All Signs

This week we have a Full Moon in Leo on Thursday. This Full Moon will be a strong energy and we will feel it. As happens every month, our problems will seem to intensify as the Full Moon approaches, then almost magically, after the Full Moon peaks, these same problems will diminish or even disappear. Please remember this if you feel tension with someone at the beginning of the week. These are temporary annoyances. Don't get your belly in a rash. Above all: remember your objective, which is that you want to be happy. Hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn't permanent.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a popular week for you! You'll enjoy seeing friends and having an increased involvement with groups and organizations. You will also make a great impression on bosses, parents and important people. Quite likely, someone will ask for your advice about how to make something look better, regardless of what you do for a living. It's good to know that people will listen to you this week. Take note that mild angst dealing with friends and groups will build up at the beginning of the week before Thursday's Full Moon. However, after that, relations with everyone will be warmer and happier. Finances look good! Some will have a flirtation with a boss or someone older.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

In some ways, this is a public week because the Sun is at the top of your chart, casting you in a flattering spotlight, which means people notice you and they admire you! However, by contrast, the Moon will be travelling along the bottom of your chart, which means you'll be more inclined to stay at home, enjoy time with siblings and relatives plus socialize with close friends and your kids. Thursday's Full Moon might create tension with parents and bosses. You will be faced with the challenge of dealing with the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career and your public life. Something has to give. Following that, enjoy a social weekend when life is more relaxed.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

There's no question that you want some adventure this week. Of course, you're always curious. But this is more, it's stronger. You feel restless. You quite literally need a change of scenery! However, don't push the envelope because some tension will build up before Thursday's Full Moon, which could be an accident-prone time for you. Of course, an accident doesn't have to happen, but you could be distracted. Be aware of this. Avoid arguments about politics, religion and social issues. Disputes about shared property and finances might also occur. Fortunately, gifts and goodies can come your way! By the weekend, you're happy to hunker down at home and enjoy good times with friends and family.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Some of you call yourselves a Moonchild because you know that the Moon is your ruler. This is true. This is also why you generally feel each Full Moon more than most people. For example, perhaps it affects your sleep patterns? Very likely, you will feel the Full Moon on Thursday, probably through disputes or disagreements about shared property, your belongings, shared responsibilities or how to divide or share expenses. (These are important issues for you because you are never casual about money.) In addition to this, Mars is opposite your sign now, which makes relations with close friends and partners a tad challenging. You might feel annoyed with someone. This is mostly small stuff. After the Full Moon, the end of the week and the weekend will be lovely and romantic.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Tread carefully at the beginning of this week because some people around you might be grumpy. Possibly even you are grumpy. (Is it time to send out for dark chocolate?) What's important to know is that the only Full Moon in your sign all year will occur on Thursday. You might feel this even several days before Thursday. It will bring issues with close friends and partners to a head. Medieval knights used to "throw down the gauntlet", which meant to throw their armoured glove at the foot of their opponent to challenge them to a duel. Don't ruin your week by being upset with someone. Instead, use the energy of Mars to get stuff done because you can be productive! Oh yeah.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a productive week for you because you're pumped for action! You want to get things done and you want to do them efficiently, which is very much your style. One of the reasons you want to do this is you also have plans to socialize! The arts, sports events, social outings and entertaining diversions, especially with your kids, will appeal to you, which means you have to work smart in order to have free time to play! However, the Full Moon on Thursday means that the beginning of the week might have a few challenges, especially to your health and your job. Allow extra time for everything so that you have wiggle room for the unexpected. Get as much done ahead of time as possible.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You are looking for some serious playtime this week - no question. You want to be free to enjoy vacations, social diversions, entertaining times with friends, especially your kids, and anything to do with the arts and sports. Nevertheless, the Full Moon on Thursday will create a bit of tension earlier in the week. Be gracious. Be patient with others knowing that by the weekend, social occasions will be delightful and enjoyable for everyone. This means you have to have skilful means to get through a few speed bumps earlier in the week, which with your charm and diplomacy - will be very easy. Meanwhile, redecorate and restore order to your home.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

In astrology there is something called Fixed Signs. They are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Generally, a Full Moon in any of those signs is more dramatic and more noticeable for everyone, especially those signs! This week on Thursday, there will be Full Moon, which means the Sun will be in Aquarius directly opposite the Moon in Leo. You will feel this! For you, it will manifest as a challenge to keep your home scene happy, at the same time as meeting the demands of a boss or someone in your external world that affects your career or your public reputation. Be tactful at the beginning of the week as this energy begins. After it's over, you will have a lighthearted, busy, fun-loving weekend!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Be careful. Because you enjoy the outdoors, you should be aware that this week has accident-prone qualities, which will build up until Thursday's Full Moon. These accidents could be physical as well as verbal -- and guess who likes to "tell it like it is." Fear not! Things will go well if you're aware and observant. Take a beat and think before you act or speak. Don't do anything impulsively because this could have unwanted consequences. Meanwhile, you have great moneymaking ideas this week. You can also attract money to you, which is a good thing because you're spending it! Ka-ching!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Three planets are in your sign right now making you charming, diplomatic, talkative, active and confident! (Great time to shop for wardrobe items because you like what you see in the mirror.) The energy during the beginning of this week will build up before the Full Moon on Thursday, which will activate both your Money Houses. This means you might have squabbles or challenges dealing with how to balance your interests versus the interests of someone else, especially in terms of property, shared costs, shared responsibilities, earnings and your own cash flow. This could also reflect a challenge that is based on a difference in values that you have with someone else. You can handle this.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You will certainly feel the energy this week because on Thursday, the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year will take place. Many people will feel this strong energy; however, you might feel challenged dealing with close friends, partners and spouses. Things that have been unexpressed or bubbling beneath the surface, especially elements of discontent, could come to the surface for you (and someone else) to deal with. It's cards-on-the-table time! This might be surprising for one of you because hidden resentments might be smouldering in the background. Let these feelings come out in the open. Give them some air. Be reasonable and hear both sides of the question. This is step number one.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This will be an interesting week for you because for some signs, especially Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, the Full Moon on Thursday will be eventful. Those signs will feel energy building up to that day, and then dissipating afterwards. In all likelihood, you will probably feel this particular Full Moon much less. Nevertheless, this energy could impact your job, your health or something to do with a pet. Issues in these areas might need your attention, especially if there is something that needs to be resolved. Meanwhile, meetings with friends and groups will generate enjoyable, competitive and fun times! Appreciate the people you love.