All Signs

There are different celestial indicators happening all the time. Some bring future challenges; some bring future blessings. Let's pause this week and look at where our good fortune lies. (Yeah!) The most obvious indicator will be the placement of Jupiter because Jupiter magnifies and brings wisdom, joy and wealth. Jupiter stays in each sign for one year, which is why it takes 12 years to go through all the signs. This means that in your adult life, you have Jupiter in your sign for only four or five times (maybe six). Jupiter is currently in Sagittarius until December when it moves into Capricorn. When life gives you lemons - ask for butter and order the lobster tail!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Jupiter is a fabulous blessing for you because it is in your fellow Fire sign, which means it gives a wonderful boost to your Sun in Aries. This promotes good health and a feeling of well-being! It makes you want to relax and enjoy vacations and fun travel. It also boosts your self-confidence and the feeling that you can do anything. It makes this year an excellent time for financial matters, especially with foreign countries, publishing, the media, medicine and the law. All of these areas might boost your income in some way. Another wonderful advantage is you will learn something this year either formally through schools and courses or informally through travel. Lucky you!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You're the financial whiz of the zodiac! This year is fortunate for you because lucky, moneybags Jupiter, the planet about the expansion of wealth, is travelling through one of your Money Houses, specifically, the house of "other people's money." This means you will benefit from the wealth of others, especially partners. (Your partner might earn more or get a bonus.) You might receive an inheritance. Likewise, you can get money from banks and financial institutions, so this is a great year to ask for a loan or mortgage. It's an excellent time to decide how to divide or share something because you'll come out smelling like a rose! Ka-ching!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This year lucky Jupiter is travelling through your House of Marriage and Partnerships. In some ways, this means it's a time of culmination in your life. You are feeling satisfied on so many levels! Naturally, there is always a tendency to go after more but get real because there's no end to "better." The key to happiness is satisfaction, so be grateful for what you have. Because Jupiter is about wisdom and learning - you can learn a lot this year through your intimate one-to-one encounters with others - close friendships and partnerships. Not only will you learn from others, you will benefit from them as well. Because of this, it's a great year to seek help from a professional. Receive the help you need.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Holy Jackpot! This is the best year in over a decade to improve your health and/or get a better job. Please note: you won't have another year like this until 2031. Therefore, be proactive about methods to improve your health because they will really work this year! Likewise, you can improve your duties at your job, or improve your workspace, or your relations with your boss, and your coworkers. If you have a terrible boss - then they might be transferred to Timbuktu. Or perhaps, instead, you will get a new job that is much better! Keep in mind that if you land this new job, you can make improvements to it as well because this is your personal theme this year. Use it!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Like Aries, you have the added benefit of having Jupiter in your fellow Fire sign. This is confidence building! Your life will flow more easily! Your health will be vigourous and you will have a rewarding sense of direction. You will want to make your surroundings more elegant and will spend money doing so. Your creative potential is enormous this year. Plus you have the energy to follow through on your ideas. In addition, your relations with children will improve and your kids will be a source of joy to you. You will enjoy vacations, social getaways, the arts, the theatre, movies and sports events much more than usual. For Leos, this is an enriching, fun-loving year!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This you have the advantage of Jupiter sitting at the bottom of your chart blessing everything to do with home, family and real estate. This means your home life will be happier this year! Your relations with family members will be more rewarding; and family members will be more generous with each other. Likewise, you will improve your home by redecorating, renovating, expanding or even moving to a bigger or better home. In terms of real estate, you couldn't pick a better year in over a decade to invest in real estate. So whether you invest for speculation or you invest in your own home - either way, you will financially benefit and your wealth will increase.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This placement of Jupiter will help your life flow easily. With little effort, you will move in the direction you intend to go, and your relations with people in power will be help you. This is an excellent year for making plans because you're not afraid to "think big." You're more optimistic and confident this year. You also feel generous and tolerant to others, which makes communications with everyone easier. You will increase your contacts and have a busy schedule because your communications on a daily basis will increase. Basically, your attitude to the world around you will be more generous, understanding and forgiving. (Is that halo too tight?)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You'll be laughing all the way to the bank this year because lucky moneybags Jupiter is sitting in your House of Earnings. Simply put - you will get richer! Most of you will become richer because you will receive money or boost your earnings. However, some will become richer because you will increase your assets by buying things -- but as a result, you feel richer because you have a better car, a nicer home, a more elegant environment - something makes you feel like a king! Fortunately, Jupiter also denotes wisdom, which means you will become wiser this year in terms of how to use your money and make the best use of your resources. This is a wonderful blessing!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Well, you're sitting pretty because you are the sign that Jupiter is in! (This won't happen again until 2031.) This means you're entering a 12-year cycle of growth where you are going to discover who and what you are as an individual. You want to know what you can accomplish. You're no longer going to hide your talents. This is a lovely time of learning and gaining new experience. Meanwhile, lucky you! People and resources easily come your way this year. Take advantage of these new contacts and opportunities! Even the spiritual dimension of your life will be richer. On an everyday basis, your life will be more fortunate in personal terms. Yup, you've got the luck!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Yours is the only chart where Jupiter is hiding. This is still beneficial but at a subtle level because it amplifies the spiritual and religious dimensions of your life. This is why you're looking at those around you with greater compassion and empathy, which in turn, means others are grateful to you for your understanding. Obviously, your relations with others will be warm and more loving. Likewise, the benefits to you this year are more subtle - but you will feel them because you will be happier. You're more in touch with the reality that we are all in this Big Soup together and what is done to help one is done for all. This is the wisdom. And in December, Jupiter enters your sign - whoopee!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a rewarding year because one of the great values of Aquarius is friendship and this is exactly where you have your greatest rewards this year. Your life will flow more smoothly and you will accomplish a lot with less effort. But what will really make a difference is your hopes and ideals for the future are front and centre, and friends and groups will help you achieve these wishes! Because you benefit so much from others - this is not a year to go it alone. Au contraire! You need to be with people because they will enrich your life. Remember: Whatever you put out this year will come back to you in even greater quantity.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This year Jupiter is at the top of your chart! (This won't happen again until 2031 so make the most of it!) The top of your chart is your reputation. It's that label that everyone has for you. Because of Jupiter, you will look successful and capable! It's as if a fabulous light is shining on you and everyone admires what you do. This is why many of you will get a promotion at work or public recognition or admiration and esteem from your contemporaries. Naturally, you will feel confident and successful in a personal way. Some will choose this blessing to change professions into something to do with healing, travel or the law. Lookin' good!