This week we'll put our noses to the proverbial grind stone because suddenly, we want to be productive. We want to stop needless effort and activities that drain our energy. Enough! We will cut back, pare down and focus on what is necessary. It's time to review goals and take steps to move forward to what we really want to achieve. (Hey, this isn't a pep talk. These are the astrological influences coming down the pipe for everyone.) By the weekend, we will reward themselves. Yay! After all, you can't afford to waste too much time making money. Don't wait to be happy in the future. Be happy now.
This is a goal-oriented week because there are four planets at the top of your chart pumping your ambition! Please know that some of your best opportunities will actually be connected with the past. If you're looking for a job, or you want to explore your options, go back to places you have done business with before, or worked at before, or where you might have applied before. This is because two planets at the top of your chart are retrograde right now - Mercury and Venus. This also means good things are waiting for you that are connected with your past. Meanwhile, this is a popular week and people will be supportive. You can't lose!
Right now, you look fabulous in the eyes of authority figures. You don't even have to do anything special. (Chalk it up to good lighting.) It's important to know this because it means you can ask for something and people will be receptive to you. They admire you and will be more likely to go along with your request. (This happens only once a year so use it while you have it!) Meanwhile, four planets make you want to travel, learn and do something to expand your world. You might face restrictions that we all have right now; but you can still do something to shake things up and create variety in your life.
You want to explore new ideas, learn new things and expand your world through travel. These are all things you love to do because you're always curious and you hate to be bored. Naturally, with the restrictions that we have right now, you might not be able to do all of these things but you can always learn. You can always go someplace you've never been before. You can explore your world. Meanwhile, this week is passionate and intense! Physical intimacy will be memorable. In your mundane, practical world - you will easily finish up old business that has been lingering, especially related to shared property, taxes, debt and inheritances. Just do it.
This is an interesting week because four planets are sitting opposite your sign - Mercury retrograde, Venus retrograde, fiery Mars and Pluto. Obviously, your focus will be on partners, spouses and close friends. Furthermore, your focus might also be on ex-partners and old friends who are back in your world. This might be a good thing - or not. (When people from our past are "back in our world", sometimes it's not literally; sometimes they are in our thoughts or our dreams. But they're back!) This can be an opportunity for you to work out old details, establish closure or learn something, especially about yourself.
This week the Sun continues to be as far away from you as it can get all year (in your chart), which means your energy level is low. You need more sleep. The irony is that four other planets are urging you to bust your buns and work hard! And you will do this. This will mean you need more sleep! Yes, it's a vicious cycle. Two retrograde planets will help you finish old business and wrap up old stuff so that you feel caught up and ready for whatever's coming next. Actually, this is a lovely opportunity for you. Later, you will be gratified and proud of everything you're able to do. Relations with coworkers will be cozy and supportive. Everything will help you to be productive.
This is an interesting week because like everyone else, you're keen to work hard and be productive. However, in addition to this influence, you also have four planets urging you to play and have fun! This means you're ready to work hard and party hard! Enjoy social outings wherever possible. Enjoy sports events and playful activities with kids. You will also enjoy any chance to express your creative talents because you want the joy of creating new things. Admittedly, old flames might be back in the picture. This can be exciting and thrilling or scary. It can also trigger problems with a current partner. Just go with the flow and be honest and forthright.
This is a strong time for you because the Sun is now in an Air Sign and you are an Air Sign, so there is a lovely support in terms of energy and opportunity for you. This is why you feel free to do your own thing and be exactly who you are. This makes you joyful! Because of this, you will enjoy social outings, sports and fun activities with kids, as well as chances to express your creative talents. Nevertheless, you are also dealing with a wild and crazy situation at home. Past issues are back on the table. Relatives you haven't seen for a while might be sleeping on your sofa. Despite this increased activity and chaos, you want to make home improvements and redecorate. (Put those sofa surfers to work.)
The bottom line for you lately is that you want to cocoon at home and relax among familiar surroundings. You feel you have to pull your act together, and you want to do this privately. (Some of you might be more involved than usual with a parent.) However, despite your desire to withdraw to your own sanctuary, four planets are urging you to get out there and hustle! This is why appointments, errands, short trips plus conversations with family members, siblings and neighbours will keep you busy! (Everyone loves you.) Make sure you make time for yourself because you count. If you don't take care of your own needs - you'll be no use to anyone. (But you know this.)
This is a fast-paced time! Short trips, errands, appointments, discussions with relatives and neighbours, plus increased reading, writing and studying make busy demands on your days. You're keen to talk to others because you want to enlighten someone about your ideas. (You've got that philosopher streak.) Nevertheless, this week, four planets are sitting in your Money House. And two of these planets are retrograde, which means money will be delayed. Cheques in the mail will be late. On the upside, you will wrap up financial business that has been dragging on forever. You will work hard to boost your earnings but you'll also spend money. (Especially on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones.) Ka-ching!
This week fiery Mars moves into your sign to stay for the next six weeks. Yay! This will boost your energy and give you lots of drive! It will help you get stuff done. But it can make you come on too strong with others. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde has slipped back into your sign to join Pluto and Venus, which is also retrograde. This could trigger moments of Dijon vu, where the smell of mustard reminds you of cold rinks and hockey games. "He scores!" Don't hesitate to buy nice clothes for yourself. A new look will boost your confidence and work well with the sassy energy that Mars is giving you. Go do that voodoo that you do so well!
This continues to be your special time because the Sun is still in your sign until Feb. 17. Yeehaw! You are blessed! The Sun boosts your confidence and gives you energy, focus and optimism. Ironically while this wonderful, positive influence exists, meanwhile, four planets are literally "hiding" in your chart. This is a real Jekyll and Hyde influence. The upside is it will help you do research. It will also promote secret love affairs. And you will find it easier to be self-scrutinizing and contemplative. The downside is that it's possible that someone is working against your best interests. Trust your intuition on this. If you suspect that something fishy is going on - it is!
You're very active with others right now because people from your past, friends from your past, as well as professional contacts you might have known through groups, clubs and organizations are suddenly back in your world. This is why you are involved with younger people and artistic people. You also might be in competition with someone. Some of you will be more involved with competitive physical sports - there are many ways this energy is expressing itself for your sign. The bottom line is that you can learn a lot through your contact with these people from your present and your past. Meanwhile, in the bigger picture, use some of this quiet time to think what you want for your new year ahead.