All Signs

Mercury retrograde was technically over last Saturday (the 20th). For eleven days, Mercury remained at 11 degrees Aquarius. On Friday, Mercury began to move forward (relative to planet Earth), which means this week, life will move forward with more focus, power and results. This is a good thing! Nevertheless, if you're buying big-ticket items like computers, cars, trucks and cell phones, ideally, wait until Mercury catches up to the degree it was at when it first went retrograde, which is 26 degrees Aquarius. That day will be March 13. Meanwhile, this week, Mars is dancing with Pluto, which will channel everyone's energy in a powerful way. The message is definitely - go big or go home!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week continues to be a time when you still want to play things low-key and work alone or behind the scenes. If you have to research anything or seek answers to old problems, you will be successful. There is a "subterranean" influence that indicated many of you are having secret love affairs right now. Meanwhile, many of you might also see new ways of earning money, or discover a new job. You're in a resourceful frame of mind - this is certain. This is also why many of you will see new uses or applications for something that you already own. It's the perfect week to set goals for the future. Goals help to keep you on track --and they make decision making easier.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This continues to be a popular time. Many of you are more in touch than usual with people online, in person or through groups, clubs and organizations. Creative, artistic contacts are also in your life, which can be stimulating and inspiring. This emphasis on close friendships right now will mean that for some, a friend will become a lover. With Mars in your sign dancing with Pluto, you are powerful and capable of working hard for long hours. Your energy is persevering and you are focused. But here's an important tip: If you work for the good of others as well as your own good, you will receive much more benefit and credit. (That's how Pluto works.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This week the Sun is still at the top of your chart, shining down and casting you in a flattering light, which means this is still a great time for you to make your pitch to bosses, parents and teachers. (Everyone thinks you're great.) In fact, a romance with a boss or a saucy flirtation with someone in a position of a power might occur. It's a great week to move forward with new studies or to begin to write an important paper or manuscript. You will find that some kind of hidden energy is stirring within you that allows you to be persevering at whatever task that you attempt to do. You have amazing endurance right now! Keep in mind that this is a year of preparation for a very successful year in 2022!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're still hungry for adventure, travel and excitement. With so many confined to home and with travel restrictions, this is obviously a challenging time for you. Make the most of this by travelling online, seeing YouTubes about exploring different countries and cities. (Maybe the greatest libraries in the world?) You might strike up a long-distance romance with someone. Meanwhile, you will make progress dealing with shared property, inheritances, taxes and insurance matters. Furthermore, your involvement with groups (and this might be competitive) will be extremely effective. Your energy will bring about change in your world and will inspire others to listen to you and follow your lead.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your focus on taxes, debt, insurance matters and shared property continues this week. Furthermore, a blessing in these financial matters still exists, which is why you might receive gifts, or people will do favours for you. Meanwhile, your ambition is aroused! You intend to make big changes that will affect the direction that you want to go in the future. The sheer energy of your motivation and drive to achieve your goals will bring about a major shift this week. This is the power of clear motivation! Please be aware that if what you want to achieve will also benefit others as well as yourself, your success will be even greater. Factoid. (It's a Pluto thang.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This week the Sun, Venus and Neptune are sitting opposite your sign. While Venus promotes relations with others in a lovely, warm way - the opposition of the Sun will rob you of some of strength, which is why you need more sleep. (This happens for four weeks once a year. Of course, six months from now when the Sun is in your sign for four weeks, you will get a marvellous boost of energy!) This is an excellent week to study and learn something new because you want to do this; plus you have the necessary energy and perseverance. You might also use this same driven energy to finish a paper or a manuscript or work on something related to medicine, the law and the media.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This is a productive week! Hey, this is good! You will get so much done because you're setting the bar high. Not only do you want to get better organized in your professional life, you also want to get better organized in your personal world. You even want to improve your health. ("Look Ma! No hands!") Fortunately, relations with coworkers and bosses are excellent. In fact, financial favours might come your way. You also might see ways to use your assets or shared property to benefit someone. If so, this decision will benefit you, too. This week you're inclined to use your mind for amusing past times - reading, writing and playing games. Backgammon anyone?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week continues to offer you chances to express yourself and do your own thing. You're free-spirited and you want to have a good time! Romance will be lighthearted and playful. Your involvement with children is greater, which is why you will enjoy games and sports activities with kids. Family discussions and home repairs might also be on your agenda. However, underlying everything is a strong desire to improve your closest relationships with others. Beware of trying to "make over" someone else or make them change to "improve" the relationship. You can't change someone else. You can only change yourself. And when you change yourself, other changes might follow.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Home and family continue to be your primary focus. This could be because of your involvement (more than usual) with a parent. It might also be because you are busy with redecorating projects? Naturally, you have to work within responsible Covid restrictions; having said that, you might want to entertain at home - with your safe bubble of contacts. This is because you are eager to communicate and talk to others this week. Meanwhile, you intend to do something to improve your health and to buff your body. You're setting high standards for yourself because you want to be the best that you can be. Great! You're an outdoors person so this is wise. Use it or lose it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Despite the restrictions that we all face at this time, you're busy in an active way. You are certainly eager to communicate, especially to neighbours, relatives and siblings. Some of you are taking short trips. Many of you are figuring out ways to make money from your words - writing, acting, online sales - whatever. Moreover, you also dreaming up moneymaking ideas. In addition, some of you are working hard to hone or perfect a technique perhaps in sports or the arts. You might do something over and over until you get better and better at it. That old joke is certainly true: "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" "Practice!"

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Money, cash flow, financial matters plus big purchases are on your mind this week. The good news is that you can attract money to you at this time. Small wonder you are also buying beautiful things for yourself and loved ones. This also fits with the fact that there is increased chaos and activity on the home front, possibly due to renovations or visitors? These changes could trigger major purchases for your home. Meanwhile, with Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in your sign, you are very keen to communicate your ideas to others. You're enthusiastic about big change that is taking place in your life. You sense that you are entering a new world and you are entirely right.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is a lovely time for you with the Sun and Venus in your sign. It means you are smooth and charming with everyone. Furthermore, the Sun gives you a chance to replenish yourself as well as attract people and favourable situations to you. This is definitely your time to shine! It's also another great week where you will be pleased with wardrobe purchases. Yay! (Check Moon Alert on my daily column before you do so.) Meanwhile, you will be bolder and more aggressive when talking to others this week, which is a good thing because your ability to assert yourself will bring about improvements in your daily world and environment. Sweet!