All Signs

We are in the throes of one big influence with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all in the sign of Virgo. This is why you might be thinking about what you eat in the hopes of becoming healthier. This doesn't mean you will necessarily change your behaviour, but you'll feel guiltier. (Hey, everything begins with a good intention. Sometimes you have to keep telling yourself something for years before you cave-in and do what is right.) Meanwhile, standup comedians are trending because Virgos are such great mimics! And of course, laughter is the best medicine (well, penicillin is hard to beat). But one thing is certain: The worst time to have a heart attack is while playing a game of charades.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Two curious and conflicting influences impact your health and your job this week. In one way, you are being sensible and practical. (Bravo!) You're making solid plans and achieving a lot in terms of production and results. Not only are you impressed, but bosses and VIPs are impressed as well. However, your practical, sensible urges might go out the window when you suddenly go overboard doing something. You might overestimate deadlines, plans or you might buy something because you want to go big. Playing this long shot might pay off - but it might not. It's like staying on a diet all week and then blowing it Saturday night with margaritas and cheesecake. (Busted!)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

All this activity taking place in Virgo is excellent for your sign because you are an Earth Sign and so is Virgo. This means that currently, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all supporting your energy - in different ways. But it's good. In particular, this energy makes you want to party and have fun! It boosts your chances to make headway and explore avenues in the hospitality industry, the entertainment world and working with children. Your creative vibes are hot! Admittedly, this same influence can get you in trouble by going overboard in the same areas - especially partying too much. Don't be excessive. Watch your spending. And remember: Friends don't let friends drive naked.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This strong influence on home, family and your private life continues. Many are involved with a parent more than usual. You might be into redecorating and DIY projects because you are doing repairs and improvements at home. Meanwhile, visiting guests, renovations or residential moves might account for the increased activity and chaos on the home front, which unfortunately can promote tension and conflict.(Make nice with others.) On the upside, you have the support you need to do what you want to do. This is super. But your distraction will be socializing with friends and partners. "Hey, it's only noon but look what I did! Time to relax and have fun!"

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your busy, frantic pace continues; however, you're getting so much done! This is the perfect time to take short trips, run errands, make appointments, visit with siblings, relatives and neighbours plus get involved reading, writing and studying more than usual. And this is not just "making yourself busy." Oh no! You are getting a lot done in practical terms and this makes you feel great. The only downside is you might overestimate something - perhaps your ability, your stamina or how much you can get done - and this could create problems. Nevertheless, your optimism and enthusiasm will save the world before bedtime.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This strong influence of four planets in Virgo focuses your attention on your finances, your cash flow, your earnings and most definitely - how you spend money. That's because these planets are all sitting in your Money House! On the upside, they are dancing nicely with stern Saturn, which promotes practical spending and a desire to work hard and be efficient in how you earn your money. But there is a contrasting influence taking place as well, which is a square with Jupiter, which encourages indulgence, impulse spending, surfing on line and clicking on Free Delivery items on Amazon. (What a seduction! Free Delivery!) And have you noticed all the sales are up "tomorrow?" How did they know?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It's your turn to swagger because the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars are all in your sign. You've got your VIP Pass and you own Boardwalk and Park Place. Furthermore, because Saturn is dancing nicely with your sign, you're more than just a pretty face. You are patient and willing to do difficult and exacting work. You are reliable in your relationships right now and not making unrealistic demands on others. You're keen to get organized personally and in your environment, plus you're ready to concentrate on mental work that requires attention to detail. Right now you're getting to know yourself through your relationships with the world around you, in part because you have the discipline and self-control to make this happen. (I'm so impressed.)

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This week there is energy percolating below the surface for your sign because four planets are hiding in your chart. This means you're happy to take a backseat and enjoy your privacy. Of course, comfort is important- you don't mind being low key as long as you have good food and drink and a comfy, overstuffed chair reupholstered in tasteful velvet. Ironically, despite this opportunity to enjoy life quietly, you are very optimistic! You're entertaining big ideas and planning short trips and long trips because you do want to expand your world. The biggest thing on your plate right now is securing your home environment for yourself and your family. But aside from that - you want to enjoy the good life with laughter, scintillating conversation and a nice Pinot Noir.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This week, it's great that everyone wants to see your face because if you cooperate with others, and work with groups and friends - you will benefit! This is the perfect time to think about your goals and share your hopes for the future with someone to get their feedback. You might want to discuss travel plans because you do want to go places. You also want to explore foreign cultures, the law and philosophy. It's easy to feel friendly to everyone because they are loving and affectionate to you. That's why this is a fabulous week to socialize! This week also benefits love relationships. Because you identify now with your basic ego energies - set some goals. Enjoy physical activity with friends.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

A gaggle of planets at the top of your chart makes you look fabulous in the eyes of bosses, parents, VIPs -- and the police. "Step away from the fridge." What is particularly beneficial is stern Saturn is supporting this energy (at the top of your chart), and this makes you look conscientious, reliable, honest and hard-working, especially to important people. Of course, you're doing something to encourage this great press? Naturally this means you have an advantage if you need to impress someone. One thing to be aware of is a tendency to exaggerate or overdo or overestimate something. (This is your Achilles' heel.) Stay real. Nowadays honesty is novel and disarming.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

I once heard a wise teacher say the definition of negativity is "Wanting things to be different than the way they are." However, I don't think you are in a negative space because you want to escape somewhere! This is because a strong astrological influence now urges you to travel and explore new places and meet new faces. Or perhaps just be a tourist in your own city. You might study and learn something new to satisfy your urge to expand your mind and the world around you. This week Saturn will help you do this in a practical, doable way. You will see opportunities to do what you want to do. The only caveat is, be careful about being too ambitious or biting off more than you can chew.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This continues to be a passionate, intense time for you. In part, this is because you are focused on important money and property issues - inheritances, estates, wills plus anything to do with shared property or insurance disputes. This stuff can affect your wealth and your well-being. Fortunately, Saturn is now lending you the energy to tackle these matters with focus, discipline and a sense of responsibility. You won't overlook details because you will pay attention to minor things. Perfect! You won't be caught napping! Admittedly, you might be tempted to give away the farm to a friend or a group. (Think twice.) On the upside, you will be sexually passionate and ready for fun.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Four planets sit opposite from you, which is a signal that you're bringing certain matters to a climax and as you do, you have to keep an eye on people in authority who might oppose you. You can learn a lot because events taking place around you tend to make your own life stand out in relief against your surroundings and other people. This makes you self-aware and conscious of the structures that you've built. Avoid conflict with others. This week Saturn will help you to work well with others, especially groups because they respect your input and they like your style. Even bosses and VIPs appreciate you. (Not too shabby.)