All Signs

Pluto in Capricorn is lined up with Jupiter. (This last occurred in 1771.) Capricorn represents organizational structures. Meanwhile Pluto is the planet of regeneration and extremes, and Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches. Neptune in Pisces is classic for hidden viruses. Neptune rules hospitals, "prisons" and chemistry. (Neptune was last in Pisces from 1847-1861.) Did pandemics occur during those times? Yes! They also occurred many other times as well. I see no astrological explanation. But today we are medically sophisticated, informed and globally connected. We can control our destiny. Fate may deal us our cards - but we play them. The solution is to play them with clean hands.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

There's good news and there's bad news this week. The bad news is that you are going to meet obstacles, confrontations and closed doors dealing with authority figures, bosses, the government or any powerful person or group to which you might petition your case or make a plea or a request. "Talk to the hand!" Bummer. The good news is that the Sun is now in your sign. (Hey, this happens only once a year.) This means you are empowered! Not only that, fair Venus will attract money to you and give you a favourable edge in financial negotiations. Yeah, yeah it will also make you want to buy pretty things and spend your hard-earned dollars. Despite the difficulties that you encounter with authority figures, somehow you end up with good press!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This continues to be a time when you will prefer to take a backseat and keep a low profile because this feels best to you. (An excellent idea during these uncertain times.) Interactions with younger people will please you. In fact, a younger person might inspire you or elevate your idealism about something, perhaps through a group or an organization? Even though Venus is in your sign making you diplomatic and charming (it's almost pathetic) - nevertheless, avoid controversial arguments about politics, religion and racial issues because they will get nasty. Easy does it. "These are not the droids you're looking for."

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This continues to be a popular time, which means you want to see people or be involved with groups, clubs and organizations. You might be at home doing this through Skype or social media? Nevertheless, you will choose to interact with others more than usual by whatever means you can. Now is the time to give serious thought to your future goals. It's also a strong time to talk to bosses, parents and authority figures. Meanwhile, disputes about shared property, inheritances and joint responsibilities might be nasty. Fortunately, Venus guarantees lovely moments of peace and quiet during times of solitude.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Good news! The Sun is still at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight, which means others are impressed with you and see you as competent and capable, even if you don't do anything special. (Good lighting is everything.) Not only that, Venus now smooths the way for all your relations with friends and groups, which is a lovely thing for you to experience. In particular, it will encourage your interaction with artistic, creative people. These supportive influences are just what you need while fiery Mars is opposite your sign creating friction with partners and close friends. Fear not - you are loved.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

A strong impulse in your chart now makes you want to travel. However, this is not a good idea. Fortunately, this influence is actually an urge to expand your world. In other words, you want to learn new things, meet new people, see new places! It is possible to do this by learning new things and exploring things remotely. Take an online course. Learn a new language. Study history. Make friends with other cultures and different parts of the world and enjoy exchanges that will enlighten you. Visit museums on line. Meanwhile, someone wants your creative advice about how to make something look more attractive. (More than any other sign, you are quick to see the big picture.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Some of you might be exploring a romantic relationship with someone who is "different". Perhaps this person is from another culture or a different country? This same influence makes you want to travel and explore new ideas; however, you will likely have to do this online. This is a passionate time for you, which is why you feel intensely about many things. Nothing is casual. Important conversations with a close friend or partner are taking place. Problems with kids, if you're a parent; problems with vacations; and problems with creative ventures are discouraging. Instead, seek ways to feel inspired about art, philosophy or music. You might have a consciousness-expanding experience through your love of beauty. It happens.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You still need more sleep. Respect this fact and get more rest. You can accomplish a lot of work by communicating with others and being hands-on because you are motivated to do so. Money, support, resources and equipment from other sources will help you now as well. Unfortunately, some kind of confusion, chaos or difficulty is taking place on the home front or within your family dynamic. Deal with this as best you can. Right now, you have the advantage of being able to see your partnerships and closest relationships with more objectivity. This will help you to improve them, which is what any sane person would want to do - right? And you're sane.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You continue to be in work mode, which is why you can accomplish a lot. It won't always be this easy, so get as much done as you can. Use this motivation to get better organized. It's a fortunate blessing to have this kind of motivation! It makes you productive and it instills high standards within you. This is why you also want to improve your health as well as your daily effectiveness. (Bravo!) Venus opposite your sign guarantees excellent relations with those who are closest to you because Venus helps you to be patient with siblings, relatives and neighbours, even when these exchanges are challenging! However, it's always a two-way street. Where you find others difficult to deal with - they might find you difficult. Go gently.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

No matter how serious things are, you want to party! To put a finer point on it, you want the freedom to express yourself and do exactly what you want. Of course, you want to get out and have a good time but you can also have a good time at home with family members, especially with kids. Your attitude toward all your relationships will be lighter and more playful. Take time to make your workspace more attractive. (Incidentally, a work-related romance will blossom for some of you.) One dark cloud on your horizons might relate to money and cash flow. There is tension in this part of your chart showing some kind of upheaval or transformation. Don't worry because in the long run, you will be financially protected. It's all good.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your focus on home, family and your private life continues perhaps through self-isolation or increasing demands of family members. Many of you are more involved with a parent. What is frustrating is with Mars in your sign, you are high-energy and keen to do things! Physical exercise and increased activity on the home front are obvious outlets. However, a sweet blessing from Venus now encourages you to express your creative style through hobbies or creating beautiful things that might be of use? You need to talk to others and communicate because busy Mercury is in your House of communications this week. These are conflicting energies for you to handle. Good luck!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This continues to be a busy time mentally and physically. Many of you are on the go with short trips and interactions with others despite the need for social distancing and self-isolation. It's as if the world refuses to stop and recognize your personal needs. Do the minimum. Explore moneymaking ideas online and talking to others online. Fortunately, the placement of Venus is helpful for you now because Venus will show you how to have pleasure staying at home. (Bonus!) Naturally, Venus wants you to entertain, which means families can be close now. In fact, redecorating ideas are bubbling in your mind. "Now I have time to tackle this project that I've always wanted to do." (Make that window box!)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The planets show that your primary focus is about money and earning money. You cannot ignore it. Unfortunately, the ability to earn money is being interrupted for so many people. However, at a deeper level, this same influence is making you ponder your own value system. As the world is changing so rapidly around you, you are forced to ask yourself, "What really matters?" Venus is in a part of your chart that will play a role in this self-discovery because it will encourage you to see how much love there is in your daily life. It will also encourage you to see how much beauty there is in your daily surroundings. When you change the way you look at things, the things that you look at change.