This week begins with a high-energy influence on Monday and Tuesday, which will help all of us to be able to get a lot done. Do get out of bed and get cracking! Quite literally, we can make hay while the Sun shines. By contrast, following this marvellous two-day burst of energy, we will suddenly want to relax and indulge in favourite pastimes, accompanied with the requisite guilt. (Guilt really does enhance the pleasure of something.) By the weekend, romance will flourish! Eyes across a crowded room and all that. Actually, the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) will really dazzle this week. The rest of us will applaud from the sidelines. And naturally, we want our 15% cut.
Your ruler fiery Mars is at the top of your chart lined up with unpredictable Uranus in one of your Money Houses. This means that if you want to really put it out there, and be proactive, and let your ambition channel what's happening -- you might be surprised at the payoff! But what it takes at the beginning of this week will be your commitment to an idea. Bosses, parents and VIPs will be impressed with your commitment and from that, it naturally follows that their favourable view of you will lead to a situation that ultimately can boost your earnings or attract a better job your way. Keep your eyes open. This week - you can't lose!
You make a fabulous impression on bosses, parents and teachers because the Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. (Happens for four weeks once a year.) This is your time to go for the gold! Something unexpected related to foreign countries, higher education, medicine, legal matters or publishing might yield a surprising opportunity. If so, you have to be ready to act. Stay off your heels. If you want to capitalize on this opportunity, be aware that because you look so good to authority figures - they will likely help you or promote your good name. (What's the point of having an advantage if you don't use it?)
You are a freedom-loving soul, and right now you want to "get away from all this." You want a change of scenery. Ideally, you want to escape to sunny climes with white beaches and people in tropical apparel. (Lots of skin showing.) And because of this desire, many of you will travel and escape to a place that pleases you. Meanwhile, financial matters are favourable this week. It's an excellent time to ask for a loan or mortgage. Doors will open for you. In fact, gifts, goodies and favours from others will come your way. Personally, feelings of desire are heightened. (Be still my beating heart.) Plan on a romantic weekend at the end of the week. Your adoring fans await you. Yay!
Dealings with others are tricky because three planets are opposite your sign right now - Mercury, Venus and Mars. Naturally, Mercury will encourage conversations and attract talkative people to you. Fair Venus will pave the way for warm, loving relations with those who are closest to you plus members of the general public. However, Mars will make you easily annoyed with someone (probably because they are annoying). This means you will have to demonstrate grace under pressure. You are more sensitive than most people know, which means you have to deal with these feelings as best you can. Fortunately, this is a popular time for you! Furthermore, your time of harvest (happens once every 30 years) is about 18 months away! You have much to look forward to!
Well, for starters, we do know that you need more sleep. Appreciate your need for more rest and get it. Don't be a hero by ignoring this because it will only make you impatient or grumpy. Fortunately, this is a productive week for you because three planets are in your House of Employment giving you drive, motivation and the energy to finish what you begin. Furthermore, coworkers will help you. For example, it's an excellent time to improve your workspace. Of course, with Jupiter at the top of your chart, your reputation is shining! (A gold star for you!) Make the most of this. Now is the time to make your pitch because you look successful!
You're pumped to work and get as much done as possible. Because you're ambitious to achieve, you will work efficiently and effectively. (Don't be smug.) (Well, maybe a little.) In addition to your desire to work hard, you also want to improve your health. (You want it all -- but why not?) Meanwhile, three planets are highlighting the part of your chart that is about play and vacations! This s why you will particularly enjoy socializing, and meeting friends for lunch, Happy Hour, the movies or drinks. Sports events will also appeal along with playful activities with kids. Take note that this weekend is full of romantic promise, especially Saturday. Enjoy!
More than any other sign in the zodiac, you are the one who wants to play. In fact, you might even play hooky because your desire for fun and goofing off is so strong. By all means, slip away on a vacation if you can. Make time to socialize with friends. Enjoy sporting events as well as fun activities with children. Naturally, romance will flourish, especially this weekend. Having said this, there are also three planets that want you to focus on home, family and your private life. This is why you might redecorate and dabble in home repairs as well as entertain at home. Make lists. Keep a schedule. You're busy!
You're focused on home and family, and perhaps a parent. Like last week, the universe is giving you a double message. Three planets want you to schmooze, which is why you'll enjoy short trips, meeting people and appreciating your daily surroundings. Many of you will also write, read and study more than usual; plus, all this will happen at a busy, accelerated pace! However, by contrast, part of you will wants to hide at home and eat Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia. Of course, you will bounce back and forth between these contrasting energies. Fortunately, you can eat ice cream wherever you are.
You're PowerPoint on steroids this week, especially on Monday and Tuesday. Make the most of the energy that you have at the beginning of this week because you will get a lot done. Your daily pace will accelerate because you have a busy schedule of short trips, errands, conversations with everyone, appointments plus increased reading, writing and studying. It's a great week to write, sell or teach. Whatever you do, you'll be productive, especially in the beginning of the week! Meanwhile, three planets are in your Money House attracting money to you and giving you moneymaking ideas. Therefore, make the most of the beginning of this week -- then kick back, relax and enjoy yourself.
Your schmooze factor is strong this week because Venus is prominent in your sign. Oh yes, people see you as charming and diplomatic. (And you are!) Plus, they think you're attractive. (Note: This is still an excellent time to buy wardrobe goodies.) With Mercury and Mars in your sign, you're proactive, confident and ready to speak up. Meanwhile, the Sun is in your Money House giving you a strong desire to boost your earnings. Therefore, decide what you want and make a bid for it. As the saying goes, you can't win if you don't buy a ticket. If you ask for more money and you don't get it, you're right where you are now - and you haven't lost a thing, except your pride. Do it!
You reign supreme now with the Sun in your sign. Take advantage of this once-a-year blessing, especially in the beginning of the week on Monday and Tuesday when you can go after what you want and probably get it. Yes! You might be involved in some behind-the-scenes deals or work very quietly on your own. Keep in mind that real estate holds a lot of potential for you in terms of speculation or earnings. This weekend is an especially romantic time, and many of you are having a secret love affair. Hmmm. In fact, much of your life is a bit "secretive" right now. This is also an excellent week to do research, perhaps to enrich your family life.
Once again, two opposing influences are at play for your sign. One of them will make you want to seek out some privacy and enjoy your own solitude in beautiful surroundings. However, by contrast, the other influence wants you to schmooze and socialize! It urges you to hang out with younger people and see creative artistic friends. Very likely, some of you are feeling competitive right now perhaps with teams or groups. The important thing to know is that the beginning of this week will bring you wonderful opportunities to achieve your goals. Therefore, use the influence of these social planets to be commanding, confident and get things done. Later in the week, enjoy schmoozing with friends.