The planet Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun. Another way of looking at this is to say that it takes 84 years for Uranus to go through all 12 signs. Uranus symbolizes surprise, dynamite, explosions, discovery and the unexpected. "Eureka!" It represents striking a blow for freedom, independence and self-governance. It is associated with the gathering of like-minded individuals to push for reform, which is why it is synonymous with unions, organizations like Greenpeace and social revolutions. This week Uranus moves into Taurus to stay until 2026. It was last in Taurus from 1934 to 1942. Because of the unpredictable nature of Uranus, and the fact that Taurus is a sign of wealth - this is perhaps something that will give one pause. (Little furry ones.)
For the next eight years, wild, wacky, Uranus will be travelling through your Money House of earnings, assets and possessions. On an inner level, this will indicate that your values are changing. Things that you thought were important in the past will not be in the future. This means you have to be flexible so that you can grow with these changes and not resist them. Uranus might bring a sudden windfall (or possibly a loss) with respect to property and wealth. It might mean you want to change jobs or how you earn your money. You will want more freedom of choice in this regard. Stay open to new opportunities!
Oh wow, this will be the first time in your life that Uranus has been in your sign! 'This means old patterns in your life will start to breakdown as a prelude to something new that will take their place. You will drop old limitations that you placed upon yourself that are no longer acceptable or appropriate. A relationship that has been limping along because you fear change - will now end. Your ways of handling your world will change, especially in terms of your desire to break free and be in charge of yourself. The greatest changes will take place wherever you have been holding yourself back.
For the first time in your life, Uranus will be in a hidden part of your chart stirring things up! Sudden disclosures of secrets will be classic. If anyone has been working against you - they will be revealed. Even your own efforts to self sabotage yourself will become apparent. Yes, this will be an epiphany! You will learn more about yourself in the next eight years as a preparation for when Uranus enters your own sign in 2026. Ultimately, you will become freer to be your whole self and to express yourself completely and honestly. ("Does this room make me look fat?")
You will start to look at your goals, hopes and dreams for the future and realize they don't quite fit anymore. You're starting to see new and different lifestyles that are possible, and perhaps even goals that you want to achieve that you never dreamed of before. In a nutshell, you're not willing to settle for what you would have earlier in your life. You will be attracted to new kinds of friends who challenge your old ways. Very definitely, you will rebel against a group if you feel they are pressuring you to be someone you're not. This is why you might look for new friends who fit in better with the direction you want your life to go.
The next seven years will be paramount for your sign. That's because Uranus is crossing across the top of your chart, which is a first for you. Uranus will challenge your identity in the world, especially in terms of your social status, your reputation and your profession. You will want to break free from oppressive bosses or government authorities. You'll be like Peter Finch in Network, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!" You will have chances to work with new techniques or take off into new territory. You might throw in the towel and start all over again. Examine your life and make whatever changes are necessary in order to experience the new life that you want for yourself.
You have an exciting decade ahead because Uranus will force you to expand your awareness of the world and gain new insights that you never have before. You might do this through unexpected travel or a chance to get further education. But at every level of your life, Uranus will challenge rigid views and viewpoints. It will force you to adjust your thinking and your ways of seeing the world. You will be attracted to new, stimulating ways of thinking! Many of you will study science, technology and new techniques, especially to do with computers and cell phones. You might explore opportunities in the media. Take note: Uranus rules the airwaves and is the astrological ruler of radio.
For your sign, Uranus will bring about some great changes in the next eight years. This means that an old order in your life is passing away in order to create room for a new one to come in. Restrictions that you imposed upon yourself or that were imposed by others will become intolerable, and you will sweep them away! In particular, Uranus will focus on joint finances and the resources of others, especially spouses and business partners. Work to become independent because dependence upon other sources might be unstable. A sudden inheritance is possible. You might also become impatient with duties and obligations about shared property and want to break free from them.
For the first time in your life, you will feel Uranus travelling opposite your sign for the next eight years. This will be tough on partnerships that are not doing well, or staying together for the sake of the kids or finances. Uranus will shake that up and make you want to be free of anything that is intolerable. Uranus can also attract wild, unstable love affairs into your life because you want to try things that are unusual, new and different! New love might be seen as an escape or a source of excitement. (Been there, done that - no long-term benefit.) The wiser move is to seek out new experiences that give you a greater mastery over your life. Change is not a threat. It can be an opportunity to live your life more freely.
In the next decade, Uranus will change your attitude toward your job and your work. If you are in a job you don't like - it will catapult you out of it. You will either do this consciously or unconsciously (for example, setting up a situation where you get fired). You want new responsibilities that offer different challenges. Fortunately, you will have chances to learn new techniques connected with your work. Some people feel that they can't escape their duties and so they attempt to carry on as if nothing were happening. Uranus will interrupt this! Learn to make your changes consciously or your body will make them for you. Is duty an opportunity or is it onerous? Think about this.
The next decade of your life will be exciting! You will discover new kinds of recreations and amusing diversions. You will adopt an entirely new point of view about how you see your talent and your artistic self-expression. You will be more willing to experiment with life. You might enter into an unusual sexual relationship. Sudden infatuations will grab you, especially if you are in a lukewarm relationship. Even your relations with children will change, perhaps radically. If you're involved in any kind of creative enterprise, you will explore new ways of doing things and take new approaches to your work. This will be a time of creative self-exploration!
In the decade ahead, your home life will undergo radical changes because you will no longer put up with something that you've been going along with for years just to keep the peace. This change might impact your family. Perhaps it will be a complete change of residence. All ties with the past might be broken because you want to break free from old patterns and habits that have enslaved you. Later you can reestablish old roots but you will no longer be dominated by them again. Problems and tensions that you haven't been dealing with will surface and force you to handle them. My advice? Keep dark chocolate at the ready!
Change is going to be a major focus of your life in the coming decade at every level - neighbours, relatives, friends, your everyday business dealings and even your day-to-day activities. For starters, your everyday mental attitudes will change and you will be forced to look at life through new eyes. You will have a new flexibility of thought, which will allow you to nurture new interests, especially through science, technology, yoga and astrology. Routine everyday communications will suddenly mean a lot. You'll find that you cannot take so much for granted because everyday details are suddenly significant! You're entering into an exciting window of opportunity where your thinking will expand and change your world!