All Signs

I talked to an Aquarian the other day who was surprised to learn that Saturn was in his sign, and that it had been there since March 2020. When I discussed its effects, his eyes widened. I told him Saturn would force him to deal with heavy responsibilities. It would make him feel old. It might trigger dental problems and achy joints; and that after it left his sign in March 2023, he would feel young again! Like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders! (He liked that part.) This prompted me to think we should all look where Saturn is for our sign, to help us pinpoint where we are and where we're going. After all, small opportunities are what big opportunities look like when they're young. (Although it occurred to me lately that nothing has occurred to me lately.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The last time Saturn was in Aries was from 1996 to 1999. It will return to Aries in 2026. Meanwhile, since the beginning of 2020, it has been in a position where it can help you. It has strengthened many areas of your life so that you can withstand later adversity. It might have brought you recognition from authority figures because it made you look reliable and competent in their eyes. On a more personal level, Saturn has been offering you opportunities to learn how to juggle your own needs and responsibilities, versus satisfying the needs and responsibilities of others. A tricky combo! It's a delicate balance between being cooperative with others; and yet at the same time, protecting your own space and your own interests.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Two weeks ago, the Solar eclipse was opposite your sign. On Tuesday, this week, the Lunar eclipse is in your sign. A double whammy! This means you are making fast adjustments to your most important relationships. Fortunately, both Venus and Mercury will help you communicate with others, and be accommodating, as well as informative. Remember to listen, always. This has been your time of harvest - since 2020 - because Saturn is travelling across the top of your chart. This means you have enormous responsibilities, and yet at the same time, you are getting recognition and admiration for your efforts. This is also when you see clearly what is working and what is not. It's a time when cherished dreams can come true.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Mars continues to be in your sign until March next year. (Normally, Mars is in your sign only once every two years for six weeks.) This a rare blessing! Mars is giving you extra drive and aggression to negotiate with others, as well and work for what you want. You've got the juice! Meanwhile, since 2020, Saturn has been urging you to fine tune things and get ready for your time of harvest, which will begin next year. This is the last few months of your time of preparation. Is there any further education or training you can get that will make you dazzle in your job? What about travel? Can you travel to enrich yourself so that you are bright and shiny by next year? Get ready to approach your life peak!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

When Saturn was last in your sign, from 2003 to 2005, you began a new journey of reinventing yourself, after giving up people, places and possessions. Since 2020, Saturn has been in your Money House that deals with wealth and resources from others. Saturn is stern; but also, the Great Teacher. This means that resources from others have been cut off or diminished, forcing you to stand on your own two feet. For many, this comes on the heels of a partnership breaking up or a job loss. Be reassured because you are coming to your own life peak around 2026. That is when your cherished dreams will come true. This financial struggle is temporary. (Is that a cavalry bugle?)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Since 2020, Saturn has been opposite your sign, which happens once every 30 years. The last time was from late 1991 to early1994. When Saturn opposes you, life gets harder. You feel discouraged, and at times, overwhelmed. You have to deal with adversities and setbacks. You might feel physically tired and world-weary. Even your ambitions might be thwarted. Fortunately, this challenging time for you is almost over! Your life is changing rapidly, and you are moving forward towards your life peak in five or six years from now. This challenging time has made you stronger. (All those Capricorn sayings are true! "No pain, no gain.")

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Since 2020, Saturn has challenged your health, your job and even your pets. Many of you have dealt with knee joints, hip joints and arthritis, as well as broken bones. You might also have suffered from teeth problems. Saturn has also made you bust your buns and work incredibly hard in the last few years - so hard that at times, you felt overwhelmed. Fear not, because in the long run, there is a pay off! Your effectiveness as a human being has been tested. Respect your health and take care of your body. Take care of your teeth. Keep working because next year, you will receive the recognition for your efforts. Would I kid you?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Since 2020, Libran parents have had increased burdens with their kids. You are the most social sign in the zodiac. You love to schmooze. You like elegant hotels and great room service; but these things have been difficult to get in the last few years. Areas that might have been a source of fun are almost a burden now. (What's with that?) Any gains you have made in the last few years have been the result of your own hard work. And admittedly, there has been less play and less fun. Some of you are also wondering what you want to be when you grow up. So many questions! Starting next year, you will work with focus and purpose. Money from other sources will help you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Since 2020, you have faced enormous challenges related to home and family. Many things that you had been "putting up with" for years came to a head. "I've had it!" Whatever was important to you rose to prominence in your life. Interactions with a parent involved increased responsibilities. Basically, this was the time for you to secure your base. Many of you made home repairs or made residential moves so that you could have a solid base on which to build in the future. Because you are establishing this base (physically, emotionally and psychologically), this is actually a time of new beginnings. Voila!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Saturn rules the government and legal documents. Think passports. Since 2020, Saturn has been in the part of your chart that deals with your day-to-day world and your immediate environment. This means change has been a-foot! Many of you have changed residences, perhaps even more than once, and have also changed jobs. It's been a roller coaster! The last time you went through this kind of flux was around 1991-1994. But this has all been for a reason. Since Saturn was in your sign in 2016, you have been reinventing yourself. The "new you" will be ready for your coming out season next year! (What to wear to the ball?)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Saturn is your ruler. It is the stern disciplinarian in life, which is why you know tough times are character building. (You invented the stiff upper lip.) You are a long-lived sign because you use adversity to polish your life skills. Since the beginning of 2020, you have had to learn what is important to you. Not just material things but psychological, spiritual and moral values. You might have had to get along with less, financially speaking, but you are a frugal sign who hates waste. You cope skilfully! It's interesting that now that you have determined what is important, you are entering a year when your home and family life will flourish with joy and abundance!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Saturn has been in your sign since March 2020. It will stay there until March next year. It's been a challenge! But also, a time of immense personal growth! You had to determine what kind of a person you are. You were forced to deal with challenging issues with family and friends. Ideally, you did some kind of human-potential work, psychotherapy or counselling to help you figure out who you were and where you want to go. Many of you entered new turf at the beginning of 2020. You might have changed your daily wardrobe. By next year, you will have a stronger sense of who you are, and increased optimism and happiness.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

For the last several years, you have been going through the Dark Night of the Soul. It's been incredibly tough. The challenges you faced forced you to give up things. You had to give up possessions, jobs, relationships and possibly, even a country. It has been a time of letting go of anything that was no longer really relevant in your life. At that time, this might have felt like loss. But looking back, you will see that you streamlined your life and lightened your load. This is the end of the big cycle for you, which means next year, you enter a new world. It might be so different -- you actually change your daily wardrobe. Get ready for a new runway. (Buy shoes.)