All Signs

This week we have an Aquarian symposium. The Sun is in Aquarius. The New Moon is in Aquarius. Mercury retrograde is in Aquarius. Venus is in Aquarius along with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. (Didn't you get the memo?) This is timely because it's a signal that we're shifting in a new direction, which is good and necessary. What can we expect? Huge advances in technology! Cooperation between groups and peoples of all nations! An ambitious start to achieve idealistic goals in the face of economic uncertainty! Ah yes, the light at the end of the tunnel that was turned off due to budget cuts is on again.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This heavy emphasis on Aquarius promotes interaction with friends and group activities - probably online. You'll be active on Facebook and social media (or however you are in contact with friends and groups at this time). Friends from the past are back in the picture. The bottom line is for you to think about the friends that you have in your life. Are these quality people? Do they have your back? Is your life enriched or happier because of them? Life is too short to waste time on those who don't deserve you. You're quality goods!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This mosh pit of wild, Aquarian energy is taking place at the top of your chart, which means this is the culmination of a 30-year cycle, as well as a 12-year cycle. It's a time when your cherished dreams are coming true and you are being noticed for your accomplishments. More than that, you are proud of your accomplishments! Because of the New Moon taking place at the top of your chart, this a good week to think or your life direction in general. Where do you want to be five years from now? Two years from now? One year from now? What do you have to do today to start to move in that direction? Ideas?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

All this wild and crazy energy taking place in Aquarius means six events are doing their thing in the element of Air. And you are an Air sign! Connect the dots! You have a VIP pass to whatever you want to do, especially related to publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education or further training. It's an excellent time to think about future travel plans, whenever this will be a viable opportunity (and that day will come, most certainly). Meanwhile, you don't want to stand in place getting dusty. You're eager to learn and expand your world! What can you do that will be adventurous and stimulating?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This week you're focused on issues related to shared wealth and the wealth and resources of your partner or another party. This might include your involvement with an inheritance or something to do with insurance issues, taxes and debt. (Benjamin Franklin said the only thing we can be sure of is taxes, death and doing banking on cell phones.) Mercury retrograde will help you wrap up old business related to these areas. This is a benefit for you! Venus and Jupiter will favour you financially and attract gifts, goodies and favours from others to you. Another benefit for you! You wanted more?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This gaggle of planets in Aquarius is happening opposite your sign, which means you are focused on partners and close friends. You might also be dealing with members of the general public more than usual. Mercury retrograde will attract ex-partners back into your world in person or in your memory. You'll be thinking about these people more than usual. The good news is that this will give you greater objectivity and a chance to learn more about how you relate to those who are closest to you. Meanwhile Venus and Jupiter will promote good feelings! They will encourage you to express your affection and make your feelings clear to those who are closest to you. It's all good.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You are a doer. You are an Earth sign who likes to be efficient, organized, alphabetized and colour-coded. (Of course, perfection doesn't exist.) Ironically, this heavy emphasis in Aquarius (six planets!) will make you want to be better organized in every aspect of your life. Yay! You want to be on top of things at work; you want to be healthier; and you want to be timely in how you do things, especially with a pet. Admittedly, Mercury retrograde will create delays and goofy mistakes - but nothing serious. The upshot is that it's time for you to set some goals about what you want for yourself, especially in terms of your work in the next two years. Is it time to update your resume?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

All of this Aquarian activity taking place this week (see All Signs above) bodes well for you because these six planetary influences are happening in Air, and you are an Air sign. It's as if the universe is offering you "direct support." Such a blessing! Furthermore, this gaggle of planets is sitting in the part of your chart related to romance, parties, vacations, creative activities, sports and children - all that fun stuff! So, in a nutshell, this week, you want to have fun! Old flames are back in your world. People will reach out to you in person or online through social media or zoom because they want to share time with you. Children will be a source of joy! You will give yourself permission to be exactly who you are. No need to pretend.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

As you see in All Signs, there's a lot going on the sign of Aquarius: The Sun, the New Moon, Mercury retrograde, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. All of this is happening at the bottom of your chart activating everything to do with home, family and your private life. (This includes your interactions with parents.) In broad terms - it's everything to do with home and where you live now, and where you might live in the future; plus, everything to do with family members and your relationships to them. Mercury retrograde will put you in touch with relatives you haven't seen for a while either in person, on social media or even as a memory? Venus will encourage you to redecorate and entertain your family bubble. Jupiter and Saturn will make you think about real estate and where you live.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a fast-paced time because this gaggle of planets mentioned in All Signs above is occurring in a part of your chart that affects your daily activity, your daily thoughts, your daily contacts and your daily habits. Naturally, Mercury retrograde will create snafus in these areas, which means you can expect transportation problems, mixed-up communications and misplaced items as well hearing from siblings, relatives and neighbours you haven't seen for a while. However, all this will stimulate your mind! You will want to communicate to others! You might want to study and write more. Start making new plans that will affect your daily world.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Because this is the year that you are going to get richer, who is surprised that the planetary energy of six configurations (see All Signs above) is taking place in your Money House? Naturally! Admittedly, Mercury retrograde will slow things down and cheques in the mail will be late. However, Mercury retrograde will also give you an opportunity to wrap up old business and see old contacts that might boost your income or promote your moneymaking ideas. Meanwhile, Venus and Jupiter will attract money to you. If not money, then gifts, goodies from others and favours. Of course, fiery Mars wants you to play! It will energize your involvement in sports and any kind of social diversions that you are able to explore in these pandemic times.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Well, it's all about you, dear Aquarius. Ex-partners and friends from the past are back in your world. Meanwhile, a variety of opportunities are coming your way because Venus and Jupiter in your sign and this attracts them to you! You have a strong desire to express your ideas to others, which is a good thing because people want to hear what you have to say. This is an unusual time for you because you are virtually setting out on a new 30-year journey, as well as a new 12-year journey (two separate influences). The bottom line is that you are going to grow and transform who you are and become a more evolved person. (You always knew that life was more than a dress rehearsal.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is an unusual time for you because the Sun, the New Moon, Mercury retrograde, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are all "hiding" in your chart. (There is plenty of room.) This means you are more in touch with your subconscious mind and how it affects you and directs your activities and influences your decisions. Oh yes! Important to know! Memories of childhood behaviour patterns will appear. You're happy to be low key and perhaps do research. You will be giving in your romantic relationships. (Some are having a secret affair.) Overall, you are exploring your spiritual world, and starting to wonder where this might take you. (If you believe in fairies clap your hands!)