The effects of Mercury retrograde are beginning, which is why I sit here with my phone to my ear, listening to Muzak, waiting to talk to someone in another country about online banking problems. (Mercury is retrograde from Aug. 23 to Sept. 15. But it slows down before and after, hence my recommended "buffer dates": Aug. 10 to Sept. 30.) Meanwhile, I'm often asked, "Can I buy an appliance in Mercury retrograde?" The answer is YES. The items to avoid buying are "Mercury related things" i.e. anything that moves forward or promotes communication. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, bikes, printers, cell phones, computers. Mercury retrograde also invariably reminds us of the past -- embarrassing moments and those awkward dates. You might even hear a distant voice: "In the vessel with the pestle is the brew that is true."
Life continues to offer you opportunities to socialize, enjoy playful activities with kids, sports events, the arts, musical performances and movies. Love at first sight will occur for some of you, especially midweek. However, please note that parents should be extra vigilant because this is an accident-prone time for your kids. Be aware of where they are what they're doing at all times. Mercury retrograde will create delays and goofy mistakes to your work. Fortunately, it's small stuff. Note: these little errors might also impact a medical situation; or even something to do with your pet. Fortunately, you have the perseverance and willpower to keep working - and work hard!
Home and family are your primary focus; and many of you are more involved with a parent. Because you're redecorating and doing something to make your home look more attractive, be aware that a sudden accident might occur. Small appliances might break down. Delivery dates might be cancelled. Something unexpected could impact your plans. This fickle finger of fate might affect real-estate negotiations. Meanwhile, old flames from the past might be circling you either in person or on-line. You have lots of energy to be creative as well as to socialize with others. In fact, some of this energy is competitive and will be evident in sports and physical activities. (Your gonads are in overdrive.)
Be extra careful and mindful this week because this is an accident-prone time for you, especially midweek. An accident might be physical or verbal. ("Did I just say that?") Fortunately, at this time, you are charming and diplomatic with everyone. You're the leader of the pack! Keep up this busy pace. Enjoy schmoozing with everyone. However, pay attention to everything you say and do to avoid an accident this week, especially midweek. Stock the fridge because relatives and people you haven't heard from for a while might appear on your doorstep. Continue to work to get better organized at home and restore things so that you can find your bedroom floor. (Hot tip: Next year is going to be a fabulous year for you!)
"Show me the money!" You're focused on money, cash flow and earnings plus dealing with or maintaining your possessions. Be on the lookout this week because something unexpected will impact your wealth. You might lose or damage something you own? Or it might be stolen? Or maybe the opposite will happen? You might suddenly buy a beautiful piece of art, or buy yourself something lovely that pleases you? Possibly a financial boon will come your way? Positive or negative -- something unexpected will impact your wealth and assets. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde is creating transportation delays and mixed-up appointments, cancellations and goofy errors. Courage!
This is an interesting week! On the plus side, the Sun and Venus are in your sign, which makes you charming, warm and friendly with everyone. Yes, the world loves you! (Kiss, kiss hug, hug.) However, midweek wild, wacky Uranus is at odds with Venus in your sign, which means something unexpected will definitely happen. But what? You might receive an invitation or a social occasion might be cancelled. You might meet someone unusual. In fact, love at first sight could happen? (Flirtations are highly likely.) Meanwhile, you will feel impulsive and easily attracted to others. You might buy art? You might also decide it's time to put your cards on the table.
Well, of course things are a tad unpredictable for you because Mercury is going retrograde in your sign, which means you will feel the brunt of it. No question. Yes, you will run into old friends and past acquaintances and ex-partners and spouses, and you will have cancelled appointments and mixed-up situations and confused communications. However, you will have a fantastic opportunity to finish old business. Stuff that you been procrastinating about can be swiftly, easily completed! Meanwhile, something behind the scenes might surprise you this week. Could be a secret. Unexpected news? Something is percolating - definitely.
You are probably the most social sign in the zodiac, which makes it interesting to me that something unexpected will happen this week. Someone you know very closely might have something unusual happen to them? Or you might suddenly be attracted to someone? You might have an exciting flirtation? Perhaps a friend will become a lover? A group or an organization might extend you an invitation or they might blackball you. (Gulp.) One thing is certain, someone or something related to friends and groups will surprise you. You might meet a real character or someone you know might have surprising news. Meanwhile, you have a great chance to study history and do research this week.
Mercury retrograde will bring surprises that impacts your friends and your dealings with clubs, groups and organizations. Something will catch you off guard. It will arrive out of the blue. It could be an old face - someone from your past? Perhaps a friend will become a lover? You might have a spat with a friend or acquaintance? It's likely, that you will meet a real character - someone bohemian, or avant-garde or unusual in some way. Meanwhile, this week a boss, parent or someone in a position of authority might surprise you. Perhaps your surprise is a romance or a flirtation? Perhaps you get unexpected praise or a promotion? Yes, it could be the reverse - scandal and a demotion. Most likely, it's a pleasant surprise. Get dressed.
Mercury retrograde is taking place at the very top of your chart, which is bound to put you in touch with parents, bosses and people in authority who you have not seen or talked to for a while. For some reason - "I'm back!" Be prepared. Meanwhile, this week you might have some sudden surprises related to travel plans. Coveted plans to travel for pleasure might be changed or cancelled. Better yet, you might suddenly get an invitation to travel somewhere that totally appeals to you! (Fingers crossed.) Matters related to publishing, the media, medicine and the law also are classic areas that will contain surprises for you - either positive or negative. If you do get a chance to suddenly travel - grab it because this window of opportunity will be brief. Act fast!
This is an interesting week for you because a Uranian influence that indicates surprises and unexpected events is happening in one of your Money Houses. Oh yes, pay attention! This could mean that good news will bring sudden and unexpected wealth or a gift or a little boon or a favour your way. Keep your pockets open! Admittedly this surprise could be the reverse. You might have an unexpected loss related to shared property, the wealth of someone else, your fair share of something or the failure for something to "come through" in your favour. For some of you this might even impact romance. In other words, this week is a bit of a crapshoot. Double check details related to travel plans to stay on top of unexpected changes.
This is not a boring week. Au contraire! Friends, spouses, partners and possibly, even members of the general public will do something that really surprises you. On the upside, it could be something pleasant. You might meet someone new who is charming and unusual - definitely intriguing. Or perhaps someone you already know very well will surprise you in a sweet, pleasant way? Or it could be the reverse. News from a partner, spouse or close friend might catch you off guard because you didn't expect it. Possibly a breakup? However, this is unlikely. Meanwhile, cheques in the mail are late and decisions about wills, inheritances and estates are delayed due to Mercury retrograde. It was ever thus.
Unexpected news that impacts your health might occur this week. Likewise, a surprise related to your job is very likely. It might relate to a new staff member or a promotion or a raise. You might get a bonus or a perk? Admittedly, something might go sideways and be a disappointment. Pet owners should know that this unpredictable quality could indicate an accident or something unexpected related to your pet. (Keep that leash on.) Meanwhile, ex-partners, ex-spouses and close friends from your past continue to pop up when you least expect. (Sheesh!) Look good so you feel confident and comfortable. Shoes make the person.