This week on Wednesday, we have the Vernal Equinox. In Latin, "vernalis" means "spring" and "eqinoxium" means "time of equal days and nights." This is not to be confused with hangus overatus, which means "too much the night before." The equinox happens twice a year whereas the hangus overatus occurs with surprising frequency. But enough of the wrath of grapes. Wednesday is also the day of the Full Moon. (Zooks!) This will be the only Full Moon in Libra all year, which means it opposes the warrior sign of Aries. Almost certainly many will become too excitable and combative, which in turn, alas -- will lead to another Grape Depression. Oy vey.
For the next four weeks, it will be your turn to shine! This is because once a year, the Sun is in your sign boosting your energy and giving you a chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of year. You might not know this but every planet functions best in a certain sign, and the Sun (yes, I know the Sun is not a planet, but lazy astrologers refer to the Sun and Moon as "planets" in your chart); to continue -- of all the 12 signs, the Sun functions best in Aries! Factoid. (Please don't lord it over the rest of us.) Midweek, the Full Moon will oppose your sign creating tension with those closest to you. Be mindful of what you say and do, so that you can be patient.
Because your birthday is just a month away, this means your personal year is coming to an end. As such, the Sun will be hiding in your chart for the next four weeks, which means that you likewise, will want to hide somewhat or be more private because you want to do some thinking so you can plan ahead. This is totally appropriate. Take some time to think about what you want for the new year in front of you. Do you want it to be different from last year? If so, how? Do you want to start something that will culminate as new changes in the next two to five years? What is the most important thing to you on your horizon? And now, for a little nosh.
You will love the next four weeks because you will be popular! Expect increased interaction with friends, as well as more involvement with clubs, groups and associations. You might be elected to the board or to head a committee. This same window of time is one of the best times all year for you to share your hopes and dreams for the future with others because if you bounce your ideas off someone, you will get their feedback - and this feedback could be helpful and enlightening. (After all, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Why not stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you?) Be patient with people midweek during the Full Moon.
Lucky you! You are favoured in the next four weeks because this is the only time all year that the Sun is at high noon in your chart casting a flattering light on you. This means that others see you as attractive, competent, capable and interesting! Bosses, parents and VIPs will admire you. Obviously, this is your time to strike. Demand the advantage! Do what you can to advance your agenda because if you ask, there is a good likelihood that doors will open for you. Do not squander this advantage because it comes only once a year. Meanwhile, cope with the Full Moon midweek, which puts you in a tug-of-war between the demands of home and family versus the demands of your career and public reputation.
In the next four weeks, you want to explore more of your world - ideally, through travel. You want to broaden your horizons through study, new and unfamiliar experiences, meeting people from different backgrounds and learning the answers to big questions! This is a great time to sign up for a course. In your everyday world, do something different from your normal routine. Take a different route to or from work. Visit ethnic restaurants. Explore your own city as if you were a tourist. Go someplace where you can learn something! Guard against accidents this week because the Full Moon on Wednesday is an accident-prone influence.
You might find yourself involved in matters related to taxes, debt, insurance, wills and inheritances during the next four weeks. If so, you will have strong opinions! That's because your passions are aroused (even sexually), which is why you will have an intense reaction to everything that goes on, especially disputes in these areas, particularly disputes about shared property. If something like this comes to a head, quite likely, it will be resolved by the end of the week. Fortunately, Venus promotes friendship and cooperation with coworkers, which might be a relief while you are dealing with ex-partners who are back on the scene. (Hide!)
You are now entering a four-week window when the Sun will be opposite your sign. This occurs only once a year and when it does, it draws your focus to your spouses, partners and close friends. Not only will it increase your interest in these relationships, it will give you the best chance all year to objectively see these relationships, especially your role in that relationship. This is because you will have more detachment and objectivity. Obviously, this is a learning opportunity that will benefit you because why not look for ways to improve your closest bonds? Be patient midweek when the Moon is full in your sign. Oh yeah.
Recently, your life has been playful; however, now your focus will switch to work for the next four weeks. You will give more thought to how you should run your life because you want things to flow smoothly. You also want to think that you're getting the best results for your efforts - the most bang for your buck. This is why you will make lists and scrutinize your work and your lifestyle. You will also want to become healthier. This is wonderful news! Motivation is the beginning of everything. Be patient with co-workers midweek during the Full Moon energy. Enjoy entertaining at home and tweaking your digs to make them look more attractive.
Oh joy! Once a year, the Sun travels through the part of your chart that governs romance, love affairs, vacations, socializing, the arts, fun sports plus playful activities with kids. That time has arrived and it will last for four weeks! Mentally gear up to enjoy socializing with others. Get tickets for movies, plays, musical performances and sports events. Meet friends for lunch, dinner or a fun getaway weekend because this is your turn to express yourself and be exactly who you are! Your attitude to relationships will be lighter, and certainly, romance will flourish! And your words will be sweet and charming. (Mom always liked you best.)
After a month of travel and talking to everyone, this week everything will slow down and you will pull in your reins and choose to cocoon at home. You will welcome the thumb-sucking comfort of relaxing in familiar surroundings. You might be involved with a parent more than usual. But you won't sit around getting dusty because fiery Mars still wants you to play and engage in sports and playful activities with others; while retrograde Mercury will continue to play havoc to your daily transportation and communications. Nevertheless, you will welcome this downtime because you need it to restore and regenerate yourself.
Fasten your seatbelts because life is getting busy! In the next four weeks, expect short trips, visits, appointments, plus increased time with siblings and relatives. You will read, write and study more than usual. Your schedule will be demanding and your daily pace will accelerate. But it will feel fine! Admittedly, Mars is still stirring up tension, conflict and increased chaos on the home front. Be advised that this will be history by April. (Was that a gasp of relief?) In an outward sense, you will be involved with all this busyness; but inwardly, you have a strong desire (in the next four weeks) to enlighten others. You want to express your views and you want to be heard!
In the next four weeks, your mind turns to money, high finances, cash flow and earnings. This is because you will be thinking about what you own and what you owe. You will have a tendency to give yourself a report card based on your material wealth, which is really not at all accurate, is it? Who you are is not your bank account. However, you are your values and in this window of time, you will be thinking a lot about your values. In a word - what is really important to you? What matters? If you don't know what really matters, then how will you know what horse to bet on? You have to figure this out because you don't want to be 90 years old, looking in the mirror and saying to yourself, "I blew it!"