All Signs

Capricorn is the sign of government and the status quo. The last time Pluto and Saturn lined up in Capricorn was 1518. (The beginning of the Protestant reformation and break from Rome, which was a big deal.) This configuration brings financial problems, shortages and government restrictions of freedom of movement, as an old order is coming to an end. New structures will be built that are better because Pluto tears something down in order to get a superior result. These two planets remain close until the end of Dec. (with a slight relief in April, May & June). By Jan. 2021, they separate. We know that life is constant change. This means when things are bad - they will get better! (Yeah, yeah, it's always darkest before it gets pitch black.) Remember: Hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn't permanent.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Here's the deal: On Tuesday, there's a Super Full Moon opposite your sign, which will trigger tension between you and partners from now until Wednesday. Patience is your best recourse to survive this. However, in addition to this, your ruler, fiery Mars is at odds with unpredictable Uranus during this same time. (It mathematically peaks on Tuesday the Full Moon day.) This means you might have a blow up with a friend or a member of a group. A friendship might end. You will definitely feel feisty and independent and not want to be bossed around by anyone! Fortunately, Venus is in your House of Communications, and this will save your bacon because Venus will make you charming and diplomatic.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Tension that builds up between now and Tuesday, when the Super Full Moon takes place, will manifest in your work, your health, or something to do with a pet. The good news about any Full Moon, is that each month our problems tend to get worse as we approach the Full Moon, but after the Full Moon peaks, these problems diminish! Let's hope this is the case for you. However, because Mars is at odds with unpredictable Uranus, you will feel rebellious against authority figures, bosses, parents and the government. You will want to assert your ego. Unfortunately, in these trying times, we all have to suck it up for our own sake and the sake of others. Hey - you can do this.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

There's a Super Full Moon on Tuesday, which means your relations with kids and romantic partners will be strained until Wednesday. Remember who is the kid and who is the adult. (Yeah, yeah, Geminis are big kids who never grow up.) Think before you speak to save yourself some headaches and regrets. Meanwhile, back at the airport, you are dying to get outta Dodge! But you can't. You're grounded. Or you're doing important work for which we are grateful. Therefore, temper your rebellious desire for change. Do something different wherever you are, to satisfy your urge for novelty and stimulation. Avoid arguments about politics and religion.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Sun is still at the top of your chart, which makes you look good in the eyes of others. You are admired! However, the approaching Full Moon on Tuesday creates a tug-of-war between the demands of your work and public reputation versus the demands of home and family. On top of this, increased tension about shared property, insurance disputes, inheritances and something to do with the wealth and resources of others might explode in your face. ("I didn't see that coming.") Because of this unpredictable quality, do whatever you can to maintain your cool so that you can make wise decisions for yourself and your loved ones.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Please be careful because this is an accident-prone time for you from now until Wednesday. Verbal accidents as well as physical. Therefore, think before you speak or do anything because you will be tempted to say something that you will later regret. Why? Because along with the build up to Tuesday's Full Moon, Mars is at odds with unpredictable Uranus, and Mars is opposite your sign. Ouch! This makes you easily angered with others. You're restless, impulsive and rebellious! We all feel this way in varying degrees because everyone is cooped up. But hey, this is a small price to pay considering the price of those who are suffering. Why not be the role model we need right now?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Be careful with your money and possessions. Financial problems are at hand and will continue to increase until the Full Moon peaks on Tuesday. After that, things should look better. Until then, keep a lid on things because surprises related to your health or your job are in the picture. It's true you are under assault; but the good news is that fair Venus at the top of your chart means bosses, authority figures or the government will help you. (Actually, someone might appeal to you for help.) No matter how bad things are - look at places like Syria, we are still fortunate. (I cried because I had no shoes and then I met a man who had no cellphone.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Heads up! The Super Full Moon on Tuesday is in Libra. This will create tension between you and loved ones beginning now until Wednesday. You need harmony. You're a people pleaser and you like to get along with others (although you are a skilful debater!) In addition to this, fiery Mars is at odds with wild, Uranus, which will trigger problems with your kids and arguments or problems with a romantic partner. Parents please note: This Mars-Uranus configuration is an accident-prone time for your kids. This is a challenging week for you, which means you have to step up to the plate and display grace under pressure. You can do this.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

We all feel tension from now until about Wednesday due to the Super Full Moon on Tuesday. Your sign will feel it with health issues, work and perhaps something to do with a pet. You might find it challenging to keep it all together. Meanwhile, while this is going on, at the same time, home accidents, explosive arguments at home and something unexpected related to your family might catch you off guard. It's a bummer. But forewarned is forearmed. Be careful to avoid accidents at home. Do what you can to keep the peace. Be patient and don't make a big deal about things. If someone pokes you - don't take the bait! Set a sane example.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Expect tension with your kids or a romantic partner between now until Wednesday because of the Super Full Moon on Tuesday. Make an effort to be cool, forgiving and accommodating with others. Your real challenge will be the fact that Mars is at odds with Uranus and Mars is in your House of Communications. Caution! This is the classic time for an accident for your sign - physical or verbal. Be mindful! Pay attention to everything you say and do. More than any other sign, you find it difficult to be cooped up because you are the traveller of the zodiac. Freedom is a survival issue for you. However, right now, staying at home is, isn't it?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Between now and Wednesday, you feel pulled between the demands of family versus the demands of career and reputation. This is because of the Super Full Moon on Tuesday. Be patient with parents and bosses. During this same time, something will disrupt your finances. Your earnings or your belongings might take a sudden hit. (Whaaat?) Protect what you own from breakage, loss, theft and damage. Fortunately, Venus promotes good health and warm relations with coworkers for those working at home or on the front lines. Your sign is quick to help your community in any way possible. At times like this, we need you!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The Super Full Moon on Tuesday will trigger an accident-prone influence for you starting now until Wednesday. Knowing this ahead of time, slow down and be mindful! Be aware of what you say and do. This is especially important for your sign because another accident-prone influence is at play as well! Fiery Mars is in your sign at odds with your ruler unpredictable Uranus. This makes you feel impulsive and rebellious! If you feel things are intolerable, resist the urge to be rash because this will create a complete disregard for your obligations to yourself and others. Remember who you really are. You are someone who wants to make the world a better place!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

On Tuesday this week, there is a Super Full Moon cutting through both your Money Houses. The bad news is that problems with money, possessions and the wealth of others will be increasingly stressful until the Full Moon peaks. The good news is that after it peaks, these problems might decrease or even disappear? Hang in there! You have to do whatever you can to remain calm in your own skin because Mars at odds with unpredictable Uranus will make you feel restless, even explosive. You feel you have to break away from something. Unexpected disruptions will test your new way of living. But you can survive this test! Focus on making where you live more attractive.