All Signs

This is the time of Virgo. (Don't leave home without your Vitamin B complex. If that's too complex, try B simple. B simple works for me. Someone stop me before I start on Vitamin C.) In the next four weeks, this Virgo influence will trigger an increased focus on wellness, health and nutrition. Note: Virgo rules wellness whereas Scorpio rules medicine. This is why Virgos haunt health food stores and Scorpios work in hospitals (or the cop shop). How appropriate that Friday's New Moon is in Virgo making this the best chance all year to make resolutions about how to stay healthy. Take care of your body. It may be a temple or a sagging carport but it's the only place you have to live.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Your focus for the next several weeks is on how to best function in the world, especially your job. Are you doing your job well? Do you work efficiently? Do you worry about wasting too much time? We each have 24 hours in a day - rich or poor - so how we use that 24 hours is virtually - how we are creating our life. After all time is the stuff life is made of. So you never have any "more time". You never really "waste your time". It comes down to how you choose to use your time. And this is the perfect time of year to think about this! It's also the perfect time of year to work hard and get stuff done. Fortunately, coworkers are cooperative.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You love beautiful things; and because you are tactile and sensuous you explore hobbies and creative activities that please the senses - taste, touch, visual and auditory. (Many of you sing and love music.) For the next four weeks, a handful of planets urge you to set your own priorities and please yourself. What do you do for amusement and recreation? How do you express your creative talents? How do you explore romance and passionate relationships? What's a fun vacation? Do you appreciate the children in your life? These are your questions. (There will be a midterm next Thursday.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

For the next four weeks, there's a handful of planets in the part of your chart that represents your intimate personal life, family and parents. Naturally, you will relate to your external world, but your main focus will be on home and family relationships. Something might make you better appreciate your home and your family? You might also see the value of warm bonds with family members. You realize how important it is to have your own personal refuge, a place to be by yourself. Memories of your childhood bubble up in your mind. ("Mom liked me best.")

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You will become more aware of how you communicate with others in the next four weeks. You might see how people don't hear you. And you might also see how you miss hearing others. (Studies show that in the best communications about 40% is getting back and forth.) No wonder everyone is at odds with each other. The pace of your days will accelerate as you focus on a stronger need to communicate and get out in the world. Short trips, conversations with others plus reading and studying will fill your days. Use this time to tell someone how you feel about something. Will they hear you?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

A gaggle of planets is clustered in your Money House for the next four weeks. This makes you reflect upon the things you value. You will examine your relationship to your belongings. "Do I need this?" You might want to show off what you own. You will look at your physical world and take stock. In doing so, you might wonder what really matters in life? (Time matters. You're born then you die and in between -- that span of time is your life.) Meanwhile, you will work hard to earn money and you'll spend big! Venus will help you buy beautiful things for yourself and others. (You're a generous person.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Once a year, the Sun is in your sign for four weeks, often accompanied by Mercury. But this year, Venus and Mars join the party giving you a magnificent booster shot of energy and drive. Venus increases your desire to relate to others; and as an added bonus, it makes you charming and diplomatic. It will also attract people to you - along with the Sun. By contrast, Mars makes you a fighter for your own rights and makes you eager to work hard. This is your chance to show the world what you can do! But nothing is as powerful as the Sun, which allows you to project yourself with more forcefulness than usual. People will respect you and listen when you speak. "More porridge?"

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

During the next four weeks, a handful of planets are hiding in your chart. When the Sun does this, it indicates that your year is ending and now is the time to plan for your new year ahead. (This hidden aspect reveals childhood behaviour patterns that might longer be appropriate.) It's a time for reflection and self scrutiny. Venus is also hiding, which can mean secret love affairs. It also means you're inclined to self-denial, especially in love relationships. (Don't be a martyr.) Venus encourages you to explore charity work. Meanwhile, Mars doesn't like to hide. Grrrr. Mars is brash, bold energy and this is why you might feel vaguely irritable and uneasy for the next few weeks. Like you're all dressed up with no place to go. (No boxed wine.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

For the next four weeks, a handful of planets are in your House of Friendships. This is why you will do your best work cooperating with others and being involved in groups. Knowing this - be friendly! Engage in groups. Join classes or a club. However, make time to scrutinize your friends and the groups to which you belong. Ask yourself, "Are these my people?" When you're young, you have to play with the kid next door. But as an adult, you have a choice. Enjoy socializing with others but study the people you associate with because they are reflection of yourself. Scary but true. Expect to hang out with artistic, creative younger people this month.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Once a year, the Sun is at the top of your chart for four weeks making you look stellar! This year there are four planets at the top of your chart. The Sun makes you great to bosses, parents, VIPs and the police. (Naturally, you can use this to your advantage.) Venus will attract people to you who will help you promote your professional life and make things run more smoothly. Venus might also thrust you into giving artistic, creative advice. It also promotes romance with a boss. Mars of course, arouses your ambition and makes you aggressive and keen to achieve. Contrary to Venus, Mars might encourage problems with coworkers. Hey, relax. You can juggle these different energies because you are so likeable.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You're going to want to do whatever is within your power to expand your experience of life in the next four weeks. The most obvious way to approach this is to travel and see more! But you will also find it rewarding to study and learn something new because it expands your mind. The Sun and Venus will guarantee that you will travel for pleasure; and Mercury will guarantee that you study and learn something. Mars, however, might make you identify with political, religious and racial beliefs. You might want to defend ideas that you haven't even examined. Don't coerce others into agreeing with you. Ted Turner's motto was, "Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise!"

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The issues that are occurring in your life during the next four weeks will not be casual. Au contraire! They will be intense and passionate! Basically, this is because you have a strong desire to experience life on a feeling level - not just intellectual. You feel alive and you're aware of your own mortality. This is why you might have concerns about finances and financial security. Venus will attract money and favours to you. In fact, the next several weeks are a great time to ask for a loan or mortgage. Venus will also promote affectionate, physical romance while Mars amps your sex drive! Hot combo! All this passion romance, sex and money - such a bore.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

In the next four weeks, a gaggle of planets will sit opposite you. (Wanna dance?) This opposition will create a variety of influences, one of which is that you will need more rest and more sleep. Another influence is that you will have more objectivity in viewing your relationships, which means you can better understand them. (This applies to professional partnerships as well as marriage.) Venus will pave the way in all these relationships and make things warmer and friendlier. (Even with your enemies.) Mars however, will make you easily annoyed with people. (Gulp.) It can stir up tension in relationships. Because of Mars, you need to be patient. Start shopping for autumn boots. (Have some fun.)