All Signs

Mercury will be retrograde from Aug. 23 to Sept. 15. However, Mercury slows down before that, hence my recommended "buffer dates" which are from Aug. 10 to Sept. 30. Naturally, Mercury always moves forward, but three or four times a year it "appears" to go backwards relative to planet Earth. Mercury has domain over everything that moves forward. Cars, trucks, ideas and words. When Mercury is retrograde, these are the things that tend to stall or glitch. Car problems. Buses are late. Traffic jams. Communications are confused. Missed appointments. Misunderstandings. (Each Mercury retrograde is in a different sign, which means it affects you differently.) Fortunately, it's a wonderful time to finish old business. Important: Avoid buying pricey Mercury-related items like cars, trucks, cell phones and computers during the "buffer" dates Aug. 10 to Sept. 30. So say we all.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a productive week! You will work hard. You will delegate to others. Very likely, whatever you do might boost your income now or in the future. Meanwhile, the Full Moon on Tuesday could create problems dealing with your kids. (Hissy fits and meltdowns). It can also trigger problems with romance. (These problems might begin several days before Tuesday's Full Moon.) Patience is your best ally when you're dealing with emotionally, upset people. (Including you.) Take a breath and remember it is your outgoing breath that really calms you. In and ooooooout. In and ooooooout. The good news is this weekend is a fabulous time to socialize! Friday is an amazing time for romance and Saturday is fun city!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Home and family continue to be your top priority. Many of you are entertaining at home as well as redecorating and making things look better. Mercury and Mars urge you to express your creativity and explore social outings, including sports and fun times with kids. Please note that as Mercury starts to slow down, you will likely hear from old flames and romantic partners from your past. Parents might hear from kids who have been AWOL. Tread carefully at the beginning of the week because Tuesday's Full Moon creates a tug-of-war between home and family versus your professional obligations. Cope as best you can. Plan for fun times Friday and Saturday. Yay!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Very soon, your ruler Mercury will start to slow down before it actually goes retrograde on Aug 23. Be smart and stock the fridge because relatives you haven't seen for ages might be camped on your doorstep. (Do you have an inflatable air mattress?) However, this Mercury retrograde energy will allow you to settle family matters that have been up in the air or double parked for too long. Now is the time to wrap things up and solidify domestic plans. Be careful at the beginning of the week because Tuesday's Full Moon is accident-prone for your sign. Slow down and take it easy and pay attention to everything you do and say. Do this fast because you think and talk fast.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You will feel the effects of this particular Mercury retrograde more than other signs because it's happening in your House of Communications, and that is the "home" of Mercury. This means that you can expect car problems, truck problems, motorcycle problems, public transportation delays this month and next. Communications with others will be jinxed. Computer problems are likely. Missed appointments, tardiness and misunderstandings about meeting places are just a few things that will be exasperating. Don't freak out. Most of the problems of Mercury retrograde are minor, but they're annoying. On the upside, you can finish papers, coursework and learning projects. Done!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

During this particular Mercury retrograde, cheques in the mail will be late. Money and financial issues will stagnate. Tasks related to your possessions - dry-cleaning, mending, repairing will grind to a halt and things will sit there getting dusty. On the upside, this is a great time to finish financial matters that have been delayed along with issues about which you have been procrastinating. It will be easier to finish your To Do list versus starting new ventures. Don't forget that this weekend promises fun socializing! (It's possible to boost your income this week, as well.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This week you're happy to keep a low profile. Nevertheless, with your ruler Mercury in your sign plus fiery Mars, you will surface now and then to express your views in a confident way. Mercury is your ruler and when it goes retrograde this month, you will hear from people from your past, including ex-partners and old friends. Because this particular Mercury retrograde will be in your sign, you'll be frazzled because of misplaced items, moments where you draw a blank, mixed-up communications, missed appointments and silly, goofy errors and delays. Fear not. You are not losing it. This is a temporary thing while Mercury retrograde is in your sign. Use this in a productive way by finishing old business, which will go easily and swiftly! You've got this.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a popular time for you, which is why you're reaching out more than usual to contact friends and interact with clubs and organizations. In particular, your interest in creative, artistic people is stronger. (Perhaps the theatre?) Be diplomatic at the beginning of this week because the Full Moon on Tuesday might create problems with your kids as well as romantic partners and social occasions. Fortunately, this tension is brief. It's gone by the end of the week, which will then be a fabulous time to socialize! Meanwhile, this particular Mercury retrograde will help you to research and study history or anything from the past. You can use this!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Heads up at the beginning of this week because Tuesday's Full Moon might create some angst as energy builds up today and Monday before the Full Moon peaks on Tuesday. You might feel pulled between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career or your public reputation. You might find yourself at odds with a parent or an authority figure. Handle this as gracefully as you can. Remember, you look good to others right now. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will start to attract old friends back into your life. You might also meet people you knew from clubs and organizations. Something might happen that makes you rethink future goals. Get ready for a fun-filled weekend starting on romantic Friday!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Starting today, you are floating along in an accident-prone "bubble". Oh yeah. This means you have to pay attention to everything you say and do. Be vigilant for your own safety and welfare, especially because you will be a bit impulsive right now. (You want a change of scenery and more stimulation in your life!) Meanwhile, this particular Mercury retrograde is taking place at the top of your chart, which means you will hear from old bosses you haven't heard from in a while, or parents or authority figures, even the police. You can use the influence of Mercury retrograde to finish a projected goal or project you've been putting off. This is the time to get 'er done! Fun socializing this weekend!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might be ensnared in power struggles about shared property, taxes, debt or the ownership of something. They might involve your finances and the finances of others or shared responsibilities. Something a bit nasty might come to a head on Tuesday. Remember: Your first loss is your cheapest loss. (My father-in-law told me that years ago.) Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will be in the part of your chart associated with travel, education, legal matters, and medicine. You might experience delays or mixed-up communications in these areas. If you're dealing with important matters, double check details so you have no regrets later. Meanwhile, this weekend is a wonderful time to party and schmooze! Friday is a romantic day and Saturday is just plain fun!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This week on Tuesday, there will be the only Full Moon in your sign all year. The build up to it is starting now. This is why you might be at odds with partners and close friends. Remember: Friendships are important to you. Meanwhile, life is short (and fat). Don't waste your precious time embroiled in angry encounters with people who are important to you. The reason you feel strongly about issues is because these people matter to you. At one time, you had a vested interest in them. Wake up and smell the coffee. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde might create delays in shared property and financial matters.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

As this week begins, the buildup of energy before Tuesday's Full Moon might create problems with coworkers and issues related to pets or your health. Stay chill. Be part of the solution not part of the problem. Remember: Your objective is to be happy. Meanwhile, Mercury is starting to slow down in a few days, before it goes retrograde this month, and this astrological phenomenon will attract ex-partners and ex-spouses back into your world. (I once tried to hide in a remote aisle of a video store but got busted at the cash register.) Look your best when you go out because living well is the best revenge. Keep working because this will be like therapy. Fun weekend ahead!