All Signs

This week has its challenges. One of them will be a sense of ennui or a feeling of general laziness. Be good to yourself. Don't fight this influence. Cut yourself some slack. If you can get away with doing less - do less! If you have deadlines, pace yourself. On Labour Day, there's a New Moon in Virgo; however, that day especially, it will be tough to get things done. Therefore - simplify! Simplify! Do yourself this favour. Take baby steps. (Remember the movie "What About Bob?") Baby steps. By Thursday, the social energy will pick up a bit. However, romance will be confusing even more than usual (which is saying a lot). "You're the reason I look down at my phone and smile. And then walk into a pole."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The New Moon is always an opportunity to make resolutions and set intentions. Each month, it occurs in a different sign, highlighting a different part of your chart, which in turn, gives you new areas to think about. This week the New Moon takes place on Monday, giving you opportunities to think how you can improve your health. You might approach this in a twofold way: What can you stop doing that is unhealthy? What can you start doing that is healthier? Likewise, how can you improve your job or how you do your job? Because your mind and your body are connected, remind yourself: "Today I am the youngest I will ever be."

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The New Moon on Monday takes place in a part of your chart that relates to romance, creativity, children and leisure time: creation; procreation and recreation. What role does romance play in your life? Do you attract the wrong people? Is there a pattern? How would you finish the sentence "Every time I'm in a relationship____?" How can you improve your relationships with children? Do you give yourself enough leisure time and vacations? Do you respect your need for this in order to be productive and effective? Also, do you respect your creative abilities? We are all creative, and as children we love to draw, dance and sing. Why do we stop doing this as we age?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Monday's New Moon is the perfect time to tackle (or plan) home improvements. Your home gives you a sense of security. It's your safe refuge. Likewise, your relations with family members affect your attitudes and choices. In turn, these choices create your future. Is there something you can do to improve where you live? Now is the time to strategize how to begin to do this. Likewise, would a conversation with a family member improve family relationships? Might it be important for you to establish certain boundaries? These are all things to consider this week because of the opportunities of Monday's New Moon.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Each month we have a New Moon, which is an opportunity to make resolutions. Furthermore, because the New Moon is in a different sign, we have chances to address different areas of our lives. The New Moon on Labor Day takes place in your Third House of communications, near relatives and daily routines. We are social creatures. We need to talk to others and be heard. We also need to hear what other people think and learn about what they're doing. Do your attitudes cut off your communications? Acknowledge to yourself what you have privately decided not to discuss because this will be a revelation for you. When we don't communicate to others, we are cutting ourselves off from the world.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The New Moon each month is a chance to set intentions. Furthermore, each month it occurs in a different sign, giving us different opportunities to improve our life. The New Moon on Labor Day takes place in your Money House giving you a chance to examine your attitudes about money. For example, if you unconsciously believe that money is the root of all evil, you won't hold on to it for very long. How do you feel about investments, capitalism, credit, savings? Do you think "A penny earned is a penny saved?" Or are you casual about money - "Easy come, easy go?" Your attitude to money will affect how it accrues in your life and also how you handle it.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This week on Labor Day, we have a New Moon, giving us a chance to set intentions or make resolutions because it's easier to begin things at the time of the New Moon. Furthermore, each month, the New Moon takes place in a different sign, which means we have fresh, new opportunities. Monday's New Moon takes place in your sign! Take a realistic look in the mirror and see the image that you create on your world. We are judged instantly by the images that we create. What does your image say? Do you come across as open and friendly or reserved and guarded? Remember: You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

There's a New Moon on Monday. Each month the New Moon is how we can introduce improvements in our life. Furthermore, each month, the New Moon is in a different sign, offering us different opportunities. This week's New Moon takes place in a hidden part of your chart, which means it will highlight repressed feelings and secret emotions. These feelings can affect your health and your attitudes. Ask yourself what you do that is your most self-defeating behaviour? How do you undermine yourself? How do you fail to give yourself credit? By identifying these areas, you bring them out into the light of the day and weaken their hold on you. "Be gone!"

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Every month, we have a New Moon, which is a chance for us to make resolutions. Each month it occurs in a different sign, giving us different opportunities. More specifically, it also means that these are the areas that will be easier for us to make some headway. This week the New Moon on Monday takes place in your House of Friendships. Examine the friendships you have in your life. Do these people promote your best interests or do they hold you back? Do you reach out to others or do you wait for them to make the first move? Your way of being will determine the kind of people who want to be with you - that's a given. If you want more friends - be friendly!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

On Labor Day, we have a New Moon, which is your chance to make resolutions. Because the New Moon is in a different sign each month, it will give you different opportunities to initiate new beginnings. These are not just intellectual exercises. The physical energy of the universe will actually "help" you. This New Moon occurs at the top of your chart, which means it's connected with your career and your attitude to authority. Very likely, your attitude to authority is related to your parents. In terms of you your career, where do you want to be one year from now? What new skills might you need? What changes do you have to make?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

On Monday, there's a New Moon, which will be the best chance in the year for you to take stock of your education and ask yourself what further learning might enhance your life and improve your job. You might also consider how much you travel and how much you discover about the world. What further travel will enrich your life? If you can't travel physically, you can be an armchair traveller. This is also a good time to examine your belief system. Do your spiritual beliefs give a deeper meaning to your life or do they hold you back in some way? Do your beliefs make you judgmental, which in turn, cuts you off from others? Or do they make you appreciate your world and how precious your life is?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This week the New Moon is your best chance all year to think about your responsibilities to others and how you handle shared property and shared resources. For example, what is your debt situation? Are you in over your head borrowing money on tomorrow? That can create a burden not only psychologically but it can almost feel physical. What can you do to reduce your debt? Small efforts on a regular basis will have an astounding impact over time. Do not underestimate this. This is a good time to take stock of what you own and what you owe. Don't be like an ostrich with your head in the sand. Get the facts because information is empowering.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This week, the only New Moon opposite your sign all year is taking place. This means it's your best opportunity to think about how you can improve your long term committed relationships - friendships and partnerships. Your attitude about relationships will colour the kind of people that you attract. For example, how would you finish this sentence: "Whenever I get involved in a relationship_____." Generally, relationships mirror who we are. Anger attracts anger. Examine your relationships to learn what kind of unconscious messages you send out to others. If you believe people take advantage of you, these will be the people in your world.