This is a challenging week. Right at the beginning, we're faced with chores, duties and responsibilities. No doubt, this will be overwhelming for some. Strong urges will culminate by Thursday, when passionate feelings of anger and resentment might arise. Unfortunately, these feelings will linger for the rest of the week; and in some cases, they could lead to aggressive behaviour. Hold your horses! Why even go there? What's the upside? The purpose of life is to be happy, which means smart choices are the ones that promote your own happiness and welfare. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "When it's dark enough - you can see the stars." (Of course, it's always darkest before it gets pitch black.) There are times when we need to use our common sense, which unfortunately, is not that common. For example, never do card tricks for the people you play poker with. Right?
Increased chaos and activity on the home front might create some tension for you this week. This angst could be due to residential moves, redecorating projects, renovations or visiting guests that won't go home. Naturally, your desire to travel and "get away from all this" is strong. By Thursday, difficulties with bosses, parents and authority figures will be a challenge. There will be tension, which could create 'trouble and strife' (which is the Cockney rhyming slang for "wife.") Fortunately, no matter what happens, lucky Jupiter is in your House of Communications boosting your optimism and keeping you in a positive frame of mind! Meanwhile, this continues to be a time of giving up things - but you're ready. And that's a fact.
Please remember that you need more rest this month while the Sun is opposite your sign. That's because the Sun represents your energy; and it is now as far away from your sign that it can get all year. (Not in the celestial heavens. We're talking about your chart, which is about 6 inches.) Nevertheless, this is real; and you will need more sleep to prevent being grumpy. At the beginning of the week, you have the energy to deal with financial matters and the wealth and resources of others, including shared property. However, by Thursday and for the rest of the week, arguments and disputes with others might arise. Avoid controversy. Who needs it? Not you. Instead, focus on how to boost your income because this is possible.
You are industrious and busy as this week begins! You're keen to not only boost your income but spend money as well. Ka-ching! Please note that it's in your best interests to cooperate with others on Monday and Tuesday because it will serve you to "go along to get along." Financial disputes and shared property will be unavoidable on Thursday because you might be obsessed about something. This is your time of harvest, which means you are proud of your achievements. Now you can see what is working and what is not. Do not linger on failure. Instead, go forth with what you have achieved and make the most of it. With Jupiter in your sign now, and Saturn at the top of your chart you're in a position to call the shots.
You're powerful this week and you know it. After all, fiery Mars is in your sign boosting your energy, making you assertive and proactive about anything that you want to achieve. Ironically, your goal now is to have fun! You want to enjoy life! In fact, a vacation would be the perfect outlet for you because you could relax and do your own thing. For those of you who are working, coworkers will be supportive because they see you're willing to roll up your sleeves and dig in. However, by Thursday, difficulties with partners and close friends might arise. People are unhappy. Someone might be trying to look for someone else to take the blame. Run away! Run away!
Home and family are your strong concerns right now. In fact, some of you might be more involved than usual with a parent. Nevertheless, you feel playful and sociable this week because both Mercury and Venus are in the part of your chart that promotes socializing, romance, sports and fun times with children. Be aware that by Thursday, situations could turn a bit ugly. Someone might be working against your own best interests. Be ready for this and if you suspect that something funny is going on - it is. By the end of the week, cooperate with others, especially partners and close friends. Be a class act.
You're bursting with energy in the beginning of this week, which is why short trips, conversations with others plus increased reading and writing will keep you on the go. Situations at home will also demand your attention. Family conversations, home repairs and home redecorating projects along with plans to entertain will all combine to give you a jampacked schedule. Be patient with your kids on Thursday. Avoid power struggles because nobody wins. No matter what happens, remember that Jupiter is still at the top of your chart making you look successful in the eyes of others. It will stay there until next summer and this can happen only once every 12 years. Enjoy this advantage!
Your ambition is aroused - no question. Actually, many issues in your life right now make you question your values - what really matters? At a more mundane level, you are also concerned with monetary issues, cash flow, earnings and major purchases. Fortunately, both Mercury and your ruler Venus are in your House of Communications, making your words tactful and diplomatic. In particular, because you will appreciate your surroundings more than usual, this is an excellent week to take a short trip. Travel plans and a chance to expand your world will help make you be performance ready for your stellar success next year. It's all good.
This is another powerful week for you because the Sun is in your sign recharging your batteries and helping you to project yourself to others with charisma and dazzle! Financial matters concern you. Fortunately, you can attract money to you now; plus, many of you will have moneymaking ideas. In fact, your ability to attract money to you for the remainder of this year is remarkable. *Yay!) You might inherit. You might benefit indirectly through your partner. Avoid squabbles and tension on Thursday, especially with siblings, relatives and neighbours. Steer clear of controversy because it could be nasty.
Mixed planetary influences will no doubt create some contradictions for you this week. With Mercury and Venus in your sign, you're keen to socialize and share your ideas and opinions with others. No question. Nevertheless, because the Sun is hiding in your chart, you also want to keep a low profile and work alone or behind the scenes. You will have to juggle these contradicting influences as best you can. By Thursday, nasty disputes about money, property, possessions and values will likely erupt. (You need this like a fish needs a bicycle.) Steer clear of this. Instead, look to partners and close friends for mutual support. Meanwhile, this is an excellent time to shop for wardrobe items.
This is a popular time for you, which is why others might look to you for your ideas. They see you as knowledgeable, realistic and practical. Let's face it, for the most part - you are. Nevertheless, on Thursday, you might find yourself at odds with others. People seem to be obsessed and contrary. Even those who are close to you might be disagreeable. Don't get mired down by all this. Instead focus on your job and your health because these are the areas in your life where you can make things better. When the going gets bumpy, look for the roads that are smoothly paved. Why not?
You're definitely high viz. this week because the Sun is at the top of your chart thrusting you in a spotlight that is flattering to you! This means that others admire you and see you as being capable and competent - even if you don't do anything special. (It's smoke and mirrors.) Interactions with younger, creative people will be strong now. You might be attracted to a friend in a romantic way. Vacations and fun times appeal, especially sports, socializing, the arts, the entertainment world and exciting travel. Keep your head down on Thursday when people are fighting. Go with what's good.
So much is happening right now, which is why you want to escape somewhere where you can relax and catch your breath. Let's face it. You need a change of scenery! Nevertheless, with both Mercury and Venus at the top of your chart, people are listening to you. They are looking to you for advice. They also admire you! (Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.) Therefore, be mindful of your actions. (This is definitely the time to keep the game face on.) Remember this advice on Thursday when difficulties with parents, bosses and authority figures as well as family members will be challenging. Do what you can to keep the peace for your own sake as well as the benefit of others.