All Signs

Mercury retrograde is technically over, but its shadow continues until the end of the month. This particular Mercury retrograde got me. Among other goofs, last week I referred to September's New Moon as a Solar eclipse, when in fact, it's October's New Moon that is a Solar eclipse. Oy! Many well-meaning readers were quick to point out this mistake. Yes, I was chagrined, but I was also encouraged to know people are reading me. That's why, this week, I intend to carefully proofread this column to see if you any words out.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

An element of confusion and discouragement is present this week, which means you have to tread carefully and pick and choose what and whom you want to believe. Be discerning. Someone might try to trick you. Nevertheless, powerful forces are at work that will allow you to improve your health, and be productive at work. This week the Sun moves opposite your sign, to stay for four weeks, which happens once a year, six months after your birthday. You might encounter opposition from others, especially authority figures. Some issues are reaching a culmination, which means you will see if they're working or not. Respect your need for more sleep in the next few weeks.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Romance might confuse and disappoint this week. Parents should protect their kids against accidents with chemicals or food poisoning. Artists and sports types might restructure things to make improvements. Meanwhile, the Sun changes signs this week ushering in a four-week window where you will work hard. You want to work smart and be as efficient as possible, which is why you will discover the best way of doing things about how to manage your life. (High expectations!) Meanwhile, service to family, or working on behalf of someone else's needs will come into play but you can handle this because Mars will boost your energy as well. You've got energy to burn!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Something to do with home and family (perhaps a parent) is confusing, possibly debilitating for you. Make sure that others are being truthful because family discussions, especially about home repairs, might trigger deception to save face. Nevertheless, you can make improvements at home, especially to plumbing, bathrooms, recycling and garbage areas. Goos news! This week the Sun moves into one of the most playful, fun parts of your chart to stay for four weeks - something that happens once a year. This means the month ahead is a fabulous time for a vacation. Make plans to get out of town. Even a mini weekend getaway will be rewarding because you want to play!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Be clear with others because confusion and deception are likely this week. You will also daydream and fantasize more than usual. Nevertheless, you'll be persuasive about something that matters to you. This week the Sun will move to the bottom of your chart where it will stay for four weeks highlighting your personal world and your interactions with family, especially a parent. If possible, take some time for yourself to focus on your inner world. Memories of the past will bubble to the surface of your mind. Something or someone might challenge you, or work at cross purposes. (Grrr.) Don't waste time on anger. Instead, focus on groups and friends. Appreciate what you have.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

There's an element of confusion or deception with financial matters this week. Be careful in financial negotiations, especially about salaries. Likewise, be careful spending money. Keep your receipts. Make sure someone doesn't deceive you. Nevertheless, you can use your money and resources to make improvements in your life. This week the Sun changes signs ushering in a four-week window that is fast-paced, busy and upbeat! Expect to take short trips. Enjoy meeting new faces and seeing new places. Your month ahead will be great for socializing with others and integrating your energy with neighbours and groups.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The last few days of the Sun in your sign has arrived bringing confusion with partners and close friends. Perhaps unexpressed expectations have led to disappointment? It's easy to think that loved ones should "know" what we want, especially because you believe actions are louder than words. Nonetheless, others can't read your mind. You can improve your health and your well-being now - no question. Later this week, the Sun changes signs and moves into your Money House, which means you will give more attention to money, earnings and cash flow in the next four weeks. You will also re-examine your relationship to your belongings. You might also ponder your basic values in life. What really matters?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Earlier this week, you might feel discouraged, even confused. You might doubt yourself. ("I'm navel lint.") Don't do this. Actually, this week Sun will move into your sign for the next four weeks, giving you a chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year! You will move from feeling indecisive and unsure of things into a mindset that is confident, upbeat and proactive. (Your bathroom mirror will be covered in kisses.) You might find yourself reaching out to others more on Facebook, social media, or when you're out shopping or in the workplace because you want to be heard and you want to be seen. This is because when the Sun is in your sign, you have a strong need to express yourself! Get out there and fly your colours!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Issues with friends, perhaps younger people, as well as your relationship to a group might be a tad dicey this week. You might feel let down by someone or betrayed. You might also work hard to improve a group, and in doing so, you'll take control. (Relations with authorities are excellent right now.) However, later in the week, the Sun changes signs and moves into a hidden part of your chart. In a way, this means that you will go dark for the next four weeks. You will choose to hide, work alone or behind the scenes because in fact, your energy is percolating as it waits for the Sun to enter your sign on Monday, Oct. 23. Then you will enter - centre stage -- empowered! Until then, it's Netflix and take out.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

For the last four weeks, the Sun has been at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. It's been an empowering time for you. Just before it leaves, you might feel disappointed in someone or confused by their expectations. You might make some decisions about cleaning up your act and changing your life direction. Quite likely, this will be a bit halfhearted. (More wishful thinking than action.) This week the Sun moves into your House of Friendships to stay for four weeks boosting your interaction with others, especially friends plus groups and organizations. You might take on a leadership role? You might be involved in competitive sports or physical activities? It's an excellent time to reassess future goals.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This week you might feel betrayed or disappointed by propaganda or issues related to politics and religion. It's hard to know what to believe. Be careful about proselytizing to others because you might change your tune. The good news is that the Sun will move to the top of your chart this week, which is the only time all year this happens. It will stay there for four weeks shining down on you (symbolically speaking) and casting you in a spotlight that is flattering. In fact, it is so flattering, bosses and VIPs will be impressed with you even if you don't do anything special. Obviously, this is a window of opportunity for you to make your pitch and go after what you want because you look so good. Use it!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

In discussions about inheritances, shared property or dealing with banks and mortgage issues, make sure you get your facts correctly. Confusion or deceit or carelessness could cost you money, especially because you might explore new ways to use the resources of someone else. Cover your bases. This week the Sun moves into an exciting part of your chart to stay for four weeks. It will usher in increased opportunities to travel and explore your world. If you don't travel and meet new faces and see new places, then you will expand your world through further education or training. This will turn your crank because you love to learn. Plus, it will satisfy your desire for a change of scenery and some stimulation! Venus opposite your sign promotes warm relations with others. It's all good.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Don't waste time feeling disappointed with a partner or close friend this week, which is likely the case. Ask yourself if your expectations were realistic? Did others really grasp what you wanted? Fortunately, relations with coworkers are solid and supportive. Don't dwell on disappointment because negative thoughts will make you feel worse. Actually, this week the Sun shifts signs as it starts to rise higher in your chart. For the next four weeks, you might be involved in counselling or some kind of activity that encourages self-scrutiny. You might even meet someone who will trigger major changes in your self-perception. You will also give more thought to wills, inheritances, debt and shared property. (Boring but unavoidable.)