All Signs

The New Moon is powerful. It's the perfect time to begin things or set intentions. Why not take a moment to identify what you want for yourself? (Remember: You will never again be as young as you are today.) The secret is to think big but start small. Imagine anything you want to achieve then begin -- in a tiny, tiny way. No beginning is too small because "beginning" is overcoming static friction. Once you've begun, things "move"! The secret is to start tiny and maintain. Every day. Every day. Then you have developed a new habit. We humans are habitual; we easily learn new habits. When I was 19, living in London, I had to take the Underground to work, and almost effortlessly, I developed the habit of eating a Cadbury Fruit & Nut bar every morning.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week, the celestial heavens are giving you a wonderful opportunity with the New Moon on Monday. Namely, this is perhaps the most opportune time of the year for you to give some serious thought to your communication style with others. You know you can be quick to respond. You shoot from the hip. You're fast and ready to challenge! But sometimes, this unnerves others and you probably don't even know it. Right now, with tension and chaos at home and within the family, it's a perfect time for you to think about speaking gently, with more care and concern for others. And also to listen with genuine interest to what others have to say. This isn't corny advice - this is real.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

It's true that you are the financial wizard of the zodiac. You're happy to focus on wealth, assets and physical possessions. In fact, you are also the collector of the zodiac whether it is antiques, fine things or collecting a set of something, like stamps or coins. Therefore, it's quite appropriate that this powerful New Moon at the beginning of the week offers you a chance to improve your relationship and your attitude to money, wealth and whatever you own. Wealth and possessions can provide security but only in the limited way. They cannot guarantee happiness. They cannot guarantee good health. Their benefit is only finite. You never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This is a powerful time for you because this very special New Moon is taking place in your sign. Consider this a wonderful opportunity! It's your chance to improve your life on almost every level. The best way you can improve it is by setting some intentions or making goals or resolutions - call it what you like. As you well know, everything begins with a thought, which is why our thoughts are so powerful. Your thoughts can make you feel like a winner, optimistic, and eager and ready for life! Or your thoughts can make you feel like a loser, like chopped liver, someone on the sidelines who's missing out on everything. It's all in your thoughts. What can you do to improve your closest relationships? What can you do to improve your appearance? Any thoughts about this?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This week is perhaps the best week of the year for you to give some serious thought to your spiritual world. Whether you are a non-believer or disinterested in "touchy-feely" things, the fact of the matter is you do have an inner world. They say there are no atheists in foxholes. And Samuel Johnson said, ""Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully." This is the perfect time for you to ask yourself if you are living your life in the most meaningful way possible. After all, your life is precious and you want it to count.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The beginning of this week is the perfect time for you to think about not your career, not your health, not your wealth, not your family or your home - but instead to think about your friends. Studies show that having a friend can actually lengthen your life span. This is because we are social creatures. We need to go out to see other people and we need to be seen. Do you invest enough energy in your friendships? Do you wait for people to call you? When we have a good time with friends, we feel better and we even feel healthier! What a treasure one good friend is!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This special summery New Moon takes place at the top of your chart, which means this is the best time for you to think about your life direction in general. When were young, we knew that when we were in grade 5, then next year, we'll be in grade 6. It's not a conscious choice. It's the moving belt of life. After high school, sometimes college is not "a choice," it's another moving belt; but for many, the end of high school poses a choice. Once we are working, the moving belt continues. But really, we make surprisingly few conscious choices in life. Yet these conscious choices can change our world! What choices do you face?

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You are a social sign. You love the stimulation of good conversation at a fine dinner table. But you also like to learn because you appreciate the beauty of art as well as the beauty of clothing, architecture and different places in the world. This is because more than any other sign you are affected by your surroundings. Therefore, what travel might you do that will enrich your life? And further, what studies or further learning might you explore to expand your world? Any ideas? "I am a part of all that I have follow knowledge like a sinking star...Come my friends, t'is not too late to seek a newer world."

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Because this is the year when you are getting richer by earning more or increase your assets, it is not surprising that the New Moon this week urges you to think about your relationship to other people's wealth, other people's values, and how you fit in to all this. What responsibilities do you have for others? A basic truth in life is: "what goes around, comes around". This is hard to deny if you just observe things around you. Cause and effect. Seed and result. Therefore, the irony in life is the more you give, the more you receive from the world. For many, this is not an easy truth to grasp.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This June's New Moon takes place directly opposite your sign because it is in Gemini; and Gemini and Sagittarius are 180 degrees opposite from each other. Clearly, this is the best opportunity of the year for you to think about how you can improve your partnerships and close friendships. Do not think about trying to change the other person. Instead, focus on what you can do and how you can be and how you can act. For example, if you want to be loved, you have to be lovable. (Makes sense.) If you want to be treated with respect and generosity - you have to respect your partner and be generous to them. Get it? Simple. But easier said than done.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This special New Moon urges you to focus on work and health. It's about your sense of usefulness and productivity. Work and health are interrelated because physical and emotional health are affected by your beliefs and attitudes. We often forget this. Think about what boosts your health and make you feel great. So often we know what's good for us but we fail to do it. What is your attitude to work? If you think it's drudgery, very likely, you will not excel at it. Think of the power of your mind and how it can affect both your health and your work success.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The New Moon this week highlights the part of your chart concerning romance, vacations, creativity and children. If the lack of romance in your life is a concern, what is your attitude to romance? Do you constantly attract the wrong people? Look over your shoulder and examine past loves to see a pattern. Maybe you're being your own worst enemy? When it comes to creativity, have you noticed that all children are creative? They all love to draw, paint, sing and dance! What happens to us when we get older? Those creative urges are still there but now they are unexpressed. When you learn to express them, you tap into your youth. Voila!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This week is your best opportunity all year to think about what you can do to improve your relations with family members, especially female family members. Obviously, this includes your parents. But at a deeper level, its important to know what makes you feel safe. Is it the people in your life or your home? Let go of the past and think of the present and the future. Do you have a bed that you look forward to sleeping in every night? If so - what a luxury! Are you happy to walk into your kitchen to make something to eat? If so - what a luxury! Your home gives you the strength and security to deal with the world.