All Signs

On Monday, at 2:21 PM EDT (or 11:21 AM PDT), there is a Solar Eclipse taking place in the sign of Aries. In the US, you can view it in: Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont and Maine. In Canada, you can see it from Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. This will be exciting! Montreal will be plunged into darkness for a few minutes. Of course, everyone knows not look at the Eclipse without special eye protection because it can permanently damage your retina, and your ability to dance to reggae music. This is a rare phenomenon! For people in Quebec, this last occurred in 1972. And it won't occur again until 2106, which is 80 years from now. (I'm putting that date in my calendar.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is an important week because the Solar Eclipse on Monday is taking place in your sign. This will give you a chance to make a breakthrough about healing yourself, or dealing with a challenging relationship, or having an epiphany about your personal power and how you can run your life the way you want it to go. This is also an excellent time to buy wardrobe items for yourself. You might go so far as to think about how to do a makeover or create a new you? Some of these ideas might be because ex-partners and old friends are back in your life. An encounter with your past often provokes a reality check!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Solar Eclipse Monday will take place in a hidden part of your chart, which will shake up things at a deep, subconscious level for you. You might question values you've had since childhood. You might start to look at things in a new light. Most important, it might make you see that many of the limitations that you thought were operative in your life are actually self-imposed. As a result, you might have a deeper appreciation of who you are and what you can do. This is supported right now by the fact that lucky Jupiter is in your sign (which happens only once every 12 years) and that later this year you can get richer!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The Solar Eclipse that takes place on Monday will be eventful for you because it will reveal new goals for you. It might make you modify or change existing goals. It will certainly reveal new possibilities for you to consider in the future. Fortunately, concurrent with this, is the fact that this is a time of harvest for you. (Your time of harvest occurs only once every 30 years and lasts for three years.) Plus, with Mars at the top of your chart (which can happen only once every two years), your ambition is aroused. The combination of these events means that you might entertain a serious shift in your future goals. You see new possibilities. Perhaps more freedom?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You might start to entertain a major shift in your life direction because of the influence of the Solar Eclipse on Monday. It's as if new possibilities or new opportunities were opening for you. More likely, the truth is that you're seeing more clearly (or for the first time) that these possibilities actually exist for you. This is because the more we change - the things that we "see" look different. Our worlds are astonishingly subjective. (A truth that is hard to grasp when you're young and hard to miss when you're old.) Authority figures admire you. A romance with a boss is possible. Travel plans plus legal and medical matters are a focus.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Exciting possibilities might start to present themselves to you this week. Basically, they will be triggered by Monday's Solar Eclipse and very likely, they will reveal travel opportunities, or opportunities related to publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You might be excited about ways to expand your horizons. You're eager to embrace life with more passion. Although you are flamboyant, you are also a cautious sign. You like to know what is possible and what to expect. What you see now are more things were possible than you thought before! You are more willing to think big and take a chance! (After all, nobody is getting out of this alive.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

A Solar Eclipse can be like an electric shock or a huge buzz of energy to a chart. This week the Solar Eclipse on Monday will zap one of your Money Houses, which means you could have a reality check with respect to mortality, shared property, inheritances and taxes. A new POV or a new assessment of this reality might be revealed to you. This breakthrough in understanding your view of your shared assets will create a greater optimism for your future. You might go forward with travel plans. You might see ways to boost your reputation, especially later in the year. This is timely because you are starting to spread your wings - no question.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Partnerships and close friendships are important to you because you like the company of others. You're not a loner. This is one reason why the Solar Eclipse that occurs on Monday will be a big deal for you because it takes place directly opposite your sign in your House of Partnerships and Friendships. This means this is the area in your life where you will suddenly have a breakthrough, an epiphany, a new realization or understanding of something. It could be about a specific relationship. It might be about seeing your role in the relationship. It could be about seeing your need for a relationship. Whatever it is, you will be wiser with this new knowledge and better armed for the future.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The Solar Eclipse on Monday will trigger an exciting breakthrough for you that could relate to your health. You might suddenly feel a stronger sense of well-being or confidence about your health. You might learn new information about yourself. You might have new thoughts about your job and what it means to you and what it can be in the future. Whatever happens will have practical applications and advantages. It will be a real shift - something you can literally feel. You will see that every day, in every way, you're getting better and better. Meanwhile, competition in sports and physical athletics is likely for many of you. Romance will be passionate! (Oh my.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are a truth seeker. You seek ways to expand your world so that you feel more alive, more informed, and satisfied that you are doing your best to live a full life. (You expect a lot!) This week, the Solar Eclipse on Monday will electrify your desire to be free to be who you are. You might start to think about the things on your bucket list. Romantic relationships, relationships with your kids, opportunities to express your creative talents as well as chances to socialize and enjoy exciting vacations - all of these will become important priorities for you. Expect a breakthrough to see how you can better achieve something by reaching for it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You like your security. You believe in well-planned endings. This week the Solar Eclipse on Monday will stir up matters with your home and family. You might feel a breakthrough about an estranged relative. You might have an epiphany about the cause of confusion with a family or disappointment in someone. You might see better ways to approach how you deal with protecting the security of your home and family. It might occur to you that you will be happier living somewhere else? Very likely, you will express your thoughts and ideas with enthusiasm to others because they will be a meaningful revelation to you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The first time I went to Manhattan, I stayed in a large apartment in the Upper East side but to me, it was shabby and everything was old and garbage was out on the streets. However, at the end of two weeks, I adored where I was staying because I had completely transformed from my "West Coast" point of view. This week the Solar Eclipse on Monday has the power to make you see your daily surroundings with new eyes. Or perhaps what will change dramatically is the way you view your daily relationships with neighbours, relatives and siblings. Things that you took for granted might take on a new light and create wonder and appreciation within you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

When I was a kid, I heard a story that soldiers who were cold would pay someone $500 for a five-dollar hand warmer. I was baffled by this until my father explained to me about the relative values of things. On Monday, there will be Solar Eclipse in your Money House that will jiggle your values and your wealth, earnings and the things that you own. For example, you can't eat cash. Money is energy that represents making things happen. You have the ability to attract money to you at this time, which is fortunate. But in the bigger picture, you're on a new path that will hold meaningful changes for you in the next six years. What do you hope to encounter?