Oh joy! The week ahead looks great! (Of course, there will be challenges because that's life. Say-la-vee.) Venus in Virgo will relate beautifully to the trio of planets now in Capricorn, which is a welcome relief. And everyone will feel a shift when the Sun moves into Scorpio for four weeks. This will make people feel more passionate and intense about everything. (The US election, for example). Most of you know that "May you live in interesting times" was actually a Chinese curse, and this has not been a boring year! An illustration of our world today is that apparently the number of copies of the Bible and the Koran are outnumbered by IKEA catalogues. (Think what this did for the Allen wrench!)
During the next four weeks, your feelings will be more intense; however, this might help you focus on what needs to be done because this month, you're concerned with joint finances, shared property and the wealth of a spouse or partner. (This includes borrowing money and dealing with credit and bills.) Fortunately, Mercury retrograde will help you wrap up this stuff to such an extent that you'll be surprised at how quickly and smoothly things will get done! Finito! In no small measure, this will be assisted by the influences of Venus with the Capricorn trio that in turn, will give you a mind that is steady and capable of handling details as well as a desire for practical results. Way to go!
This week the Sun moves opposite your sign to stay for the next four weeks. This happens only once a year, and when it occurs, among other things, it means you will need more sleep. (Go to bed.) However, this polarized position of the Sun will give you more objectivity so that you can better understand the subtle ramifications of your closest relationships. Hey, this is an advantage not to be ignored. This detachment can help you see how you can improve your style of relating with others. Meanwhile, issues related to kids, sports, vacations, the arts and social outings will be practical and beneficial to you. Good time to make future vacation plans!
This week ushers in a four-week window where you're revved up to work smart and work hard, cuz you want results! You want to make every action count. This is because you want to work at an effective, efficient pace. Fear not -- all it takes is motivation, and because you have the desire to do this, you will see concrete results and will accomplish a lot in the next four weeks. Incidentally, this high standard that you are setting for yourself will also apply to your health. (Yes, you're turning over a new leaf.) Meanwhile, this week issues at home and relations with family member will be much better. (And that's how we like them to be.)
It's good news for you because this week, the Sun moves into your fellow Water Sign of Scorpio. This occurs twice a year about four months before and after your birthday. This is a beneficial connection because it will help give you balance and equilibrium in your life. It makes things work smoothly and your life will hum along in a better way. It also gives you a chance to regroup and rethink. In addition, this four-week window will be more lighthearted and more fun-loving. You will enjoy social occasions, fun activities with kids and a greater interest in sports. Plus, your ability to concentrate will improve this week as will your communication style. Not too shabby!
As the Sun shifts into Scorpio this week, it will increase your focus on home, family and your private life for the next four weeks. You will be most comfortable to be at home among familiar surroundings. Your focus will be inward and memories of your youth and early family days will return. Some of you will be more involved with a parent. All this private rumination might reveal how past behaviour patterns are no longer appropriate. (A learning curve!) Meanwhile, this week, you will be sensible about money and possessions. You will want to make what you own work for you in a useful way. Lucky Leos will see ways to boost their earnings. Ka-ching!
This week is the beginning of a four-week window where your daily pace will accelerate because of a busy schedule: Short trips, appointments, errands plus increased reading, writing and studying are some reasons you'll be hopping! Expect some delays and silly frustrations because Mercury retrograde is still in the picture creating transportation problems and mixed-up communications. Mercury retrograde will also attract relatives, siblings and people from your past back into your world. Fortunately, Venus in your sign is beautifully supported by Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, which means you will be productive, focused, efficient and quite joyful. How nice.
This week ushers in a four-week window where your focus on money, earnings, assets and your wealth in general will be stronger. It will prompt you to think about your movable possessions and whether or not they serve your needs or you are a slave to them? You will be more interested in everything that you own. You might want to show something off. You will want to establish greater control in your life through what you own. (Which is a good thing.) Meanwhile, privately, you will enjoy study, research and discovering new knowledge that is enlightening and edifying. Study and research will reward you.
This week the Sun moves into your sign to stay for the next four weeks. This happens only once a year and when it does it's great because it boosts your energy and gives you a chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Plus, it attracts people and favourable situations to you. This is a good thing! Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will attract ex-partners and people from your past back into your world, which means you might want to look sharp when you go out because as you know - living well is the best revenge. Meanwhile, this week is lovely for friendships and relations with people in groups and organizations. Someone older might have good advice for you. Others will help and support you in practical and generous ways. We like!
Because your birthday looms ahead, this means your personal year is ending. Therefore, set aside time in the next four weeks to think about what you want for your new year ahead. This will be the perfect time to define goals, especially since you are a forward-thinking sign. Goals give you a clearer focus on what is important. They give you more clarity in decision-making. They give you better control over your future and they certainly give you a sense of purpose. Meanwhile, this week, someone older or more experienced might give you excellent advice that might help you. Your interactions with a group will be positive in a practical way, as well as uplifting. Good stuff!
This week the Sun changes signs for the next four weeks, which has the effect of making you more popular, more in touch with friends, and more interactive with clubs and organizations. You will enjoy interacting with others and you will encounter people from your past. You will also have a stronger interest in making goals and thinking about how you can translate your hopes and dreams for the future from the abstract to the concrete. Meanwhile, this week is perfect for study, exploring new philosophies and ideas, and making travel plans. You will love learning anything new and meeting people from other cultures. Some of you might meet a guru-like figure or teacher.
This week the Sun moves to the top of your chart to stay for the next four weeks. This can happen only once a year and when it does, symbolically, it means that you are being cast in a flattering spotlight. In turn, this means that other people admire you and see you as competent and capable, even if you don't do anything different. (Ah yes, the magic of great lighting.) The very good news for you is that this week, money and practical support will come to you from other sources and other people. This will include banks and financial institutions. Accept whatever help is offered to you because it could bring you a long-term benefit. Ka-ching!
Every four weeks, the Sun changes signs and when it does, it creates a new shift and focus in our lives. For the next four weeks, you will want to do whatever you can to broaden your horizons, especially through travel or exciting studies into metaphysics, philosophy, religion or any discipline that proves to be a positive learning experience for you. Likewise, you will enjoy meeting people from other cultures. Some of you might have a greater involvement with the law or medicine. Meanwhile, this is a marvellous week to relate to members of the general public, as well as those who are closest to you because Venus is opposite your sign dancing beautifully with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. Things are going your way!