All Signs

Sometimes the celestial heavens bring a timely blessing, and this week we have it. As we swing into back-to-school mode, this week we will recharge our cosmic batteries! We will get our lives back on track! That's why this week abounds with enthusiasm, cooperation, and innovation. Teamwork will shine. Yeah, yeah, Mercury goes retrograde on Friday, but that's relatively small potatoes - delays, mistakes and bumping into people from the past. Admittedly, it can be unnerving running into your ex. I once tried to hide in the kiddy section of a video store. Why I don't know. My fault was that right from the get go, I confused a bunch of aluminum foil for shining armour.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your focus on close friends, partners and spouses continues. Note: This is the best time of the entire year to improve these relationships. (Do this while it's easier.) Fiery Mars is in your House of Communications until April. This is most unusual! It accelerates your daily tempo and makes you identify passionately with your ideas, which means you're more aggressive in your communications. (Be nice to the little people.) Fortunately, relations with coworkers are excellent. Meanwhile delays, mistakes and glitches at work have arrived due to Mercury retrograde. They're minor but annoying and will last until the beginning of October. Oy vey. (Remember to get more sleep this week.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is a fabulous week because you will be productive and happy! You might even do something to improve your health. (Always a bonus.) Opportunities to enjoy the arts, explore mini vacations, camping trips, the theatre, sports events and fun activities with kids still abound. The cash, of course is flowing! Fortunately, you are earning money as well as spending it. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will attract old flames back into your world. Because there is a strong focus on fun outings, diversions and vacations in your chart, be aware that Mercury retrograde can loop back and bring you an opportunity that you missed before, perhaps to book a certain place? Keep all your options open.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a lovely, playful, high-spirited week for you! Grab every opportunity to enjoy entertaining diversions. Lunches, exciting dinners, sports events, vacations and fun times with children will all be excellent choices for you because you want to have a good time! You have lots of energy now because fiery Mars is in your sign. Usually, it is in your sign only for six weeks once every two years. Right now, it's going to be in your sign until April next year! (Gasp!) This means you have tons of energy to go after what you want and get things done. Mercury retrograde will attract family members and relatives back into your world. Stock the fridge.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Home and family continue to be your focus this week. Many of you are more involved with a parent than usual. Be aware that someone might be working against your best interests. This means that if you think something fishy is going on - it is. If you are suspicious that someone is sabotaging you or does not have your best interests at heart - avoid this person. You don't need this. You will enjoy schmoozing with neighbours, siblings and relatives this week because many things will make you appreciate your daily surroundings in a deeper way. Nevertheless, transportation delays, car problems and mixed-up communications cannot be avoided. Good luck.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your busy pace continues! Suddenly, you have things to do, places to go and people to see! This means errands and appointments will keep you hopping. In addition, this is an excellent time to tackle writing projects because you are prepared to read and study more than usual. Take some time to formulate goals this week. Figure out where you want to go. Enjoy physical activity, especially athletics with friends and groups. You might even be in competition with someone. Although you're spending money buying beautiful things for yourself and others, financial delays will rankle. Cheques in the mail will be late. And so it goes.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You still have a strong focus on money, cash flow and earnings. You're taking stock, repairing things and getting on top of your game. This is good! Allow yourself to have a little time to ruminate and think about your basic values in life. It's important to know what matters. After all, you don't want to be 90 years old looking in the mirror saying, "You blew it." Figure out what's important to you. This is a good week to buy wardrobe items for yourself. Because your ambition is aroused, it's vital that you feel confident about your appearance. (The two go hand-in-hand.) Meanwhile, don't worry about silly mistakes and forgetful errors, which will inevitably take place because Mercury retrograde has now slipped back into your sign. (Yikes!)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You still have lots of juice because the Sun in your sign boosts your energy and confidence! Since this happens for only four weeks once a year, make the most of this and get out there and fly your colours! Many of you are travelling or planning to travel because you need a change of scenery. If nothing else, check out a new restaurant to satisfy your urge for "discovery." Secret love affairs might be taking place for some. Nevertheless, this is an excellent time for your closest relationships and partnerships. In fact, it's a great time for Librans to get married. On another note, C sharp, Mercury retrograde will help you do research and study the past. You might be able to use this.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You will be happy to keep a low profile this week because your personal year is coming to an end. (You're "waiting" for your birthday, which is the start of your personal new year.) Hey, why not make use of this time and set some goals for the future? After all, goals make your decision-making easier, and they help you to stay on track. Some of you might have disputes about shared property, taxes, debt, insurance issues or inheritances at this time. Certainly, you want to solidify your home base. This is important to you. Meanwhile, old friends are back in your world again. Reach out to them because it's good to have history with others. You will especially enjoy talking to creative, artistic people.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

A popular week! Enjoy friends and interactions with clubs and organizations. Meanwhile, bosses and people in authority admire you. Plus, bosses and parents you haven't seen for a while might be back in the picture. It's unusual that Mars is opposite you for the next seven months! Consider this an opportunity to practice patience with others. On the upside, you will be emboldened to state your case and put your cards on the table about something that's important. Some of you might begin a romance with a boss or someone in a position of authority. Your ruler Jupiter favours you this year and encourages you to make your surroundings more elegant. Nice!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This week you continue to make an excellent impression on important people, especially bosses, VIPs, teachers and the police. This phenomenon occurs only once a year so make use of it, and turn it to your advantage. In other words, now is the time to make your pitch or advance your agenda, because people admire you and will be inclined to be receptive to what you say. Meanwhile, you're ready to throw your energy into hard work to accomplish what you want to do. This high-energy influence will last until next April. All of these influences will help you to accomplish a lot, not only this week but for months ahead. Travel for pleasure if you can because you're yearning to do this. If you can get away somewhere - major bonus!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This week, your desire for a change of scenery continues! Do whatever you can to travel or do something different because you want some adventure and stimulation! (Many of you will enjoy studying something new that is fascinating.) This is a good week to wrap up old business related to inheritances, shared property and insurance disputes because these issues will likely end up in your favour. In fact, this is a good week to ask for a loan or mortgage, especially for something that has been dragging on for some time. Personal relationships are passionate, warm and affectionate. Parents might find their involvement with their kids to be more challenging from now until April. Remember: Patience is the antidote to anger.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Many of you are hearing from ex-partners and friends from your past at this time. Very likely, contact with these people will be pleasant because fair Venus is opposite your sign, smoothing the way in all your relationships. This can be helpful because meanwhile, back at the ranch, increased activity and chaos will continue for months at home. This could be due to residential moves, visiting guests, renovations or repairs. Fortunately, this is your year to get richer, which means you can deal with increased expenses at home. Definitely auspicious timing. Personally, check out self-help activities and books - anything that will help you to be the best you can be.