All Signs

Because we have survived the excitement and angst of snowstorms and the Supermoon, let's take stock as we head into March, which holds the first day of Spring! (Time flies when you're unconscious.) The Sun is in Pisces along with Mercury, which will be retrograde throughout March. (Ouch.) Mars is in Taurus until April; while Jupiter is in Sagittarius for most of this year, and Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn. What does the future hold? Well, it will be much like the present only longer and more expensive. Warren Buffet, one of the richest men in the world said, "It's only when the tide goes out that you discover who's been swimming naked." (I suspect that's a financial observation but I like the optics.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This is a low-key week because the Sun is hiding in your chart. Nevertheless, Jupiter is near the top of your chart where it will be next year, boosting your reputation! This year brings chances to travel and get further education. Your views on the world will mature as you seek real and useful knowledge. This is your time of harvest, which is why you have many responsibilities. Do what you can to get performance ready for next year when you will shine! What can you do to get better prepared? (Teach a man to fish and he'll buy a bamboo rod, a tackle box, a six-pack, a cooler, a boat, and a trailer just for starters.)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This continues to be a popular time for you! You are so popular you will start to hear from friends and people from your past. (Get ready.) You're pumped with lots of energy now because Mars is in your sign where it will stay all through March. This increases the activity in your life and raises your physical energy level! It makes you independent and happy to do whatever you want as long as you can your own way. Jupiter continues to attract the wealth of your partner and give you chances to get money from other sources, including banks. Saturn urges you to get your ducks in a row so that by 2020-21, you will handle your time of harvest with dazzling skill.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The Sun is still high in your chart shining a flattering light on you, which is why everyone is impressed with you, including bosses, parents teachers. Because this happens only once a year, it's a wonderful opportunity for you to advance your cause. Jupiter opposite your sign gives you a chance to learn more about yourself. It favours partnerships; however, this month, Mars will create situations where you are your own worst enemy. You might express repressed feelings that you had that you weren't even aware of. It's important for you to learn who you are and how you relate to others. You especially have to learn how to come to terms with other people's values.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Continue to grab every chance to study and enjoy new and unfamiliar experiences. Travel and meet people from different backgrounds so you can broaden your horizons. This is a great time to take a course or begin a new hobby. Go somewhere where you can learn something! Physical activity with friends and members of groups will turn your crank. (You might even be in a competition?) Now is the time to formulate some goals. Identify what you want to achieve. Keep in mind that this is your year to improve your job or get a better job and also to improve your health. Caution against weight gain. (I removed all the fattening food from my house. It was delicious.)

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The Sun continues to make you intense, while Mars at the top of your chart arouses your ambition. This means you might have conflict with parents, bosses or coworkers because you're driven to achieve your aims. Someone might challenge your value structure. Quite likely, you are more concerned than usual about shared property, wills, inheritances and such. Remember that this year Jupiter is in one of the most fun parts of your chart, giving you the courage to be who you are and express yourself without fear or apology. Kids will be a great joy to you. Romance will be thrilling. You might get involved with someone who is radically different.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Some of you had arguments last week with the Supermoon in your sign. The placement of the Sun right now gives you a chance to learn more about your style of relating to others because you have more objectivity and detachment. You can "see" the movie - even if it's a horror flick. What you want is a romantic comedy, right? This week you will do more creative, intellectual work than usual. However, because you will identify strongly with your ideas, be careful about discussions related to politics, religion and racial issues because they could become testy! Do not wake the sleeping giant for you are soft and crunchy and go well with ice cream.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Have you noticed lately that every morning when you get up, you're keen to get better organized? You get sidetracked by trying to do something so that you feel you're more on top of your game? This is a good thing, especially because you are really affected by your environment. (It's a Libra thang.) You might face disputes about wills, inheritances and shared property. Likewise, these disputes could include something to do with the wealth or possessions of your partner. This year and next, are the perfect time to focus on home repairs and how to solidify your home base so that you feel more secure for the future with yourself and your family. Fortunately, Jupiter is encouraging you to "think big." And you are!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

The two contradictory messages from the celestial heavens continue. Mars makes you annoyed with others, especially partners and close friends. Meanwhile, the Sun is encouraging to play, laugh it up and have fun! Your primary drive now is to do what you want and set your own priorities. What you most want to do is to seek out amusing, recreational diversions! Flirtations, fun getaways, vacations, parties and sports events are all tops on your list. Your attitude toward relationships will be lighter. Yes, new love is possible! And if you can't fall in love - maybe you can step in it a few times.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Home, family and your private life continue to be a strong focus. Many of you might tackle home repairs. Certainly, you are having family discussions. Nevertheless, Mars is keeping you busy, working hard and delegating to others. The catch is you want credit for what you do, so it's best if you can work alone. Guard against infections, fevers and accidents. Meanwhile, because your ruler lucky Jupiter is in your sign this year, life is grand! Jupiter is attracting people and resources to you because in the bigger picture, you are beginning a major cycle of growth. (And yes, you might have to let out another pleat in the shower curtain.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Your fast pace continues because you have a full agenda! Appointments, errands, meetings with others, discussions with siblings, neighbours and relatives; plus many of you are reading, writing and studying more than usual. Yes you're busy! Since 2015, you gave up a lot - people, places and possessions, and starting last year, you began a new journey in which you will reinvent yourself by 2025. Romance is very sexy this month because your gonads are in overdrive. Parents will have to be patient with their kids this month. Your personal challenge is that you would rather play instead of getting down to work, which is a bit unusual for you. "I love work - I can watch it for hours!"

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Money continues to be your primary focus now both in terms of your earnings, as well as what you're spending. Do be aware that Mercury will be retrograde in the month of March and this will delay financial matters. Cheques in the mail will be late. Financial negotiations might linger on. Because Mars is at the bottom of your chart, tension and increased activity on the home front are likely. One lovely benefit is that fair Venus moves into your sign this week promoting your ability to be charming, diplomatic and attractive to everyone. Nice bonus! This is also an excellent time for you to buy wardrobe goodies.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

It's still all about you dear Pisces because the Sun, Mercury and Neptune are in your chart. Naturally, the Sun is energizing you and attracting favourable situations and people to you. "I'm hot!" Mars will fire up all your communications with others making you direct, forthright and persuasive (as well as a bit pushy). But you can do no wrong because lucky Jupiter is at the top of your chart making you look great in the eyes of others. People think you can walk on water - and maybe you can. Because this is a once-in-a-12-year blessing, make the most of it! Do your best to dazzle others because you'll get curtain calls and encores! "We love you!"