All Signs

A New Year awaits us! On Monday evening, January 1, Mercury retrograde is over, which is a relief. Nevertheless, not until mid-week, will we start feeling like The Little Engine That Could. This week will be excellent for spit-balling ideas and brainstorming with others. Three planets in Sagittarius will make everyone itching to travel or do something fresh, new and different! This seems to be a good way to begin the year. ("Something different? I think I'll clean my closet. No, that's too different. Best to start slowly and work up to things. I'll get out of bed.")

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You look good to others because the Sun is high in your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. Meanwhile, a gaggle of planets is urging you to travel and blow town. At least, do something different! This same influence will encourage you to study and learn new things. Many of you will begin a romance with someone unusual, perhaps from another culture or a different country. Opportunities to earn money still exist. Go for the gold! Meanwhile, you can't ignore that you are in a two-year window of time when you have to let go of people, places and possessions that are no longer relevant in your life. Yes, even those red cowboy boots.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Like Aries, you want to travel and blow town because you need a change of scenery! Plus, you like your creature comforts, which conjures up memories of sunny beaches, exciting food and exotic drinks. Actually, there's a good chance that you can pull this off because lucky Jupiter is still in your sign until June this year. (This blessing comes only once every 12 years.) Meanwhile, three planets in one of your Money Houses will urge you to deal with financial red-tape. Get your ducks lined up in a row with taxes, shared property, inheritances, loans and money that is owed to you. You hate losing money or being overcharged, which is why you'll take care of these niggling details. Ka-ching!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You are the wordsmith of the zodiac and this week you will have to use your dexterity with nouns and verbs when dealing with close friends, partners and spouses. This is because three planets are opposite your sign. Fortunately, one of them is Venus, which will pave the way for a warm mutual understanding with others. Having said that, one of them is Mars, which can trigger conflict with others. Meanwhile, the third planet opposite your sign, is Mercury, which wants to discuss difficulties and practically anything that arises. So, with a little patience, you can skate through this week unscathed. Meanwhile, you're proud of a private achievement.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You will be busy this week because you're motivated to get a lot done. Fortunately, you have the energy to follow through; plus, coworkers and friends are willing to help you. In fact, some of you want to create a more attractive workspace for yourself. Another reason some might help you is that a budding romance that is work-related will begin for some of you. This continues to be a popular year for you, certainly until the summer. Remember to get more sleep in the next few weeks because with the Sun opposite your sign, your energy will be flagging. You can't be all things to all people all the time. Cut yourself some slack.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Two strong planetary influences are at play for you as this year begins. For starters, you want to work and get stuff done! In fact, you have given yourself an ambitious agenda. This is good because first comes the thought, and from the thought springs the word. From the word springs the deed, and the deed soon becomes habit. Then habit eventually hardens into character. So, everything begins with your thoughts! Something to "think" about as this year begins. Countering this, three planets are urging you to play and slip away on vacation. You want to have fun! Fortunately, you're the kind of person who can handle both energies. You work hard and party hard!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Lucky you! You begin this new year in a playful state of mind because the Sun is in the happiest part of your chart! It's easy for you to feel lighthearted and grateful. This is wonderful because in Eastern thought, how something begins is how it unfolds. Meanwhile, three other planets are sitting in the part of your chart related to home and family, which means you will be busier than usual with home projects. Perhaps moving furniture around - something substantial. Venus will make you want to redecorate and entertain. So, it's obvious that you're putting out energy where you live because you want to start this year feeling better about your home.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

As this year begins, your focus is on home, family and your private life. Your home is important to you because you are one of most social signs in the zodiac, and as such, although you like to entertain, you also need a private refuge you can count on when you need to zone out for several days in your robe. Enjoy cocooning at home. You might be involved with a parent more than usual. Nevertheless, three planets will urge you to get out and hustle! Take it easy Monday and Tuesday but by Wednesday, you'll be out there running errands and talking to everyone. One little gift from the universe: This week you will appreciate the beauty your daily surroundings. A gift.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

As this year begins, you're busy! You have plans. You have errands. You might take a short trip. You're talking to everyone. Eat well and get your rest so that you can keep up this pace! It's a lovely time for you because for the first half of this year, lucky Jupiter will be opposite your sign improving all your relationships, even your relations with your enemies. This means it continues to be (at least, for the first half of this year) an excellent time to get married - the best in over 12 years. This lovely influence began last summer and will last until June this year. Meanwhile, you can attract money to you at this time, which is why you're shopping freely. (What benefit is money if you don't spend it?)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

"There's gold in them thar hills!" Many of you are agreeing with Yosemite Sam as this year begins because you have moneymaking ideas. However, in addition to your increased focus on cash flow and earnings, you might also give thought to your belongings. For example, are you overwhelmed by what you own? Do you own your stuff or does it own you? This is the best time of the year to examine your relationship to your belongings. You want pleasure and comfort from what you own, that's for sure. Nevertheless, this is the perfect time to assess how you can establish greater control of your life through what you own.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's a curious thing how you begin each new year with the Sun in your sign. You are the only sign of the zodiac that has this advantage! This means that each year, you step into fresh territory (as it were) in an empowered way. It also means that each year, you begin your new year by attracting people and favourable circumstances to you. That's quite an advantage. Take it easy on Monday and Tuesday to catch your breath, but by midweek, you'll be raring to go! This is an excellent week to network with others to get things done, especially working in sports, education, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. "Did you want fries with that?"

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You begin this new year in gentler way. Take it easy as this week begins, especially Monday. It's the kind of week that takes a while to rev up into action. You won't mind this because you're enjoying feeling reclusive (if you can manage to swing this). Nevertheless, despite your desire for some privacy, a gaggle of planets is in your House of Friendships activating your relationships with not only friends, but also groups and organizations. You'll be more involved than usual with younger people as well as creative, talented individuals. You might also be involved in a physical competition or some kind of outdoor sports events. You can balance these two different influences however you choose. Happiness is having alternatives.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're in the mood to socialize! As this year begins, you have five planets at the top of your chart, and lucky Jupiter in your House of Communications, which means you feel upbeat and eager to talk to everyone. You don't need to solve the world's problems before bedtime, but you do feel the need to see people and share some fun moments. This is an excellent time to discuss your hopes and dreams for the future with someone to get their feedback because it could be helpful. Two heads are better than one. Meanwhile, the highest planet right now in your chart is fair Venus, which means you look attractive to everyone. You might begin a romance with someone older or more established or even a boss.