Today the Sun moves into Aquarius where it will stay for the next four weeks giving each of us a shift of energy in a different part of our life. Read on to see how it affects your sign. This is because the Sun rules the basic energy of our body and our energy system in general. It can create enthusiasm or conflict, depending on your sign. It will definitely introduce increased focus and activity to a new part of your life. When the Sun is at odds with your sign, it can create problems with men. (The Sun is male and the Moon is female.) Well, before we get into an argument about anything, something we can all agree on is that the email of the species is faster than the mail.
You are looking at a popular four weeks ahead! Not only will you be schmoozing with everyone, especially good friends, you will also be more involved in groups, clubs and associations. Expect to hang out with younger people more than usual. You have lots of energy and drive for the coming month because fiery Mars is in your sign. Meanwhile, Venus wants you to travel and explore the world! Venus will also encourage you to visit museums, art galleries, beautiful parks and stimulating places because your appreciation of beauty is heightened. Use the next four weeks to establish who you are among your friends and groups. This way you can fit in with others and also be yourself.
Once a year, the Sun sits at the top of your chart for four weeks. That time has arrived. Symbolically, this means you are in the "spotlight." Everyone notices you more than usual, especially bosses, parents and VIPs. (Incidentally, this includes the police.) Almost by magic, you look great to others! They see you as competent, capable and strong. Therefore, use this four-week window to try to get a promotion or to promote your ideas. It's also the perfect time to ask for approval or permission for something. Be visionary and make plans for your future. Meanwhile, you feel passionate and sexy! Plus it will be easy to get money, gifts and goodies from others in this window of time. What's not to like?
For the next four weeks, you want something different! You want to travel to new places and meet new faces. You want to learn as much as possible through courses, workshops or school. You will be fascinated by people from different cultures and other countries. People will love to meet you and be in your company because both Venus and Jupiter are directly opposite your sign, improving all your relationships with everyone. (It doesn't get better than this.) Mars pumps your energy to deal with groups and friends - especially athletically in a competitive way. Plan on good conversations, fun with others, and hopefully, a change of scenery!
You're in the zone for the next four weeks because you feel ambitious and in charge of things. There's no moss growing on you! Coworkers and everything to do with your job are supportive. This is good. Now you have the time and energy to focus on a lot of red-tape details regarding shared property, inheritances, insurance disputes or anything to do with the wealth and resources of others or the wealth and resources for which you might be responsible. No worries. I repeat you're in the zone - you're on top of things! You're working hard and you're in control. (Frankly, I'm impressed.)
The next four weeks are the only time all year when the Sun is opposite your sign. This sharpens your focus on your closest relationships and partnerships. It gives you more detachment and objectivity, which in turn, allows you to learn more about yourself through these relationships. You can examine these relationships to see how they do or do not fulfil your needs and wants. Obviously, for your own benefit, you must be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. This will not be a time to go it alone. Instead, form working units with others to get things done. This window is an excellent time to consult an expert - lawyer, specialist, psychologist, doctor or astrologer.
You will be happy in the next four weeks because the arrangement of the planets in your chart steers you in a direction you like. The planets urge you to become more efficient in everything you do! You will give more thought to how you manage your life and how you take care of daily details. How can you make things run more smoothly to make your life easier? Likewise, what can you do to boost your health? You will also enjoy redecorating at home and entertaining good friends so that you can show them what you did! Sex and intimacy will be powerful, perhaps even transforming. However, don't expect too much; after all, we are all frail mortals grappling on this darkling plain.
Good news for the next four weeks! It's party city for you! More precisely, you will feel free to express yourself and be exactly who you are. Your aim will be to do what you want to do and to set your own priorities. Amusing diversions, recreational fun, parties, the arts, movies, musical performances, sports events and playful times with children will be tops on your menu. Basically, you will seek relationships that are fun! In fact, for some, new romance will blossom! This is the perfect time to grab a vacation, big or small. Do what you can to get away for relaxation and pleasure. Note: Be patient with partners and close friends. Zip thy lip.
For the next four weeks, your attention will turn to home, family and your private life. Many of you will tackle home repairs and be involved in family discussions. However, this will also be a good time to intellectually withdraw somewhat so that you can examine your personal life and how it does or does not meet your needs. Now is the time to express to those where you live, how you wish things would be. You'll find it easy to work hard and be productive. Small wonder that you can boost your earnings in the next month, because this is what you will do for the entire year! Oh yes, "I smell money!"
Your daily pace will accelerate in the next four weeks with a busy schedule of short trips, errands, appointments, conversations with siblings, relatives and neighbours plus increased reading, writing and studying. You will be keen to enlighten others about your views. Venus in your sign makes you charming and diplomatic. (Everyone loves you.) Mars will spur your desire to explore sports, fun diversions and romance. Ever since December, your life has started to get easier. You are still doing the same amount of work but somehow, there is less stress. This is the divine protection of your ruler Jupiter being in your sign where it will stay until November. Lucky you!
You are never casual about money (Lord knows you hate waste). For the next four weeks, you will be more focused on your wealth, assets, earnings, possessions and cash flow. "Money, money, money!" You will have excellent moneymaking ideas. You will talk about financial projects with others. Tension on the home front might arise from increased chaos and activity; but some of this activity will be based on your desire to initiate renovations and improvements. Meanwhile, secret trysts and private love affairs might take place for some of you. This same window of time is perfect for thinking about your values and defining what is really important to you in this life.
Ta da! Today the Sun moves into your sign where it will stay for four weeks. This happens only once a year, and when it does, it boosts your energy and attracts people and favourable circumstances to you. In fact, this is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of year. Mercury is also in your sign making you more talkative, inquisitive and busy with ideas and tasks. Meanwhile, Mars will lend extra emphasis to your communications making you persuasive and convincing! You will put a lot of yourself into what you have to say. Enjoy warm friendships with others, including interactions with groups. (A friend could become a lover.)
Your personal year is drawing to a close before your birthday next month. This means the next four weeks are the perfect time for you to take stock and give yourself a report card. How well are you doing at the art of living? Look back over your shoulder at the previous year. How do you want your new year to be different? Jot down a few ideas - three or four points that you want to make sure you can focus on in your new year. One thing is certain; your reputation with bosses and parents will shine in 2019 because for the first time in over a decade, Jupiter is at the top of your chart boosting your chance to make a name for yourself.