All Signs

Good news! This week is more mellow than last week. The Moon will move through Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. (The Moon changes signs every two and a half days; and when the Moon is in your own sign. your luck improves; however, your emotions are amped!) There are no grinding aspects between planets, which means we can choose what we want to do because we won't be "reacting" to things. Incidentally, for those who have plans to begin something new and adventurous, please note the New Moon on Thurs. Sept 17 is a fabulous time to begin anything! Of course, each New Moon is good for beginnings, but this one is especially excellent. On that day, I will begin a new exercise regime. Every day, and counting to 50... I will do didley squats.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This continues to be a fabulous, playful week for you! Enjoy romantic interludes, fun activities with kids, vacations, picnics, barbecues, camping adventures and socializing with others - in person or online. (Do stay healthy.) You can be in touch with your creative vibes through music, writing, singing or creating anything with your hands. Grab every opportunity to express your talents! Midweek, a surprise might impact your home or your family. Very likely it will be pleasant. "What? For me?" For some, it might be a spontaneous get together at home. For others, it could be a real-estate opportunity. It's a fun week and you are gung-ho for whatever comes your way!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Family discussions are lively this week! Definitely. Someone, and it could be a parent, has ideas! You might also tackle major repairs or home improvements, especially at the beginning of the week. This is a fine time to examine your personal and family life and make plans. You also might want to evaluate whether things are meeting your needs? Don't let pressures build up within you. Speak up if you want to say something. Meanwhile, midweek, a delightful surprise will please you. Your social life might also pick up. Perhaps you will receive a fun invitation? Or it might be a gift from someone? Whatever happens makes you realize that you are loved. (Gosh.) We all want to be loved.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This continues to be a fast-paced time because you're eager to get out and talk to others. You will love a short trip, especially for pleasure. You will also enjoy hanging out with younger people. It's a great week for intellectual activities and sharing ideas. This is not the time to settle down and relax. Au contraire! Use this time to gather information and learn new things! Meanwhile, midweek, you might receive a gift or an unexpected goodie? You might get a raise or a job offer? Something unexpected will enhance your wealth or your assets. It could be minor or it could be major. Hey, everyone likes a gift, especially when they're not expecting it. Meanwhile, competition with others will take place. "Go team!"

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You have money, earnings, cash flow and your belongings on your mind this week. For starters, you might have some wonderful, moneymaking ideas! If so, you won't hesitate to express them to someone. Let us not forget that fiery Mars is at the top of your chart for the rest of the year arousing your ambition! (Oh yeah. You're not sitting around getting dusty.) It's possible that you are excited about a big purchase. Meanwhile, midweek, something will totally please you! It might be a spontaneous get together with friends, or a little vacation. It will be something to do with pleasure and fun and it will come right out of the blue! (This is still a great time to shop for wardrobe items for yourself.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

At the beginning of this week, the Sun and Mercury are lined up in your sign, which means you want to talk to others! You will take the initiative! You might also be more involved with social media, writing notes and letters - as well as doing routine paperwork because your mind is so clear! Many will make lists and plans for the future because you're pumped about life. ("Arriba!") You have a strong desire to travel and get away. (Sadly, not easy during these times.) Nevertheless, find ways to shake up your routine and create some new stimulation in your life! Meanwhile, midweek, something unexpected and "hidden" will please you. It will be your own special secret.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your research skills are fabulous, especially at the beginning of the week. If you're looking for answers to old questions or solutions to old problems, you just might discover them. On Wednesday, your ruler Mercury enters your sign to stay for the next two weeks. This will make you more talkative than usual! You will want to express your ideas to everyone. In fact, this two-week interval will be excellent for teachers, salespeople and writers. Meanwhile, expect a lovely surprise from a friend or a member of a group midweek. You might meet someone, possibly a new romance? Someone might do you a favour or you might have a delightful time with someone. Cool!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your popularity continues! Enjoy meeting new faces and talking to friends, especially younger people. (These discussions might influence your long-range goals.) With Mars still opposite your sign, you have to demonstrate patience when you feel annoyed with others. (This year is a great opportunity to cultivate patience.) Midweek, something delightful will happen. It could involve a parent or a boss. Someone might bestow honours or praise on you. It's also possible you will develop a crush on a boss or someone in a position of power. You might be flattered because someone wants your advice about how to make something look better. It's a pleasant, solid week!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You are high viz. for a number of reasons and people admire you! They're impressed with your accomplishments and they respect you. (Do let this go to your head.) At the beginning of the week, your ability to talk to people in power is excellent. Monday and Tuesday are good days to ask for what you want or to get approval for something you want to do. Midweek, a sudden opportunity to travel for pleasure will fall in your lap. If you can do so - say yes! You might take advantage of a new opportunity in publishing, the media, the law or medicine and something to do with further training or education. Because you're working hard - your chickens are coming home to roost!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Let's face it, you're restless! You want something to happen. Ideally, you want to jet off somewhere thrilling and discover new ideas, meet new people and learn new things. Quite possibly, for some, this will be a reality. But most of you will have to generate your own enthusiasm for something new by shaking up your world a little and breaking free from your routine. Study, learning and writing will be solid choices. You might explore a new sport or physical activity because the placement of Mars for the rest of the year strongly supports this. It might competitive? Perhaps the martial arts? Midweek, expect a gift or a favour from someone that will delight you and arrive right out of the blue!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Issues on the home front or in your family are stalled and a bit perplexing. Just cope as best you can. Fortunately, when it comes to shared property, inheritances and insurance, you'll have no trouble speaking up to defend your best interests. In fact, it will please you to do so! Others will be receptive to what you have to say because fair Venus is opposite your sign paving the way for all your communications. This is why discussions with others will be successful! (And of course, lucky Jupiter is still in your sign, which is a fabulous blessing!) Look for ways to hammer out favourable deals and wait for delays at home to ultimately manifest as you hope they will.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

With the Sun opposite your sign, you need more rest. However, this polarized position of the Sun also draws your attention to your closest relationships. Because you have more detachment, you can view these relationships with more objectivity. Because you see your style of relating to those who are closest to you, you can look for ways to improve how you relate. Meanwhile, midweek, a pleasant surprise related to your health, your job or a pet might materialize. Don't worry if you have to go over something again or rethink something about siblings, relatives and neighbours. It might benefit you to have a sober, second thought.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You're still in work mode, and keen to get as much done as possible. Actually, you're interested in how you work. You want to work smart. You want to be effective, efficient and productive! You want to get the most bang for your buck. Something related to earnings seems sluggish or stuck in the mud right now. Fortunately, your hard work will bring you rewards! Parties, fun activities with kids, vacations and the arts will please you. Romance might sizzle! This is encouraging. For the next two weeks, with Mercury opposite your sign you will enjoy opportunity to clarify and explain important things to others. Yada, yada, yada.