All Signs

This week tension between conservative Saturn and unconventional Uranus will create disputes about celebrating the holidays in a new and different way versus celebrating the holidays like you always have. Of course, the Fixed signs will resist. (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.) "No cranberry sauce with the turkey?" Fixed signs like the illusion of permanence. Meanwhile, take precautions to avoid accidents all day on Christmas Eve. Be smart. Christmas day is much better. Festive times will shine! Ditto for Boxing Day. It's obvious our year is ending. But I like what Richard Bach said: "Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished- If you're alive it isn't."

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For the next four weeks, the Sun is at the very top of your chart. This symbolizes that you are being thrust into the limelight; and furthermore, this light will be flattering to you! Therefore, people will notice you more than usual, especially bosses, parents, VIPs and the police. Fortunately, you will look attractive and capable to them, even if you don't do anything special. (Chalk it up to smoke and mirrors.) Within an advantage like this, you can make great strides in getting what you want. Talk to authority figures. Ask for what you want. Get serious about your ambitions. If you don't take care of your wants and needs, who will?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're entering an exciting four weeks ahead! If you're lucky, you will travel somewhere because what you really want to do is expand your horizons. You want to experience stimulating adventure, in new places while you meet new faces. Preferably, the weather is fantastic. You really need to get away! If you can't slip off to sunny climes, then do whatever you can to have tiny vacations on the weekends. In other words, do something stimulating so you feel you're shaking things up a bit. You will love to learn something new, perhaps a new language? A cooking course? An introduction to being a sommelier? (I'll drink to that.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is interesting. For the next four weeks, four planets will be in the part of your chart that will increase your passion and intensity about everything. Of course, you will feel more sexually passionate; however, you will be more passionate about every aspect of your life, as well! And those around you will notice! Meanwhile, fiery Mars is opposite your sign right now. This can happen only once every two years and when it does (for about six weeks), it's easy for you to lose it because other people seem to be so annoying. Perhaps they are. Nevertheless, think about your own peace of mind. Think about your own happiness. Anger makes everyone miserable, including you. Lighten up!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This week the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto are directly opposite your sign. This is an indication that you will be focused on partners, spouses and your closest friends, much more than usual. In fact, the Sun is going to be there for the next four weeks. Although this polarized position makes you focus on your partnerships more than usual, it also offers you a chance to improve these partnerships because you will have more objectivity. You will more easily see what you do and how you relate to others. Obviously, this gives you a chance to learn how to do things better. (It's humbling when we see our foibles and how we can be part of the problem.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

For the next four weeks, you are seriously in work mode. Oh yeah, you're pulling out all stops so that you can really be productive. You will accomplish a lot because first off, you're going to get better organized. You'll set high standards for yourself. While you're on this kick, you will also want to improve your health as well. (Could be a challenging time of year to do this, especially with food and drink.) It all comes down to attitude, and right now your attitude is that you want to get as much done as possible, as efficiently as possible in a way that makes you feel a sense of accomplishment. You want to be proud of what you get done. (I'm impressed.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Lucky you! Here we are, entering a holiday season and for your sign, four planets are urging you to party and socialize! You're the big winner! Accept all invitations to party. Extend some invitations yourself. Enjoy the company of children in particular. You will also enjoy sports events and social diversions that are upbeat and fun. Your creative vibes will be hyped, which means you can do things that require creative talents. Admittedly, increased chaos and activity on the home front continues. Perhaps this is one reason you want to escape and enjoy fun times with others? (Sounds good to me.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Everything to do with home, family and your private world will be your primary focus in the next four weeks. This makes sense because you love pleasant surroundings and you like to fuss about your home making it look as attractive as possible. Meanwhile, this is a season where many of you will be entertaining more than usual and enjoying the company of family where you live. Therefore, in the next four weeks, tackle repairs, dabble in redecorating, enjoy entertaining family and friends, including fun discussions. Mars will make you forceful in all your interactions with others. Oh yeah - you mean business!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The pace of your days will accelerate in the next four weeks - no question. Suddenly, you've got things to do, places to go and people to see! Expect to make short trips, talk to neighbours, siblings and relatives and at the same time, to also enjoy your surroundings. You will realize how much love there is in your daily world. How reassuring this is! Likewise, the recognition of this will make your own words sweet when you talk to others. Meanwhile, your cash flow is active. You're working hard to earn money and you're working just as hard to spend it. Jupiter will ensure happy times with family. Enjoy your good fortune.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

For various reasons (according to the different details of your lives), for the next four weeks, you will be focused more than usual on money, earnings and cash flow. One thing is certain, many of you will have bright, clever moneymaking ideas! This is not surprising because you like to think of ways to get rich. Many of you will also be spending money on beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. Fortunately, with Venus in your House of Earnings, you have the ability to attract money to you at this time. Sweet! Meanwhile, fiery Mars is in your sign making you feel pumped! Your high-energy will give you the ability to accomplish a lot. Look out, world!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This week the Sun moves into your sign where it will stay for the next four weeks. This is major horseshoes for you! It can happen only once a year and that time has arrived! With the Sun is in your sign, it means you will have lots of energy to do what you want to do. Furthermore, it also means that you easily attract people and favourable situations to you. It's also your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of year. It's an excellent blessing! In addition to this, you also have Mercury and Venus in your sign, which means you will be busy talking and schmoozing to everyone. This is a favourable time for you. Enjoy your good fortune and share your positive vibes with others.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

At this time of year, your personal year is coming to an end; however, your new year will not yet begin for at least a month. That means you are sort of in limbo for the next four weeks. By no means is this a waste of time. Au contraire! You can use this time to do some serious navel gazing, in addition to which, you can start to make plans and set goals for your new year ahead. After all, goals keep you on track. They give you focus. They make future decision-making easier, and they give you a sense of purpose. One thing is certain, we know that you will soon be boosting your earnings, or getting richer in some way. Keep that in mind while you're defining future goals. Ka-ching!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

As the Sun shifts signs this week, it ushers in a new four-week interval for you when you will be very popular! Suddenly, everyone wants to see your face. Expect to be involved with younger people more than usual as well as artistic, creative types. All of these contacts might help you because meanwhile, with Mars at the top of your chart, your ambition is aroused! Therefore, all these contacts can be very helpful to you in some way. Certainly, one possibility is that they might prompt you to make future goals or adjust your expectations for yourself in the future. You are one sign that is very affected by what you expect for yourself. This is why it's important for you to dare to dream big!