All Signs

The Full Moon on Monday opposes Pluto, which indicates passive-aggressive resistance to authority. Oh yeah, we'll dig in our heels and stick to our views. (This element of opposition will smolder throughout the week.) Fortunately, after Wednesday, suddenly, things are lighthearted and happy. There's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, a four-week window of Aquarian energy will be ushered in this week. Protesters will be emboldened. Networking will flourish and ideals will run high. Aquarius cares about protecting the rights of the underdog. Mother Nature, however, doesn't care what economic bracket you're in.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Be patient with family members at the beginning of the week. Hey, family is forever. Whachagonna do? The big news is that this week, you enter a lovely four-week window where you will be more popular. Many of you will hang out more with younger people, especially younger people you haven't seen for a while. You might be more involved with clubs, groups and associations either in person or on-line. You will make a lovely impression on bosses, parents and VIPs right now. In fact, a romance with a boss might begin for some of you. Grab every opportunity to travel because you want to get outta Dodge!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This week the Sun moves to the top of your chart where it will stay for the next four weeks. This happens only once a year, and when it does, it symbolizes that a flattering spotlight is shining down on you. This is why everyone (especially people in authority) will admire you, even if you don't do anything special. (Good lighting is everything.) Obviously, because you have this advantage, you must use it! In the next four weeks, you are perfectly positioned to advance your agenda and go after what you want. Make your pitch! Travel will also appeal. Romance with someone from afar or from another culture is likely. Be patient in disputes about inheritances, shared property and insurance issues.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Your world will change in the next four weeks. Many of you will travel; certainly, all of you will learn more and be eager to study or experience new environments and new ways of doing things. This window of time is also the perfect time to finish a book, a manuscript or an important paper. Romance will be particularly affectionate at this time. (Which is a good thing because with Mars opposite your sign, it's easy to fall into disputes with those who are closest to you.) Be nice. Be patient with others on Monday when the Full Moon could trigger arguments about shared possessions or money. Steady as she goes.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Moon is your ruler, and on Monday, the only Full Moon in your sign all year occurs. Naturally, you will feel this! It will heighten your feelings and possibly create friction between you and loved ones. Fortunately, this is a 48-hour influence, which is not too long to be patient. Plus, fair Venus will be opposite your sign and this softens your responses to others. Meanwhile, Mars will pump your energy to work and be productive. For the next four weeks, you're on a self-improvement kick because you want to be the best that you can be! You can use this same window of time to finish up red-tape details about inheritances, shared property, taxes and debt. (All that fun stuff.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Heads up! This week, the Sun moves opposite your sign to stay for four weeks. This happens only once a year, and when it does, it indicates that something is coming to a head or that there is a culmination of something. Naturally, you might encounter opposition from others. (Don't provoke them.) This is the classic time when life is giving you a report card. You see what works; you see what doesn't work. It's humbling when you realize that even the King of the Jungle makes mistakes. Fortunately, you are never petty. You own your mistakes and admit them. You have lots of energy to play, have fun and enjoy competitive sports. Yay! Meanwhile, work colleagues are friendly and supportive.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The energy of the Full Moon at the beginning of the week could put you at odds with your kids, as well as create problems with romantic partners. Fortunately, this is brief! This week, you enter a four-week window where you will want to get better organized. You want to get on top of your game. You want to feel that you are flourishing in a productive, efficient way. You want to feel proud about your accomplishments. By extension, you want to improve your health. You might slightly change what you're eating. You will try to exercise more. (The whole enchilada.) Your home life is still busy and in relative disarray. Fortunately, fair Venus wants you to party, socialize and enjoy loving times with kids. That will feel nice.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The Full Moon energy on Monday might stir up trouble with family (especially parents) because you feel pulled between your responsibilities for home and family versus your responsibilities for your career and public reputation. This tension will be brief because the Full Moon is roughly for 48-hours. After that, the good news is you begin a four-week window where fun, pleasure, enjoyment and even vacations will be a top priority! Yay! (It might be difficult to go on vacation with all the restrictions there are in the world at present.) But you certainly can enjoy yourself with some imagination. Romance will flourish! You will enjoy playful times with kids. Welcome opportunities to express your creative talents.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Pay attention to everything you say and do today and tomorrow because the Full Moon energy could create an accident-prone situation for you. (Verbal as well as physical). "Did I just say that?" Fortunately, Venus is in your House of Communications, which means your words are sweet and charming. This week a new influence begins that energizes everything to do with home and family for the next four weeks. You might be more involved than usual with a parent. You might stay at home more. You might focus on home repairs. Certainly, there will be family discussions. You will also work hard to boost your earnings although, many of you will be spending a lot as well. A lovely blessing at this time is that Venus promotes warm, everyday contacts with everyone. Major bonus!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Expect disputes about money and possessions at the beginning of the week. Fiery Mars in your sign might make you come on too heavy. (Oops!) Remember what your long-term objective is. Meanwhile, for the next four weeks, your life will be busy! Suddenly, you've got things to do, places to go and people to see! Short trips, increased reading and studying plus more contact with siblings and relatives will be on your menu. You will attract money to you. This same influence will encourage you to spend on beautiful things. Get more physical exercise (especially outdoors) because exercise will help you blow off pent-up steam that could be building up within you. You're revved!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

On Monday, the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year occurs, which encourages tension with partners and close friends. Rise above this. Demonstrate grace under pressure. Venus is in your sign, which makes you charming and diplomatic. (Admittedly, some kind of energy behind the scenes might not be in your best interests. If you think something fishy is going on - it is!) This week you enter a four-week window that makes you focus on money, earnings and cash flow. You will be more interested in your possessions - taking care of them and organizing things. Respect your moneymaking ideas. Ponder deeper values: What really matters in life? Do you know?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This week the Sun enters your sign to stay for four weeks. (This blessing happens only once a year.) This will empower you! It's your chance to recharge your batteries! It will boost your confidence and attract important people and favourable situations to you. You're in charge! With Mercury retrograde in your sign, you're in contact with people from your past. Many of you are putting energy into groups or organizations because you want to make a difference in the world. Obviously, you will have countless opportunities to do this because there are so many global challenges. You have many chances to practice your magic. This is your hour!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

As this week begins, be patient with kids and romantic partners because the Full Moon energy could stir up trouble. People will be entrenched in their ways. (They're just being human.) Meanwhile, your personal year is coming to an end, but your new year won't begin until your birthday arrives. That means the next four weeks are a time of limbo to cocoon and take it easy. Start to think about what you want for your new year ahead, which will begin with your birthday. Make some goals because goals keep you on track. They make future decision-making easier. They give you a sense of purpose. With Mars high in your chart, your ambition is aroused. Make this work for you!