All Signs

One would think that in an orderly universe, each month would have a Full Moon and a New Moon. But not so Monsieur le Pussycat! Life is not so orderly in 2019. (Lean closer and I will tell you more.) "Oui! Please do!" This month we had the Full Moon in Libra; yet next month, we will have another Full Moon in Libra. "Whaat? C'est bizarre!" Yes, it's weird. "Does this mean one sign doesn't get a Full Moon this year?" Correct. The sign that misses out this year is Cancer, which is curious because the ruler of Cancer is the Moon. "If there are two Full Moons in Libra, what about the New Moons?" Good question. There are no New Moons in October; and yet in July, there are two! "What does this mean?" As with everything in life there is no simple explanation, but I suspect our planet has too much moonshine.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

There's no question about who is in the driver's seat - it's you! That's because the Sun is in your sign boosting your energy and empowering you in all your dealings with others. This is a strong, favourable time for you to go after your objectives because the Force is with you. Things will tend to go your way and people will cooperate with you. Of course, with your ruler Mars in your House of Communications, you identify with your ideas and can convince everyone to agree with you, or perhaps you will set them in opposition to you? (Opposition is your middle name! "En garde!") This vigourous ability to put forth your ideas will last until mid May.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

There are two contradictory influences taking place in your chart now. The Sun urges you to withdraw from the busyness of the world around you to contemplate your navel and strategize what you want for your new year ahead. (This new year will begin after your birthday takes place.) This means that until then, it's the perfect time to identify future goals for next year. Make an effort to do this because Mercury and Venus will lure you into socializing with others, especially hanging out with younger people and people who are artistic and creative. (In fact, relations with others will be so cozy, a platonic relationship could turn romantic.) What are three goals for your new year?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You love an adoring peanut gallery! This month, friends and groups are especially important, which is why you will examine the role that they play in your life. It's an excellent time to socialize and study the people that you associate with because they are a reflection of yourself. (It's true - birds of a feather flock together, especially to freshly washed cars.) Because Mercury is at the top of your chart right now, you might become more involved working with a club or organization. Certainly, bosses and people in authority will listen to you, which is why it's a favourable time to share your views. Why not ask them what you have to do to succeed in their eyes?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You're focused on your career, your role in society and your standing in your community. Because the Sun is at the top of your chart right now, people admire you! Use this opportunity to go after what you want because the powers that be are receptive to you! This is a great week for study and education because you're eager to learn. Foreign places, the law, philosophy and politics will also appeal. Not only will others listen to what you have to say; you will listen more carefully to what they have to say because you're interested in beliefs that differ from your own. Is this why a romance with someone different is so enticing?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're restless! You want more excitement in your life. You want to see new things, meet new people and make new discoveries. Some of you, will be equally thrilled to stay at home and study, so you can explore new vistas and fascinating concepts of thought. The common denominator in all your desires is that you want to expand your world and deepen your experience of life. This is also an excellent time for financial research about wills, inheritances or shared property. Whatever transpires will favour you. Meanwhile, back in the boudoir, sex can go beyond the physical and become a vehicle for self transformation. (Be still my beating heart.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is a productive week because you are driven. You can use this. When you're motivated, this motivation creates a focus, which encourages effort and endurance, which in turn, brings results. But it all starts with the mind and the energy of your thoughts. Your ambition to achieve is strong now, which is why you will work hard to get things done. The only downside is you might be so driven, (plus you want credit for what you do) that you alienate coworkers who want to work as a team. What you have to do is align their interests with yours. Make everything a win-win. Be aware of what others want to achieve and work with this to get what you want.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The Sun is opposite your sign now forcing you to deal with a strong relationship axis. The Sun is in Aries, and Aries is independent and all about "self". Libra is cooperative, receptive and about "other." (Hence the opposition.) While this Aries Sun opposes you in its courageous, self assertive way, you will seek compromise, balance and ways to negotiate. Fairness is important to you. (After all, your symbol is the scales of justice.) This is why you are assessing your closest relationships and appreciating the role they play in your life. Meanwhile in another part of the forest, you want to travel and blow town because you want adventure!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

"Work" is your theme song this week. Not only are you working hard, you're studying how you work. You want to work smart, which means working hard but getting more done. This is why you're sussing out how you do things. Look at your routine. Can you change your routine to get more done, and still be in control, happy with results and relaxed? This is possible. Studies show that people in Europe work 258 hours less per year than Americans, and produce more! Apparently, the first three hours of our day are the most productive. Go gently with disputes about shared responsibilities and shared property.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It's play city and you love it! However, not only do you want the freedom to play, you want the freedom to be who you are. (You certainly don't want to be who you aren't!) Ironically, even though this is the time to be yourself - it's also an excellent time to examine who you are so that you understand yourself better. Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." (This had nothing to do with the Greek's concerns about identity theft.) Note: One challenge that you face is that Mars is opposite your sign until mid May, and this will trigger furious conflicts with others. (Well, you do tend to be blunt.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You want to hide at home, curled up under a cozy blanket watching Netflix and eating Ben & Jerry's. But will you? The guilt! (Especially for daytime TV.) In part, this is because you feel nostalgic about your past right now. You're remembering family memories, to the point that you might want to discuss them with someone, perhaps even a professional. (My parents turned out pretty good, how about yours?) Seek out people to talk to because you need to share your ideas with someone - siblings, relatives or neighbours -- a daily contact who gives you social comfort and a sense of feedback. Try it. Reach out. What's to lose?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your busy pace continues and it's not a boring! (You don't do boring.) Even though the tempo of your life is accelerating, if you can slip away on a vacation - you'll love it. Maybe you can integrate a short trip with your work? One thing is certain now: You're eager to communicate to others in a direct fashion and tell it like it is. It's important for you to have a touchstone with someone. This is one reason you value your friends. Don't hesitate to be frank with others and share your hopes and fears. (Don't worry; we all have them. Some of us cover them up better than others, that's all.) But you know that.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You have a lot to say now with Mercury in your sign; and fortunately, because Venus is also in your sign, whatever you say - you will say it with charm, grace and appeal to others. People will want to hear you, and they want to be in your company. This suits you perfectly because in turn, you have a strong desire to relate to others as well. Because this is literally a mutual appreciation society - it's an excellent time to enjoy the company of friends and make peace with someone if there's been a rift. When Venus is in your sign, it always rank pleasure above work. Get thee to Happy Hour!