All Signs

Whoa Nellie! This week starts with the only Full Moon in Scorpio all year. The challenge is this Full Moon triggers fast-moving change, which requires fast thinking; but meanwhile, back at the ranch, the wise choice might be to rely on our instincts rather than logic. This is because Mars is lined up with fuzzy Neptune, which makes our thinking suspect. It could be unreliable. On the upside, this promotes passion, romance and the arts - fun, glamorous choices! But the downside is a confusion between a willingness to try new things and a tendency to cling to old habits. "But we've always done it this way!" In most cases, the better choice will be to go with out-of-the-box thinking. Be courageous and trust your instincts. Take the red pill - it's Tylenol.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Financial issues come to a head this week. This could be about your earnings, debt, the bank or your partner's wealth. Fortunately, some kind of resolution will take place, which will give you a better idea of where you stand. (Although privately, it makes your teeth itch.) This new confidence will help you to use what you own in a more productive, useful way. You might restructure how you handle money, debt or how you use something that you own. Later in the week, you're enthusiastic and upbeat! Old contacts with people from the past are encouraging. Quite possibly, new information will help you bring an old decision back into perspective.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Well, you certainly feel this Full Moon because it's the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year! The good news is that after Monday, solutions will present themselves. In particular, relations with partners and close friends will improve. Bygones will be bygones. However, expect confusion related to a friend or a group to which you belong. In fact, an element of confusion from a friend or related to a group might affect your decision about future goals. You might be unsure of these goals, or wonder if you should change them, or if they're realistic? My advice is to trust your gut instincts about this. When head and heart agree, it's generally a good thing. By the end of the week, moneymaking ideas and your finances look good!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You might feel caught off guard as this week begins because this Full Moon vibrates in a quiet part of your chart. It could bring stress to health issues or your job and your work. Fortunately, these will be resolved. Nevertheless, relations with parents, bosses and authority figures (including the police) will be confusing. You might question what others expect of you; and likewise, you might question what you think about them. You might doubt their abilities or possibly, they might have doubts about you. Either way, this is demoralizing. Because you will investigate something, including your own motivations - you can trust your instincts. By the end of the week, you're happy and full of big ideas!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

It will be challenging dealing with kids or friends at the beginning of the week. This challenge might also occur because of your involvement with a group. Fortunately, by mid-week, problems will be resolved. Despite the fact that travel plans or issues related to higher education, medicine and the law are confusing, and you might be unclear of your direction - nevertheless, you'll get in touch with what motivates you. You will define goals to have a better life for yourself. This is reassuring! It's like getting a sure compass setting. "I was lost and now I'm found!" Behind-the-scenes activities or research might boost your reputation in the eyes of others. Stay tuned!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is a tough Full Moon because it's a Sun/Moon opposition in Fixed Signs (Taurus and Scorpio); and you are also a Fixed Sign. This means everyone is at odds with each other! This is why you feel pulled between the demands of career and your public reputation versus the demands of home and family. You can't keep everyone happy. Meanwhile, confusion about finances, money with the government, your partner, taxes or debt might be a challenge. If you're not sure what to do - do nothing. Wait. (Instincts are a good thing but with finances - not so much.) Something might reinvent your reputation in the eyes of others. If so, it's time to entertain some big goals!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Be careful Sunday/Monday because this Full Moon will create an accident-prone situation. Therefore, be mindful. Pay attention to everything you say and do. Furthermore, avoid controversial subjects when talking to others because they will escalate into nasty arguments. (You don't need this.) In part. some of this unpredictable energy is because relations with partners and close friends are confusing. You don't know if you're coming or going. (Maybe literally.) Make no promises. Trust your gut instincts. Nevertheless, philosophical issues are important to you. You care. This means you will do your homework and your research. By the end of the week, you have good news for others.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You feel a financial squeeze play as this week begins. Fortunately, whatever problem you experience regarding flow, earnings or your relationship to other people's resources and assets might be quickly resolved. Meanwhile, issues related to your work or your job might be confusing. You're prepared to give something your all, but suddenly, it's a changing landscape? This makes you uncertain about what to do. Likewise, some of you will have this same confusion about a particular health issue. Later in the week, you will make strides dealing with shared property, taxes and debt. You will also be enthusiastic about travel plans and doing something that expands your world!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Relax and stay grounded while the only Full Moon in your sign all year is taking place. Naturally, this will stress your relationships. Fortunately, many problems will diminish and possibly disappear. (Fingers crossed.) Meanwhile, relations with kids are confusing. Things are up in the air. This same confusion will also apply to romance for some. While you have these feelings of confusion, do not act. (Although, a strong gut instinct can't be ignored.) An intense conversation with someone powerful might resolve these issues. At the very least, they will probe them. Good news -- assistance from others, or financial or practical support at the end of the week is grand.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This Full Moon makes you uneasy because it's taking place in a hidden part of your chart. Be reassured that the concerns it raises will diminish in importance by midweek. Admittedly, confusion related to your family or something to do with your home might make you feel paralyzed. If you're unsure, you can't act. What to do? Probably, the best thing to do will be nothing until you are confident. Perhaps, listen to your instincts? Sometimes they are the clue you need. One thing is certain, you can introduce improvements to your job, your health and even to something related to a pet. This will make things better. Conversations with partners and close friends will be upbeat by the end of the week!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The Full Moon taking place now will create havoc in your relations with kids, as well as tension with romantic partners. Issues build up and intensify before a Full Moon, and then, after the Full Moon peaks, these same issues diminish and sometimes disappear. Go figure. Nevertheless, there is confusion this week about your daily schedule, your daily interactions with others, and your relations with siblings, relatives and neighbours. You might feel you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. The paralysis of the negative. Do nothing if you're not sure. Fortunately, you will think your way out of any of these challenges because by the end of the week, you're laughing. Clever you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a challenging time because Sunday/Monday is a Full Moon in Fixed Signs (Moon in Scorpio, Sun in Taurus) and you also are a Fixed Sign. Naturally, it's impossible to please everyone, especially home and family. Just cope as best you can. Fortunately, despite confusion about money and possessions (and possibly deception) - a powerful talk with someone at home, perhaps a parent, will resolve things and get them back on track. This will lead to improvements. Perhaps things just needed to come to a head in order to provoke this solution? By the end of the week, social plans look promising. In addition, the arts and activities with kids will be upbeat and fun!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Be careful because the Full Moon (Sunday/Monday) is an accident-prone time for you. Verbally or physically. Therefore, think before you act or say anything. Count to three. This is good advice because this week, Mars and Neptune are lined up in your sign creating a fog of confusion for you. It will make you indecisive. Therefore, don't think you have to act when you're not sure what to do. You don't. Err on the side of caution. Do nothing unless you have a strong clear instinct to act. Meanwhile, a powerful discussion with someone might get to the bottom of something, which is ultimately a relief. By the end of the week, repairs and group discussions are some things that make your home life happier.