at how swiftly you can deal with these things (which are so easy to ignore). Meanwhile, travel for pleasure appeals! Enjoy art exhibits, new places, new faces and anything that teaches you new things. You might be attracted to someone who is "different." Part of this could be a desire to escape the increased chaos and activity on the home front, which seems to be building up because of visiting guests, renovations, residential moves or a busy lifestyle! Yikes!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You need more sleep. No question. Take naps or go to bed earlier. Meanwhile, it might be a drag dealing with the fact that ex-partners are back in your world. For some, this could be delightful. For others, it's a horror show. Fortunately, fiery Mars is in your House of Communications, which means not only will you identify strongly with your ideas, you will express your opinions without hesitation. Obviously, this is a good influence for doing mental work and intellectual tasks. But it also means you will defend yourself and say what you mean and mean what you say! Meanwhile, sexy affection is possible. In addition, gifts, goodies and favours from others will come your way. How sweet it is!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're working hard to accomplish as much as possible. Unfortunately, Mercury retrograde is creating delays, goofy mistakes, misplaced items and equipment breakdowns. Accept this as what's happening and carry on with style. Be a role model for others by showing you can deal with these frustrations in a classy way. However, be smart: plan ahead and give yourself extra time to have wiggle room for unexpected delays. Fortunately, with Venus opposite your sign, partners, friends and members of the general public will be charming and helpful to you. (That's a bonus.) Mars is making you identify with your efforts, especially to earn money. You're gung-ho!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Another playful week! Buy something fun to wear because opportunities to socialize are dropping in your lap. (Even if you feel you're caught between "I can't afford this" and "I only live once.") But hey, fiery Mars is in your sign boosting your physical energy! In fact, you're so enthusiastic, you're ready to go after whatever you want! Both the Sun and Mercury retrograde are in the most playful part of your chart, which means old flames will be back on the scene. If not physically, then in your thoughts and even in your dreams. Your social calendar will be busy with invitations and opportunities to party and schmooze with others. Even work colleagues are warm and friendly to the point of flirtations. Dress the part!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Home and family continue to be your big focus this week because Mercury retrograde is taking place in this part of your chart. Actually, this makes it the perfect time to tackle home repairs and have important family discussions about matters that you've been putting off. However, Mercury retrograde will attract relatives out of the woodwork -- so stock the fridge! Meanwhile, fair Venus is in the part of your chart that wants to party and have a good time. This means despite the fact that you might wish to hide at home, you will go out and amuse yourself with entertaining diversions, friends, romantic contacts, sports events and playful times with kids. Your creative drive is strong!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're busy! Ever since Covid, many of us got in the habit of a slower pace. Our worlds shrank and it has taken a while to get back on track. You are now truly in the thick of things schmoozing with others and talking to everyone! Enjoy short trips and fun interactions with siblings, relatives and neighbours. Make appointments to share coffee, drinks, lunch and dinner. Note: Mercury retrograde will create travel hitches so give yourself extra time for whatever you're doing. At best delays, at worst auto breakdowns. (Oh no!) Enjoy redecorating and tweaking your digs because you love your home. This is a great week to entertain. Interactions with friends and groups are lively!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You're focused on finances. Perhaps budgets or how to save money or earn money? Or you might focus on purchasing things, or decluttering what you already own. Basically, you want your possessions to reflect your values. Because Mercury retrograde is in your Money House, cheques in the mail will be late. Refunds and payments will also be delayed. However, you might have a second chance to earn money in a way that you tried once before? You're certainly ambitious. Plus, Jupiter is in your other Money House attracting gifts and support from others. No wonder you're so charming and diplomatic!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

With the Sun in your sign, you're more aware of your personal identity and how you present yourself to the world. You like to dress comfortably; nevertheless, it's good to do a reality check to see how others see you. (After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.) You're enjoying the spotlight. You won't mind taking on a leadership role. Your physical energy and vitality are strong; and you're expressing yourself with greater ease and confidence because both the Sun and Mercury retrograde are in Sagittarius. "Say no more!" Ex-partners and old friends are back on the scene. Nevertheless, make future travel plans! Express your true self without fear or apology.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

While others are out there flying their colours, you're happy to enjoy your own privacy. Pamper yourself. Find a comfortable little nook with good food and drink, where you can read a book, watch your iPad or contemplate your navel. As I mentioned last week, this is an excellent time for you to do any kind of research because Mercury retrograde will help you. Meanwhile, it's a great week to shop for wardrobe treasures. Romance is affectionate. (Perhaps some alluring underwear? Or, if you must - overwear.) Venus in your sign continues to make you charming with everyone. And of course, Venus always ranks pleasure above work.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your friends are important to you. Too often, other people don't grasp this. But you value your friends, which is one of the reasons you are such an excellent networker. This week you will welcome the company of others. You will enjoy clubs, groups and organizations. Friends from the past will pop up into your world. You might even go back to a previous club or group that you have not been involved with for a while. It's old home week! However, be patient with those who are closest to you because Mars is opposite your sign now, and this can make you feel annoyed with others. Grrr. Meanwhile, secret love affairs are a strong likelihood. At least a secret crush.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This week the Sun is still at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. This means you continue to have the advantage of looking wonderful in the eyes of others without doing anything special. (Amazing!) Obviously, you can use this to your advantage! Meanwhile, due to Mercury retrograde, many of you are in contact with old bosses or parents you haven't seen for a while. On the upside, you might present an idea that was rejected before, but now -- maybe it could fly? You're working hard now. In fact, you're busting your buns! One rewarding feature this week is the pleasure you will receive by interacting with friends and groups. It's a genuine, mutual affection.