Monday is Thanksgiving in Canada. Unfortunately, it could be a challenging day for some family dinners because people might be touchy and more sensitive than usual. Tempers might flare. Happily, Tuesday is a fabulous day full of hopes, ideals and budding romance! By Wednesday, we'll start feeling a buildup of tension before Thursday's Full Moon, which is in feisty Aries! This will be a challenge, but nothing we can't handle. By Friday, everyone will pull their act together for a productive and busy Saturday. Finally, Sunday will be a day of REST - to clean up the rest of the mess; to put away the rest of the stuff; to finish the rest of the laundry; and eat the rest of the turkey.
This could be a challenging week for you because the Full Moon on Thursday is in your sign. (This is the only time all year this occurs, and when it does, it can trigger tension with partners and close friends.) Meanwhile, fiery Mars, your ruler, is at the bottom of your chart stirring up energy, which might make you behave compulsively and do something you could later regret. You might feel irritable or impatient with family members. You might feel that you have too much on your plate and you're a bit overwhelmed. Of course, there's lots of activity taking place at home, and this can also contribute to domestic tension. Fortunately, romance is promising and gifts, goodies and money might come your way. Ka-ching!
On the whole, you get along with others quite easily because you are reasonable and cooperative. However, this week is fast-paced, which means you're busy. On top of that, you identify with certain ideas now and you identify with them strongly! Naturally, if someone disagrees with you, you might have an argument. Beware of trying to coerce others into believing as you do, especially if this deals with politics. (Taurus people are great newspaper readers and knowledgeable about history and politics.) Midweek the Full Moon could trigger difficulties with coworkers. It might even create stress that is health-related or disagreements about a pet. Stay cool.
This week, your greatest challenge is dealing with your kids or a romantic partner. Actually, relations with friends as well as groups and organizations might also be tested due to the Full Moon energy that peaks on Thursday. Basically, this is still a lovely, playful time for you. Enjoy social outings! Accept invitations to schmooze with others! Sports events and fun times with kids will appeal. However, these are also the very areas that will be tested by the Full Moon. Continue to work hard to boost your earnings because work-related issues are favourable. In fact, coworkers are supportive and helpful. Avoid knee-jerk reactions.
There are some challenges this week - definitely. However, you will stand your own and be ready to defend yourself and the rights of others because fiery Mars is in your sign. (No moss growing on you!) Both Mercury and Venus will encourage you to socialize with others and enjoy sports events plus fun activities with kids. The arts will also appeal. Nevertheless, the Full Moon that takes place on Thursday could create stress between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career and your reputation in the community. You won't be able to please both. Something has to give. Remember that you are a nester and family is important to you. Be true to your values.
This is a busy, fast-paced week! Family discussions will take place. You might entertain at home. You will certainly want to tweak your digs and make things look more attractive. Do note that as the tension builds up before the Full Moon on Thursday, it creates a mild accident-prone influence for you, which means you should pay attention to everything you say and do. Remind yourself that you don't have to win every argument or be convincing. If the conversation is flagging, you don't have to fill in and rescue others. Let things be. Especially avoid controversial subjects because this is where you will get in trouble - politics, religion and racial issues. Easy does it.
Certain kinds of financial issues might come to a head this week, hopefully to be resolved. Or perhaps these issues will relate to something that you own - your belongings or your possessions? You might feel pressured in some way by a friend or a member of a group. There is always conflicting energy with every Full Moon, which means you can't please everyone. It also means that everyone cannot win. With both Mercury and Venus in your House of Communications, you have the charm and diplomacy to be a role model for others. Where there is dissension, you might point out that 10 years from now - will any of this matter? Be courteous and accommodating.
This is a powerful week for you because the Sun is in your sign boosting your energy and helping you to project yourself to others with enthusiasm! Furthermore, fiery Mars is at the top of your chart arousing your ambition! Meanwhile, the Full Moon on Thursday is directly opposite your sign, which means tension with partners and close friends is likely. However, this is also an opportunity to resolve issues because they will come to a head and solutions might be more obvious. (Look on the bright side.) Focus on your moneymaking ideas. You might also buy something pretty for yourself or someone else.
You are a playful sign. You are also wilful and self-disciplined. In fact, when you're on a mission, you can be intimidating to others (even though you don't think so). With fair Venus in your sign now, you will find it easy to be charming and diplomatic with everyone. (Major bonus.) However, Mercury, the planet of communications, is also in your sign, which means you have something to say and you intend to say it! Midweek the energy will start building before Thursday's Full Moon, which could create tension with coworkers or something related to your health or a pet. Go gently. Be part of the solution not part of the problem this week. Enjoy shopping for wardrobe treasures.
By nature, you are lighthearted and friendly. You're basically easy going. At the beginning of the week, if tempers flare, be the energy that smooths things over. Be a role model so others can resist pettiness. Admittedly, by Thursday, you might find yourself at odds with a romantic partner, with your kids or with friends, especially members of organizations. This will be because Thursday's Full Moon, will define and reveal some problems, which can't be ignored. But this might be a good thing? Perhaps it relates to shared finances or shared property? It might be about who is going to run the show? This is a chance to get these things out in the open and look for solutions.
Family is important to you. Therefore, be patient with family members on Monday if people are gathered together for Thanksgiving dinner. There will be tension. However, you can demonstrate grace under pressure. You can be the voice of reason and respect for tradition. Your involvement with younger people as well as creative people is strong now. However, be patient with friends and partners because this will be your Achilles' heel. On Thursday, the Full Moon will make you choose between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career and your public reputation. In this instance, you have to respect your reputation. It's that simple.
You have a lot of energy now to work and be productive because Mars is in your House of Employment and Mars always energizes wherever it is in your chart. In fact, you will throw your energy into working hard and getting things done at such a rate that you might judge others as being lazy. Don't do this. What's happening is you are unusually gung-ho to work! Not everyone else is. Meanwhile, do be aware that as the tension builds up this week before the Full Moon on Thursday, it will encourage an accident-prone influence for your sign. These accidents could be verbal or physical. Therefore, be wise and think before you speak or act. Don't be judgmental. Don't be impulsive. Au contraire, be the modern, forward-thinking role model we all need.
Life is good right now because fiery Mars is travelling through your Fifth House, making you confident to be who you are and express yourself to others. "I am Groot!" You might give yourself gifts and reward yourself with fun outings because you want to enjoy pleasure and amusing times with others including sports events. (Admittedly, interactions with your kids might be a bit combative.) However, this week, the Full Moon on Thursday will trigger a buildup of energy and concern about financial matters. Something will come to a head or be finally resolved. This could relate to your earnings or something to do with debt and shared property or a major purchase. Afterwards, your financial picture will be clearer, which is good to know. (Money is so handy when you want to buy things.)