Yikes! The energy this week will be like tabloid headlines. "Secret KFC Recipe Revealed!" "Who Killed JFK?" Yes, it will old home week for conspiracy theorists. This is because deep, dark secrets will come to light this week. Not only will a "light" reveal unknown mysteries or classified information - it will also trigger revelations that prompt people to leave stagnant, oppressive relationships. Outmoded structures will be cast aside. People are waking up and they want change! Mid-week, tempers will flare. Friday's Lunar Eclipse will be the last straw. (No plastic, please.) My only hope is this doesn't include my family's secret recipe for chili. After all - some things are sacrosanct.
This could be a momentous week for you with money, earnings, cash flow and especially, your financial involvement with others, especially partners. A dispute about shared ownership might arise. Financial secrets regarding the ownership of something or debt might come out. A secret could involve an authority figure, especially a parent or an older family member. You might feel betrayed or denied important information. As the week goes on, this tough energy will build. (Wednesday could be particularly nasty.) By Friday, the Full Moon brings everything to a head. Things need to be resolved. You want the facts and you want the freedom to govern what you own wholly or in a shared way. Simple.
When it comes to money, you practically manufacture the stuff in your backyard. This week, you can expect disputes with partners and close friends that might also involve a parent or an authority figure or even the government because it feels like the world is out to get you. This conflict could be triggered by the discovery of information of which you were unaware. (You were either ignorant or deceived.) By Wednesday, you will express your displeasure! After that, the only Full Moon in your sign all year will occur on Friday. Hopefully, it peaks -- once again, peace will be in the land and the crops shall be fertile and milk and honey will flow.
Although this is a crunchy week for many, I think it will be lighter for you. (Fingers crossed.) Nevertheless, you might have anxiety or disputes about your health. In fact, health concerns could trigger arguments with someone? Or perhaps these arguments will be related to your job or your work? They could also be related to your involvement with your pet or pets because something will trigger conflict in these areas for you. This conflict might be exacerbated by rules and regulations or the law. Very likely, you will feel a buildup of these problems but hopefully, after the Full Moon on Friday, you will have a sense of resolution. In fact, these problems should diminish and perhaps, even disappear? (One can only hope.)
Patience is the antidote to anger. It does not remove the cause of anger; but it will stop anger from doing more damage. Remember this if you find yourself in conflict with your kids, a romantic partner, or a colleague in sports, the entertainment world or working with youth. You might argue with someone about fundraising or how to use a specific amount of money or a mandate. By Wednesday, you might be full battle. This could get even worse by the Full Noon on Friday! The good news is that fair Venus is opposite your sign and this will assuage difficulties with others. Plus, you're a sensitive, caring person.
This might be a challenging week for you. (Yes, we're talking Bad Day at Black Rock.) Your home and your family will be interrupted in a major way. Family conflicts might be the result. You might also be at odds with your partner. People are very independent, and in the midst of all this, hidden secrets might come out! A family member might rebel against any kind of authority in the family. This could be very touchy on Wednesday; and by the Full Moon on Friday, the tension is palpable. Fortunately, following this, everything might quickly subside. Yay! Things fall into place and there's even seconds on dessert. (Fingers crossed!)
Please note that there's a lot of wild energy flying around this week. It could promote an accident-prone situation for your sign. Obviously, nothing has to happen. It's just a potential - a possibility. Be aware that you might suddenly be arguing with relatives, daily contacts or neighbours, especially about controversial issues in our society. This could impact your job and even your health. Quite likely, you are worked up about something and feeling intellectually aggressive. Is this wise? Anger only clouds your thinking. Wednesday might be a day of confrontation. Frankly, things will not let up until after the Full Moon on Friday. Don't try to win an argument. Don't try to be right. Just relax.
We are all dealing with confrontational issues this week, and for you, it could relate to money, possessions and your kids. You might quarrel about cash flow, earnings or who is responsible for what. Perhaps your values are different from those of someone else? (It's particularly challenging when you encounter this in your kids.) Keep an open mind to hear the other person's point of view because this is helpful. Also keep in mind that we are all receiving different inputs of information from different media sources. Contradictory information simply promotes confrontations. Practice patience on Wednesday, and wait until the Full Moon is over on Friday for things to settle down. You've got this.
There's no question that this is a challenging week. The tough aspects that are taking place involve the Sun, Mercury and fiery Mars -- all in your sign. They are sitting at odds with Uranus and stern Saturn. As if that weren't enough, at the end of the week, the only Full Moon opposite your sign all year will take place. What to do? Slow down! Take it easy. Minimize what you want to do. Be patient with everyone. Be kind to yourself. Have a coffee with Baileys. (Canned whipped cream is fine.) Sit this one out in a gentle, easy-going way for your own good. Quite literally, you need to wait for the storm to pass. Pamper yourself with good food and drink. Feet up. Fun TV.
Resist the urge to get involved with philosophical concepts that lead to confrontations with others this week because the odds are that this will happen. But will it be fun? No way. You like to get along with others. You love exploring ideas and enjoying lofty, profound discussions. But who needs confrontations and arguments? Avoid these, if possible, especially related to your work, your health or your pet. Don't make a big deal about anything. Be as easy going and forgiving as you can because in the end - you will be the one who benefits. Who wants to have their belly in a rash? Not you! ("I want to get off eBay and get on an E-bike.")
You like to minimize collateral damage and keep up appearances because life runs more smoothly that way. You're right. Very smart. You know that appearances are everything. Therefore, consider this week an opportunity for you to demonstrate grace under pressure, because there's a strong likelihood that you will find yourself at odds with a friend, or perhaps your kids, or you might be at odds with a group. Things could get nasty. By Wednesday, people might be at each other's throats! Not good. Financial responsibilities might be in the picture as well. All this will come to a head and hopefully, become resolved after the Full Moon on Friday. (Would that it were that simple - and it just might be.)
This week will have some challenges. Quite likely, you will find yourself at odds with an authority figure - boss, parent, even the police. For starters, deep, dark secrets might be revealed either to others or just to you. If it's just to you, it might be a profound revelation about something that you can no longer ignore. It's as if long-hidden information has suddenly come to light! Things will be volatile on Wednesday. The slightest provocation might provoke an argument. And by Friday, the only Full Moon that occurs all year in your House of Home and Family will take place. Do what you can to keep the peace, but of course, you also have to maintain your integrity as a human being.
Be aware that this week is an accident-prone time for you. Of course, an accident doesn't have to happen but it might happen if you're angry, flustered or distracted. Therefore, pay attention to everything you say and do, especially when jogging, walking and driving. It's important to guard against knee-jerk reactions where you suddenly blurt something out and then you can't take it back. This could be regrettable. (It's definitely something you want to avoid.) Think about what is best for everyone. Generally speaking, what's good for the bee is good for the hive. Next year will be a much easier year for you because lucky Jupiter will be in your sign. This is reassuring.