All Signs

Mercury has been slowing down for the last week, and this week on Wednesday, it becomes officially retrograde until January 1. Be smart and avoid shopping for vehicles, computers and cell phones. Ideally, avoid these major purchases until January 23, which is when Mercury finally catches up to the degree it was at when it first went retrograde. Admittedly, this is bad timing for holiday shoppers. However, it's an excellent time to get in touch with old friends, family and colleagues who might have dropped off the radar. The New Moon on Tuesday might even trigger a new involvement with someone interesting and cozy. In fact, this is a good week to engage. Make an effort to make contact with someone. Of course, money can't buy friends -- but it will always get you a better class of enemies.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This continues to be a time when you want to get outta Dodge and travel anywhere for a change of scenery. After all, who loves adventure more than you? (Probably a Sagittarius.) Venus is in one of your Money Houses, which is good news! This means gifts, goodies and possibly cash will come your way. We like! (Money is so handy when you want to buy things.) Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde begins this week, and it takes place at the top of your chart, which means you will encounter authority figures from your past - parents, bosses, maybe even the police. Expect to run into or hear from someone, whom hopefully, you're glad to see. (Is the posse after you?)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You are the financial wizard of the zodiac and right now two planets are in one of your Money Houses. You might encounter disputes with someone about shared property, taxes, debt, insurance issues or how to divide something like an inheritance. Fortunately, Venus in your House of Relationships, will make your dealings with friends and partners smooth and pleasant. You're the epitome of charm! This week, Mercury retrograde begins in your Ninth House, which indicates travel restrictions and travel delays. Likewise, you might suffer from restrictions or delays with schools, legal matters or even something to do with medicine. (Some appointments take forever.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Remember that you need more sleep right now because the Sun is as far away from you as it can get all year. (In your chart, that's about 6 inches.) Plus, fiery Mars is also opposite your sign, which means it's easy to feel annoyed with others. But here's the upside: Patience is a precious virtue. Someone who is annoying is actually an opportunity for you to practice patience. (You can't learn to be patient when everything is great. You need to be provoked!) This is why someone close to you who is annoying is actually giving you a great opportunity. (Yeah, yeah, a positive spin - but true!) Fortunately, Mercury retrograde will help you settle disputes about inheritances, shared property, insurance issues and all that red-tape stuff. Finally!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're busting your buns working hard this week. Of course, you will accomplish a lot because you're putting out so much effort. (You might be a tad bossy while doing so, as well.) Nevertheless, you're also partying! Romantic opportunities exist. Accept invitations to socialize with others. Enjoy sports events, movies, the theatre, musical performances and fun activities with kids. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde begins this week directly opposite your sign in your House of Partnerships. This means you will hear from or run into an old friend or ex-partner or spouse. (Look good because living well is the best revenge.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It's still play city for you! (Yay me!) Now is your chance to feel free to enjoy yourself and do your own thing. You want to set your own priorities. You want to be amused and entertained. Get out to see sports events, movies, the theatre and musical performances. Go out for dinner or get away on a vacation. You will also have a greater involvement with your kids. Relationships will be more lighthearted. It's a fun time! Admittedly, Mercury retrograde takes place in your House of Employment, which will trigger delays, goofy mistakes, equipment glitches, misplaced paperwork and late deliveries. Grin and bear it. Be smart and finish things ahead of time to give yourself wiggle room to deal with the unexpected.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Home and family continue to be your primary focus. In part, this is because some kind of chaos or increased activity on the home front demand your attention. This might also be due to residential moves, renovations, redecorating projects or visiting guests. Possibly a new pet. Fortunately, you will be gracious about whatever you're dealing with because fair Venus is in your House of Communications softening your words and helping you to speak with dulcet tones to those who might be driving you crazy. This week Mercury goes retrograde in a part of your chart that deals with romance, the entertainment world, sports and children. Expect to run into an old flame. Even in a dream.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your fast pace continues because you've got errands, appointments, people to see plus increased reading, writing and studying. Not only that, you'll be forthright with your opinions! Although you are generally a diplomat, at this time, you will say what you mean and mean what you say. (Good for sales, marketing, teaching and acting.) You're persuasive! You might attract money to you. You certainly will spend money on beautiful things. Meanwhile Mercury goes retrograde in your Fourth House of Home and Family, which means you will see family members you haven't seen for a while. Stock the fridge because relatives might be camped on your doorstep.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is the perfect week to shop for wardrobe goodies because you will like what you see in the mirror. It's also a great time to schmooze with others because you're charming and diplomatic. Meanwhile, you're keen to work hard to earn money, which is good because you're spending it! Take note that this week (and most of this month), Mercury will be retrograde in your Third House, the part of your chart where Mercury "lives." This guarantees transportation problems, transportation delays, missed buses, stalled vehicles, as well as mixed-up communications, missed appointments and maddening, goofy, silly mistakes. Take this in your stride. Mostly, it's small stuff. (I hate having a flat tire.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are lucky to have the Sun in your sign boosting your energy and confidence. Meanwhile, Mars in your sign makes you forthright and possibly bossy. (Well, you are honest and even blunt because you tell it like it is.) With Mars in your sign, you're much more of a fighter for your own rights than usual. Not only will you defend yourself, you will defend others. Your physical energy level is high, which means you're getting a lot done. It's a positive time for you. However, Mercury retrograde begins this week in one of your Money Houses, possibly creating delays. Cheques in the mail will be late. You might misplace items. Be careful that you don't lose money or possessions. Keep your eyes open.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Because your personal year is ending, you feel you want to hide. This is why you will prefer to work alone or behind the scenes. Nevertheless, Venus is currently in your House of Friendships making this a great time to have a party or to enjoy groups of friends. People will be more loving and affectionate with each other. Any kind of group setting, whether it's social or a business conference, will be agreeable now. This week Mercury goes retrograde in your sign! (Oh my.) This will create delays, misplaced items, missed appointments and goofy mistakes. But it will also attract ex-partners and old friends back into your world. Cope as best you can.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You are someone who values friendships; and right now, the Sun and Mars are in your House of Friendships. This is why your focus on groups; and friendships will particularly important. You might examine the role that certain friends or groups play in your life. ("Are these my people?") Your idealism is also aroused, which is why you might be attracted to charitable organizations. Competition with friends and groups is also likely due to Mars. Fear not -- you look wonderful to everyone because fair Venus is at the top of your chart making you attractive and charming. Meanwhile, Mercury goes retrograde this week, which bodes well for any effort to do research. Dig in! You will shine!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The Sun continues to be at high noon in your chart, casting you in a flattering spotlight, which is why you look great to everyone. (It's smoke and mirrors.) Use this to your advantage! You also feel ambitious about going after what you want, which is a good thing. Meanwhile, travel, especially travel for fun and pleasure will totally appeal to you now. Grab every chance to get out of town. This week Mercury goes retrograde in your House of Friendships, which guarantees that you will see people from your past - old friends or members of groups - which gives you an opportunity to rekindle old relationships. Because you are particularly optimistic now, people will be attracted to you. Enjoy this blessing!