All Signs

Heads up! The second of three Mercury retrogrades this year occurs from July 7 to August 2. This is when Mercury "appears" to go backwards relative to Earth, and we experience silly errors and delays. It's a poor time to begin new projects or buy cars, trucks, bikes or computers, printers and cell phones. However, it's great for research, studying history and finishing old business. It's helpful for self-scrutiny -- what motivates you? What do you want? Because Mercury slows down beforehand, then takes time to catch up to the degree when it went retrograde -- the "shadow" times are the safest dates to follow: June 23 to August 15. "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts men? The Shadow knows!"

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This continues to be a busy fast-paced time! But it's fun busy. You are the only sign right now who is blessed by the fact that more than ever, you notice the beauty of your daily surroundings and also, more than ever, you see how much love there is in your daily world. Admittedly, conflict, tension, chaos and insanity might be taking place at home due to family problems, visiting guests, renovations, repairs - something. Fortunately, you're in a good head space mentally speaking and can handle these challenges with skill. The key is to remember your long-term objective. Do you know the German word "schlimmbesserung"? It means "an improvement that makes things worse."

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You are totally focused on money, cash flow, earnings and expenditures right now. Money in-money out. Fortunately, money is coming in, always a comfort. Naturally, this allows you to buy pretty things for yourself and loved ones. You are certainly in an excellent position to negotiate financial matters and anything that's important to you because Mars is really pumping your energy when it comes to your communicating style. You will say what you mean and mean what you say! You identify strongly with your ideas and opinions and will easily defend yourself. Be careful about coercing others to agree with you. Speak softly but carry the cheque-book.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You continue to look fabulous to everyone because fair Venus is in your sign along with the Sun. Lucky you! Venus promotes your ability to speak smoothly to others. (It's a great time to make peace with enemies.) Obviously, it's a great time to enjoy schmoozing with friends! Because Venus always ranks pleasure above work, try to get away and have some fun! Meanwhile, Mars will make you identify with what you own, which means you will tend to think that your worth is summed up by your possessions. That's crazy. Mahatma Gandhi died with his begging bowl and his robe, yet he changed the world! What are you worth? You're precious! We all are. Remember this.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The heavens continue to give you two conflicting influences: Both the Sun and Venus are hiding in your chart, which makes you want to withdraw somewhat from the busyness of everything around you. You will enjoy solitude in beautiful surroundings. Especially with some delicious snacks. (Never eat more than you can lift.) Admittedly, this same influence encourages private activity, especially with love affairs. However, in sharp contrast of this, fiery Mars is in your sign! Mars stirs up lots of activity and wants you to work hard and assert yourself among others. Mars boosts your physical energy and makes you go after what you want. You will feel these two different influences.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Your desire to socialize with others continues to be strong, which is why you will enjoy hanging out with friends, being vibrant and dynamic when dealing with groups, clubs and organizations. Venus will ensure that it's easy for you to be loving and affectionate with others. This benefit isn't just limited to activities with friends - any group situation will love your input. Jupiter, of course, encourages you to play, party and explore sports and vacation getaways. Meanwhile, Mercury and Mars are hidden in your chart, which is excellent for research and plotting secret activities. How secret? "If I told you I'd have to kill you."

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

The Sun is still casting you in a flattering spotlight, which means this is a great week to do anything to advance your cause because bosses, parents and VIPs will give you their blessing. Make the most of this because you don't have to do anything special to impress people. The Sun will create this smoke and mirrors illusion around you, which makes you shine in the eyes of others! Obviously, since this happens only once a year - you should take advantage of it! You might be competitive, especially with younger people right now. You might assume a take-charge role in a club or a group. This is just another example of how good you look to others. "Are you ready for your close-up, Miss Garbo?"

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You need a change of scenery. I like Ernest Hemingway's advice: "Never go on trips with anyone you don't love." (True!) John Steinbeck said, "People don't take trips - trips take people." The Dalai Lama said, "Once a year, go somewhere you've never been before." And Henry Miller really summed it up with, "One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." Are you ready to book that flight? Or maybe you want to jump in the car and see those telephone poles going by? Counter to this desire to escape, is the influence of Mars, which makes you ambitious now and very keen to accomplish as much as possible. Surely, this means you can give yourself a reward?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Have you noticed you're more in touch with your inner being? Perhaps you are more aware of compulsions that surface sometimes. Or you might be aware of the fact that you suddenly want to experience life on a feeling level not just intellectually. Because of this, you might attract someone to you who has a strong need for searching, self inquiry. You might also attract money to you through others. Ka-ching! This is a good week to go for a loan or seek financial support. Meanwhile, intimate relationships will be affectionate and sexy. You need a change of scenery -- something exciting and stimulating! T.S. Eliot said, "Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You still need more sleep. No doubt about it. Disputes and squabbles with someone about shared property, inheritances, insurance issues and debt might continue as well. (No wonder you want to hide under the covers.) Fortunately, with fair Venus opposite your sign, you have one of the best influences of all for dealing with all kinds of relationships. You are so into with what's happening, you will immediately create the right balance between yourself and someone else when you meet them. This applies to strangers, friends and partners. Basically, you are able to understand the needs of others, which is why these relations will be harmonious. Others will know you're working for their mutual benefit.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You are still seriously focused on how you should manage your life. You want your duties, tasks and responsibilities to flow smoothly. Nevertheless, quite likely, you will have to work on behalf of someone else at this time, which is why you can't spend all your efforts getting your own way. Physical efficiency will make a difference - you're right. Fortunately, you feel healthy (and a bit more into desserts and sweets than usual). Relations with coworkers are good; and some of you might encounter a work-related romance. Woot! One thing you cannot avoid is the fact that fiery Mars is still opposite your sign, which makes you more impatient with others - especially annoying people. Good luck. (Is there no justice?)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It's still play city for Aquarius! (Mom always liked you best.) That's because your primary drive now is to do exactly whatever you want. This doesn't mean you want to dominate others - you just want the freedom to do your own thing. Children might be a bigger factor in your life this week along with sports, social events and the arts. Grab every chance to express yourself in some kind of creative activity because it will bring you joy. You are personally confident now because you know there is no need to pretend to be what you are not. Nevertheless, you're no slouch. Mars will help you to work hard because you want credit for what you are doing right now. "Look Ma, no hands!"

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Home, family and your private life continue to be your focus this week. In fact, redecorating your digs and entertaining at home will bring you much pleasure. Many of you are also buying beautiful things for your home to make it prettier and more inviting. (This same influence can attract favourable real-estate situations to you.) Right now, Mars is pumping you with energy that makes you want to be yourself and let others know who you are. You're more confident! You will also be playful, supportive and teasing but you will be your true self. Meanwhile, back in the boudoir, physical intimacy will be colourful. (No moss growing on you.)