All Signs

This week is filled with positive energy and upbeat, productive vibes. For different reasons, many of us have felt stagnated. However, as we approach the Solar Eclipse on Saturday, there will be a sense of freedom and fresh exploration. In different ways and for different reasons, each of us will start to feel our energy flowing again. "I'm pumped!" This is something that has been long overdue. Mercury symbolizes our communications as well as our daily activities; and this week, it dances with lucky Jupiter as well as energetic Pluto. Things will be positive, productive and richer! (I know they say money isn't the key to happiness but I figure with enough money, you can have a key made.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a wonderful week! Do get out of bed. For starters, in a vague, general way, you will have a warm feeling in your tummy because you're happy to be in your own skin. This is because lovely Venus and lucky Jupiter are lined up in a hidden part of your chart, which sort of gives you a feeling that "everything's alright." Of course, we know there are terrible things happening somewhere in the world. But in your world, you're on it. Life is good. Not only that, you have some serious productive, moneymaking ideas this week! You will either see new ways of earning money or new uses for something that you already own. Everyone's impressed with your resourcefulness!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This week will be a powerful time for you because the Solar Eclipse on Saturday the 30th is taking place in your sign. Furthermore, the Sun is in your sign along with Mercury and Uranus; and Mercury will be energized by Pluto. (Too much techno talk?) The upshot of this is you will be empowered in terms of your own personal energy, and you will also have X-ray vision! You will easily see what goes on beneath the surface of events and everything around you. You can practically read people's minds! Incidentally, this is why you will enjoy watching mysteries or reading whodunits. Note: Guard against being obsessed with things this week. Lighten up.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Two contradictory factors are at play for you this week. (How appropriate! One for each of the twins.) On one hand, you will prefer to be low-key, quiet and keep a low profile, because you value your privacy, and you want to avoid the hustle and bustle of your daily world. ("Enuff awreddy.") However, on the other hand (you have different fingers), you'll make a stellar impression on others! You look successful, charming and attractive to everyone. In fact, bosses, parents, teachers and the police are impressed with you because your success is obvious to everyone. Hmmm, for some, this attractive quality will trigger a romance with a boss.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're popular this week! You will especially enjoy the company of younger people. One of the reasons they will be impressed with you is that you "get them". You will have the ability to see who they are and understand what they want and need; and because of this, you can relate to them in a genuine way. You might help someone modify their future goals? Or the reverse might happen. Someone might help you modify your future goals? Meanwhile, travel for pleasure will delight. If possible, hop a jet or mortgage your house and take a road trip so you can watch those telephone poles going by. Romance with someone "different" might blossom.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This week you will make people sit up and listen. There are two reasons: one is that the Sun at the top of your chart is casting you in a flattering spotlight so people actually admire you. Secondly, Mercury at the top of your chart is getting zapped by big daddy Pluto, which makes your speech convincing and forceful! Furthermore, it gives you the ability to see hidden influences and make strategic deductions. You might meet someone who is very powerful. Nevertheless, to put it mildly, your communications with others will be serious and profound. People will take notes. (Is Pittman shorthand but a dim memory now in history?) Meanwhile, gifts and goodies will come your way! Ka-ching!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a fortunate week for you because you want to travel! You want do different things and learn exciting information. You will entertain lofty ideas and have profound discussions. And -- you are lucky because while the Sun gives you this desire and urge to do these things, Mercury (assisted by the energy of Pluto) will help you to dig beneath the surface and understand what makes things tick. Your mind will be attracted to the mystery of how everything works. You will even want a deeper understanding of what is going on inside of you! Meanwhile, relations with partners and close friends will be warm and loving. You have much to look forward to!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

If you want to discover more about the of wealth your partner or learn more about someone's assets - this is the week to ferret out this information. (Don't leave home without your deerstalker.) The Sun and Mercury are in one of your Money Houses (specifically, the wealth of other people), and Pluto will give Mercury the powers of X-ray vision. In discussions about how to share an inheritance or divide property, you will be effective, possibly ruthless. Meanwhile, you have fabulous chances to improve your job or get a better job. You might also make your work station look more attractive. (These details are important to Libra. Who wants to work in a coal mine?)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week is about pleasure, socializing with others, enjoying playful activities with children, appreciating the arts, exploring the entertainment world and participating or watching sports. Grab every chance to get out and enjoy yourself! Likewise, grab every chance to express your talents and creative energy. Meanwhile, respect your need for sleep. You need more sleep right now. Many of you will have compelling, powerful discussions with partners and close friends. You might even attract someone to you who is super powerful. ("Hi Darth.") Strive to find a balance between important negotiations with partners and close friends and enjoying the good things in life.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are high energy this week, and you'll use this energy to work hard and get better organized. You're keen to accomplish certain goals. In fact, you might surprise others by rolling up your sleeves and digging in hands-on! Meanwhile, certain issues about home and family need your attention. Caution because Mars can stir up trouble. You're full of redecorating ideas and renovations, and shopping for your home. Does someone else want some input? You also want to entertain. It's fortunate that since you have strong desires about what you want to do where you live - at the same time, you have the energy to put your plans in motion. Remember to work in cooperation with others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This is a playful, fun-loving time for you because the Sun is in your 5th House of amusements and recreation. Hey, you want to get out and have a good time! Relationships will be more lighthearted and fun-loving; and Mercury in this same place will make you prankish and playful! You want to use your mind for amusing past times, reading, writing and playing games that require mental agility. Sports and fun activities with kids will appeal. This is an excellent time for writers and artists because you will enjoy tapping into your creative talents. It's also a blessed time for your sign because it's easy for you to appreciate your surroundings and what you have in life, which makes everything so precious.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Family matters and issues at home are where it's at this week. Discussions will be serious, possibly because family secrets are revealed. Perhaps you realize the subtext of a situation that has been going on for a while? (You will no longer be fooled.) Home repairs might be at the top of the list for many. All of these things will trigger discussions about how to get things done. Fortunately, your finances look solid! Some have found a better paying job or how to make more money in another way. Because you're feeling flush, many are buying beautiful things for yourself and your loved ones. It's handy to have a bit of cash when you want to make some changes at home. Count your blessings.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This will be a fast-paced week full of fascinating diversions. Your mind will be interested in everything! You want to learn new things and mentally explore new turf because you practically have X-ray vision when it comes to seeing the motivations of others, and what goes on all around you. (It will be amusing as well as intriguing.) You will have many discussions with different people about a wide variety of subjects. You will also be convincing! Fortunately, with fair Venus and lucky Jupiter in your sign, you will be charming and appealing to everyone. This is an excellent week to buy wardrobe goodies for yourself. Get some physical exercise to blow off pent-up steam building within you because Mars is in your sign. Go, go, go!