All Signs

Currently, the Sun is lined up with Jupiter in Capricorn. (Nice!) We also have Saturn in Capricorn, in its own sign since the end of 2017 until the end of 2020.) Pluto continues to be in Capricorn (from 2009 until 2025). And this week, on Christmas day, the New Moon will be in Capricorn. Quite a Cappy showing! Since each New Moon is an opportunity to make resolutions, let's do it! What have you got to lose? Why wouldn't you want to be the best you can be? And doesn't the high road have the best view? Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You have a strong focus now on your career and your life direction. No way are you not giving this some thought. Of course, this is totally appropriate because this year, with Jupiter and Saturn at the top of your chart, your reputation is shining! You will dazzle people, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. The New Moon on the 25th is the best opportunity all year to think about where you want to be in the future. Where are you headed? What do you want for yourself 10 years from now? Five? Next year? What immediate goals will start to take you in the direction you want to go?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This gaggle of planets right now (that's five counting the New Moon on the 25th) is activating one part of your chart -- namely, the part that deals with travel, further education, publishing, the media, medicine and the law as well as politics and religion. Obviously, this means that travel opportunities will abound along with chances to get further education or training. Be aware that you can also use opportunities in all the areas mentioned because doors will open for you! Around the 25th, set intentions about how you want to expand your world in an enriching way. Such exciting possibilities!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

A huge emphasis of planets is in one of your Money Houses, namely the area that is associated with shared property, inheritances, insurance and money back from the government. This means you will become enriched by getting money from other sources (or assets and wealth) as well as benefiting indirectly through the wealth of your partner. This is excellent news! Make the most of the New Moon on 25th by making resolutions. Perhaps getting out of debt ? It's interesting to note that this same planetary emphasis will amplify your sex drive. Woot! Get serious about how to use your new wealth.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! The Sun, the New Moon, lucky Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all sitting 180 degrees opposite your sign. This is unusual and it means that you're focused on close friendships and partnerships way more than usual. Despite the fact that partnerships have been challenging in the last year, things are about to change. They are going to become easier, more rewarding and more enriching in your life. To facilitate this positive transition, use the New Moon on the 25th to set intentions about what you want your closest relationships to be. Hot Tip: In a successful relationship, you are as good for your partner as he or she is for you.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This huge emphasis of planets in one sign makes you want to work hard and get better organized in every aspect of your life. It also makes you want to improve your health and literally be the best that you can be. It also makes you not only resigned, but even happy and grateful to be of service to others. ("It's a joy to labour for those you love.") Fortunately, Venus being opposite your sign will help you by softening problematic relationships and creating warm bonds with others. The only proverbial fly in the ointment is that your home life seems to be hectic, busy and a bit out of control. ("I've got the place childproofed but the kids are still getting in!")

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Life is fortunate for you right now because this heavy emphasis of planets in one sign is highlighting the most fun part of your chart. Yay me! Opportunities to socialize and party are at hand! Accept all invitations. Enjoy sports events, social outings, playful activities with kids and romantic rendezvous. Relax and do your own thing and have fun! Venus will promote good relations with work colleagues while Mars pumps you to be proactive, decisive in your decision-making and explicit and convincing in your communications with others. You can't lose! Everything is working for you right now. What kind of resolutions are you going to make on the 25th?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This month continues to be about home, family and your personal world. You might be more involved with a parent. It is fortuitous that the New Moon on the 25th offers you a chance to make resolutions about how to improve your home and your family relationships because this is exactly what will happen for you in 2020. What can you do to improve your home? Would this mean moving to something bigger and better? Or smaller and better? Can you enhance your real-estate scene? Family relationships all round will improve and family members will be happier and more generous with each other. Gosh. "And they lived happily ever after."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You barely have time to catch your breath because life is so busy for you on all fronts! You're like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. "I'm late!" Cope as best you can. Make lists to help you stay on top of everything. Fortunately, for you, fiery Mars is in your sign now giving you tons of energy so you can handle everything! In addition to which, Venus promotes loving family relations and a desire to make your home more attractive. Stay on track so that you can fulfil the expectations of what you want to do. The New Moon urges you to think about your style of communicating with others. How can you be clearer? More effective? Sweeter?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It is not surprising this handful of planets, this heavy concentration of energy, is taking place in your Money House of earnings because in 2020, you will get richer! Lucky, moneybags Jupiter travels through this part of your chart only once every 12 years and that time has arrived! With Mercury in your sign, you are talkative and eager to share your ideas. Meanwhile, the placement of Venus in your chart at the moment makes all your communications with others smooth, charming and diplomatic. At this time, because the Sun is briefly in this Money House (four weeks), and the New Moon is there as well (for 48 hours), this virtually is a call to arms for you! On the 25th of this week, give serious thought to how you can increase your wealth because you can do this.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It's true, sometimes it never rains but it pours. Certainly, the energy of the universe is focused on you at this time. This is because the Sun, the New Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are all in your sign. Use this to your advantage! For starters, this is the perfect time for you to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. In addition, take advantage of the fact that opportunities and important people are attracted to you now. Meanwhile, the New Moon on Wednesday the 25th offers you a chance to make resolutions about how you relate to others, as well as how to improve your image and the appearance that you present to your world. Get real! Write down some ideas about how to polish your image.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your ambition is aroused now, which means you are ready to go after what you want - and well you should. Fortunately, fair Venus is in your sign making you sweet and charming to others. (They won't even see you coming.) Mercury encourages interactions with younger people and also encourages you to make goals for your future. Therefore, how fortuitous that on Wednesday the 25th, the New Moon offers the best day all year to make some resolutions. (Oh yes, that day is better than January 1.) You are the most futuristic sign in the zodiac. Therefore, make some plans for your future because after all, that is where you are going to spend the rest of your life.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your popularity is starting to grow, have you noticed? This quality will continue to grow in 2020. However, the thing to be aware of this week is that the New Moon on Wednesday the 25th (you actually have a 48-hour window) is a fantastic time to think about how you can make your hopes and dreams for the future a reality. With Mercury at the top of your chart, this is an excellent time to talk to bosses, parents and VIPs. Maybe it's time to ask for a raise? Maybe you can make your pitch about a special project? If so, this is the time to do it! Continue to explore opportunities to travel, get further education or make the most of chances in medicine, the law, publishing and the media. You're a winner!