This week, Mercury and the Sun enter truth-seeking Leo. (Leo is by the pool in the leopard print wearing big sunglasses.) This is wonderful news because for the first time in 12 years, lucky Jupiter is in Aries. Meanwhile, both Aries and Leo are Fire signs, which means when the Sun and Mercury move into Leo this week, this creates a magnificent vibration with lucky Jupiter, which in turn, promotes feelings of peace and harmony. Everyone will feel more optimistic, enthusiastic and have a better chance of finding parking. This is time to take stock, and try new things. It's a great time to travel. With this in mind, let me share my rule for parallel parking: Park somewhere else.
For the next four weeks, your personal mantra will be, "I want to be me! I want to enjoy myself!" You will feel more lighthearted and playful than usual, which is why you will make an effort to enjoy sports events, entertaining diversions, the theatre, fun luncheons, romantic dates, playful activities with kids and exciting vacations. Aries people also love to camp (which is more than just getting drunk with insects.) This placement of Mercury will make you want to pursue mental activities for their own sake - games, puzzles and mysteries. Please note-- if you can't take a big vacation, then slip away on a weekend getaway because you need fun, adventure and a chance to explore new things!
This week the Sun and Mercury will trigger a four-week window where your focus on home and family will become much stronger. You might be involved more with a parent. You will enjoy spending more time at home, relaxing among familiar surroundings. Many of you will tackle home-repair projects and enjoy family discussions, including entertaining family and friends at your fine table. Because Mercury will be at the bottom of your chart, you will take more time to reflect and examine your personal life, as well as think about whether your goals are meeting your needs. This is an excellent time for you to express important views to family members. "I want a pool."
Get ready because the next 4 to 5 weeks are fast-paced and stimulating! Your ruler Mercury will be in its "home" in your chart, which will intensify its energy. You will be more involved in group discussions and conversations with others. You will meet new people, take short trips and have more contact with relatives and neighbours. You will enjoy intellectual activities. You will not want to settle down. Au contraire! The tempo of events in your life will be accelerating! Do whatever you can to break free from your everyday routine. Take a vacation. Enjoy short trips. Remember that it's important to express your views, especially your affection to loved ones.
This is a lovely time for you because fair Venus is in your sign promoting your desire to relate to others. Venus will also make you warm, friendly, diplomatic and charming. This is an ideal time to make peace with others. It's also a good time to buy wardrobe treasures and score bargains! In the next four weeks, your interest in money, cash flow and taking care of what you own will be stronger. You will be more concerned with business and commercial affairs. Financial transactions will take place. You will also give more thought to your values and where you stand on certain issues. Yes, this will be a thought-provoking time for you.
This is a powerful time because both the Sun and Mercury are moving into your sign this week. This will boost your energy and your confidence, which is why you will create a better impression on everyone. Meanwhile, Mercury is the planet of communication, and when it's in your sign, it helps you to communicate effectively because you will put more of yourself into what you say. This winning combo puts you in the perfect position to impress others and be successful in going after what you want. Mercury will also give you an urge to get out and travel as well as hone your skills in all kinds of negotiations. Oh yeah, you rule!
Because your birthday is a month away, this means your personal year is coming to an end. When this occurs, the Sun, and this week, Mercury as well, are actually "hiding" in your chart. Hence, you will prefer being in the background for the next 4 to 5 weeks. Also, you'll keep your opinions to yourself. This is why the next few weeks are an ideal time to go off by yourself to think, study or do research. It's also an excellent time to make goals for your new year ahead (which begins on your birthday). Goals give you a clearer focus on what is important. They make future decision-making easier and they give you better control over your life. What's not to like?
You are the most social sign in the zodiac. This week, the Sun and Mercury will move into the part of your chart associated with groups and friends. This means friendships will become more important, and you will examine the role people play in your life. This is also the perfect influence to help you work and cooperate with others. It will give you the personal courage to establish who you are with your friends. Team efforts will thrive. Personally, you will scrutinize the people you hang out with. "Are these my people?" "Do they have my back?" You are a people pleaser. Now, it's time to think of who is willing to please you?
Once a year, for four weeks, the Sun sits at the top of your chart, casting you in a spotlight that is flattering. This means others will admire you even if you don't do anything special. (Good lighting s everything.) Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs will see you as competent and capable. Obviously, this is an advantage you can use. That makes the month ahead the perfect time to make your pitch or ask for permission or approval for whatever you want. At the same time, Mercury will also be at the top of your chart helping you to make plans about your professional life, and how you should express yourself in society. It's a great time to take up any study that will help your career. An opportunity not to be missed!
This week the Sun and Mercury move into the part of your chart that is your "home." This means you will feel energized to do all the things you love to do! It will heighten your desire to travel and broaden your horizons. It will make you enjoy studies and discover fresh, new experiences. It will promote opportunities in publishing, the media and anything to do with medicine and the law. It will also help you finish important papers or manuscripts. It will encourage discussions about abstract ideas and general philosophy and approaches to life. Study, learning and travel are the things you love to do! And fiery Mars will help you work hard to attain your goals. (Not too shabby.)
In the next four weeks, you will get in touch with some hidden aspects of yourself. You might go deeper within yourself and make changes in your ways of thinking. In part, this is because the Sun is now helping you to be more in touch with your inner being and do psychological self-inquiry. In other words, you want to experience things beyond just an intellectual level. (Heady stuff.) You will also have more discussions about finances, property and shared possessions because these areas will concern you as well. Fortunately, Venus opposite your sign will pave the way for smooth negotiations. Good timing.
This week the Sun and Mercury move directly opposite your sign. (This happens once a year.) This means it's not the time to go it alone. Au contraire! It's best to work with others or create working units and partnerships. It's an excellent time to ask for help from consultants, lawyers, specialists or astrologers. You can examine your closest partnerships. If so, you have more objectivity to do this, and to discover what needs these relationships do or do not fill in your life. Mercury will help you to clarify issues to someone else. Mercury will also stimulate conversations with others - not only intellectual conversations but also arguments!
You will accomplish a lot in the next 4 to 5 weeks because this week, both the Sun and the Mercury are moving into your House of Employment. Even if you are retired, this astrological energy will help you to focus and work on whatever task that you set for yourself. Because of Mercury, this will be an excellent time for all kinds of mental work. You will pay more attention to details, and you will enjoy planning and looking at something from every angle. Relations with coworkers will likely improve. In addition, you will explore ideas about how to improve your health, as well as your dealings with a pet. You can look forward to productive times ahead!