All Signs

Three planetary changes occur this week. The first is the Spring equinox when the Sun crosses the equator creating equal day and night. This means the Sun will be in Aries for four weeks. The second change is that Pluto will move into Aquarius for 3 months. (The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1778-1798. Power to the people! "Off with their heads!") Pluto returns to Aquarius in 2024 to stay until 2044. And finally, after being in Gemini for seven months, this week Mars moves into Cancer. (Normally, Mars is in one sign for only six weeks, once every two years.) We will feel this! Of course, change is always happening, but some things are more noticeable than others. Like when someone answers the door naked.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You're looking at a powerful four weeks ahead. The Sun, Mercury and lucky Jupiter will all be in your sign, which is empowering. You'll have more energy, more drive and more focus! This is your chance to rejuvenate yourself. And as the Sun starts to dance with Jupiter, you will feel physically and psychologically pumped. You will attract money to you; and will buy beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. Get ready for increased chaos and activity on the home front due to renovations, visiting guests or home repairs. Whatever it is - you can handle it. "I've got this."

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your personal year is coming to an end; but your new year won't begin until your birthday. This means the next four weeks are like a time of limbo. Nevertheless, with Venus in your sign, you'll be charming and diplomatic. You will certainly feel the shift of Mars because this will make your communications more direct and forceful. In the next six weeks, you will say what you mean and mean what you say! You might also sense that a change in your career or life direction is taking place. It's starting now but will magnify by next year. Meanwhile, lucky Jupiter enters your sign in mid-May, to stay for a whole year, which brings great good fortune! (After that, you'll get richer.) Oh boy.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Big change this week! For the last seven months, fiery Mars was in your sign. (This is unusual because usually Mars is in your sign for only six weeks every two years.) So, for over half a year, you've been strutting your stuff and giving everyone orders. You have learned what it's like to have the upper hand and use it. Naturally, you might have come on too strong for some. Now you will enter a friendly, four-week window where you might hang out with younger people more than usual, and be involved with groups. You will start to work hard for money because you're certainly going to spend it. It's all good.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're entering a powerful window this week because fiery Mars moves into your sign to stay for six weeks. This will pump you with energy, enthusiasm and aggression! Meanwhile, for the next four weeks, the Sun will be at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight, which makes everyone admire you and think that you're the cat's meow. (Oh yes, you'll be impressive.) Meanwhile, expect fun times with friends, especially creative, artistic types. In fact, for some of you, a friend could become a lover. You might start to see the beginning of change in how you share property with someone. Even your values are starting to change. It's major.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your urge to travel, seek adventure and have a change of scenery will be strong in the next four weeks. Do whatever you can to satisfy this desire for new stimulation. Whatever you do will be pleasant because Venus is at the top of your chart making you look attractive to others. This means that wherever you go, you will schmooze successfully and be popular. However, closer to home, you might start to feel some rumblings and change that affect your partnerships and closest relationships. You'll feel the need to flex your muscles and demand more independence and freedom. Not surprising considering your theme song is, "Whatever Lola wants - Lola gets."

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Like Leo, you want to travel for pleasure and see the world! You will also enjoy learning and studying, especially deep truths that make you think. In the next four weeks, you will feel more passionate and more intense about everything, including physical intimacy. But you will feel just as passionate about financial matters, inheritances and how to divide and share things. Your worldview is changing now because you're beginning to think more about your external goals and how you want to achieve them. Teamwork will be important. In fact, some of you might be involved competitively with a group or an individual. You've decided to throw your hat in the ring and go after what you want!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

For the next four weeks, you will need more sleep than usual because the Sun will be opposite your sign, which means it is as far away as it can get (in your chart) - and the Sun represents energy. This also means your focus on close friends, partners and spouses will be strong. Ironically, you will have more objectivity to view these relationships, which is an opportunity for you to see how to improve how your role in the relationship. Meanwhile, back at the starting gate, fiery Mars will be at the top of your chart, (something that hasn't happened for two years.) This will arouse your ambition as never before! In addition, Venus will also arouse your romantic passion! It might even attract money to you. Fascinating times ahead!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You might be surprised at how much energy you have in the next four weeks to work and be productive. Suddenly, you will set the bar high because you want to get a lot done and do it as efficiently as possible. These high standards will likely extend to your health as well, which is why you will do whatever you can to boost your health. With Venus opposite your sign now, relations with others are warm and mutually supportive. Meanwhile, Mars will stir your desire to travel, explore, discover adventure and meet people from other cultures so that you can learn and enrich your world. In a subtle way, you might start to see that your home scene is changing in a direction that will give you more freedom. So many changes....

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Lucky you! The next four weeks are play city for your sign. Slip away on a vacation if you can. As the world traveller of the zodiac, you hardly need an excuse. Meanwhile, you want to work hard and party hard! Romance will flourish. Accept invitations to social outings, sports events, the theatre and fun get-togethers with others, especially younger people. Relations with coworkers are warm and mutually supportive. The only fly in the ointment is that you might encounter disputes about shared property, debt, inheritances or insurance issues. Something is a bit testy here. (Privately, your sex drive is amped!)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Home, family and your private life will be your primary focus for the next four weeks. Expect to have family discussions, especially about home repairs or ways to expand your home. You might even be thinking about a change of residence. Warm relations with children as well as romantic rendezvous's will delight. Accept invitations to social occasions because they will please you. Admittedly, Mars is opposite your sign now for the next six weeks, which can provoke conflict with others, especially partners, spouses and close friends. Consider this an opportunity to practice patience, a precious virtue. Cocoon at home as much as you can, interspersed with exciting opportunities to socialize. Sweet!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The pace of your days is accelerating! Short trips, appointments and errands plus increased discussions with siblings, relatives and neighbours will be one reason you'll be busier than a one-armed paper hanger. Ironically, you want to entertain at home and redecorate your digs; and at the same time, you'll be busting your buns at work for the next six weeks to show the world what you can do. (Gasp!) You want to get things done, which is why you're ready to defer tomorrow's pleasure for today's work. Naturally, you want the credit. (And why not?) Meanwhile, Pluto moves into your sign for the first time since more than two centuries ago! Many of you will dramatically change your appearance now or next year.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Money, cash flow, earnings plus issues with possessions are your strong focus in the next four weeks. Look for ways to boost your income because you can do this. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Meanwhile, you want to play and have fun! Many will spend money on vacations, social outings, the theatre or sports events and fun activities with children. It's a great time to socialize because Venus is in your House of Communications, sweetening your words and smoothing your relations with siblings, relatives and neighbours. One lovely detail is that your positive frame of mind will plant the seeds of appreciation within you, making you notice the beauty of your daily surroundings. Gosh.