All Signs

This week the Sun changes signs and moves into Gemini for four weeks. Everyone will feel this shift of focus in their chart; in fact, it will be hyped because Mercury and Venus are already in Gemini. This signifies an increase in daily activity and chatting over the fence as more people venture out from isolation. There will be increased to-ing and fro-ing, increased communication and increased travel. Will casinos open? I don't know. But I have heard of one, out in the suburbs, that is run by an iguana called the lizard of odds.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The everyday pace of your life is accelerating! Plus, your own interest in the world around you will start to increase more and more. You will want to schmooze with others where possible. You will want to travel or take short trips if you can. You will enjoy interactions with neighbours, siblings and relatives, especially with someone whom you have not seen for a while. This is also an excellent week to study and learn new things to satisfy your curiosity. Discussions will go well. Your honesty and forthrightness in what you say will command the respect of others. It generally always does - but hey, not always, right? (Some days the only yoga I get is pulling my foot out of my mouth.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Astrology texts call Taurus the financial wizard of the zodiac. (And many of you work in financial institutions.) You know how to make money in your own backyard! Small wonder that you're focused on money, cash flow and earnings in the next four weeks because three planets are sitting in your Money House: the Sun, Mercury and retrograde Venus. However, not only will you be thinking more about your assets and what you own, you will also be thinking about what it is that you value in life. Many people are doing some soul-searching regarding their values because of the recent crisis in the world. It's valuable to know what is important to you, so you can make wiser decisions in the future.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Ta da! For the first time in almost a year, the Sun now moves into your sign where it will stay for four weeks. This is good news for you because it will boost your energy and enthusiasm for life! You will be more interested in the world around you and you will also attract people and fortunate circumstances to you. You will have a strong urge to get out and travel, in part, because you have a desire to relate to others. In fact, this combination of Venus and the Sun will definitely attract people to you. Meanwhile, Mars is sitting at the top of your chart arousing your ambition. It's all systems go for Gemini!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your birthday is a month away, which means your personal year is coming to an end. Therefore, it will behoove you (do you like behoove? Do you want to be behooved?) - it will be in your best interests to set aside some quiet time here and there in the next four weeks, to think about what you want your new year ahead to be all about. How do you want it to be different from last year? What are four things you would like to see happen? The next few weeks are excellent for research and working behind the scenes. In fact, Mars will give you the energy for creative, intellectual work. Mars will make you identify with your ideas and really believe in them. Yes!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This week marks a shift for Leos, especially if you have been in isolation. Suddenly, you're popular! You want to seek out others and they will seek out you. You will enjoy the company of younger people as well as creative, artistic types. Some of you will become more involved in clubs, groups and classes. You have had time to think about the role that friendships play in your life and now you have a better idea of what this means to you. The next four weeks are excellent for goalsetting. You might encounter someone who has a big influence on you. Meanwhile, disputes about shared property and debts might occur. Oops, how could I forget to mention that your sex drive will be amped! Woot!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Once a year, for four weeks, the Sun sits at the top of your chart shining a spotlight down on you and this light is flattering. When this happens, people admire you, especially bosses, parents and VIPs. (You don't have to do anything special. Chalk it up to good lighting.) This wonderful time has arrived for you, which means that the next four weeks are obviously your best time of the year to make your pitch and do whatever you can to advance your agenda because doors will open for you! Admittedly, Mars opposite your sign makes you impatient with those who are closest to you. Be nice.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

In the next four weeks, you are drawn to intellectual ideas, the media, people from other cultures, plus, exploring opportunities in publishing, the law and medicine. (Could be a reaction after feeling pent-up.) Suddenly, you want to explore the world of ideas and possibilities! Romance with someone "different" might begin. If you don't travel in the next four weeks, you will dream about doing so and make plans for the future. But all will not be dazzling conversations because fiery Mars will make you work to get better organized, and work hard at your job. (Pick up your shovels and let's sing another chorus of The Volga Boatmen.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You are a passionate sign and this week, you enter a passionate month ahead! Your passion will express itself in many ways (and yes, certainly that); but for starters, you will reflect upon deep psychological truths about yourself. You will do a lot of self-scrutiny, which in turn, might affect someone else as well. Romance that begins now will be wild and intense! Mars makes your desire nature strong, plus, you want to be free to express yourself in any way possible. "I am!" (Get the T-shirt.) This same window of time is a good time to seek out a loan or attract money to you through your spouse or your business partner.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

For the next four weeks, the Sun is opposite your sign. (Happens only once a year.) Because the Sun represents energy, and in your chart, the Sun is now as far away from you as it can get all year, this means your energy will be flagging and you will need more sleep. However, both Mercury and retrograde Venus will also be opposite your sign. (This is the best position for relationships for Venus!) This is why it will be easy to express your affection to others and easy for others to love you. Mercury will encourage discussions with partners as well as intellectual stimulation and fascinating conversations! Oh my, lucky you!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might join ranks with a Libra pal because you both want to work hard in the next few weeks. In fact, at a deeper level, you want to examine the challenge of how you should best manage your life. You want to know what duties and responsibilities are a priority. Something else will occur in the next few weeks and it is this: very likely, you will have to work for the benefit of someone else. However, the placement of Venus indicates that coworkers will admire you and your relations with them will be smooth and harmonious. Furthermore, your ability to express yourself in a clear, direct manner will be strong during this time. "Ten-shun!"

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

In the next four weeks, you will insist on expressing yourself and doing your own thing. It's not that you're interested in bossing others - not at all. But you want the freedom to be who you are. The new placement of the Sun will make you feel lighter and more playful. You will have a greater concern with kids and be more interested in social pleasures and romantic enjoyment. This is the one time of year when you can really be yourself! Creative activities are favoured. Romance will be fun-loving. Although you will work hard to earn money, you will also spend it freely. You'll be excited about life and realize there is no need to pretend to be what you are not.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

With Mars in your sign until July, you will be a force to contend with because Mars will make you energetic, bold and confident! It makes you more of a fighter for your own rights than usual. In addition, because your energy level is higher, there will be more activity in your world. Meanwhile, your focus on home and family will be strong, especially dealing with a parent. Many of you will use the next several weeks to redecorate and make where you live look more attractive. This is also the perfect great time to tackle home repairs. Family discussions will be important; nevertheless, you will welcome time to be by yourself and reflect upon your life, the existential angst in the world, and what summer shoes you should buy.