This week, as 2018 turns into 2019, it does so with gusto and energy because on January 1, Mars moves into its own sign of Aries. POW! The Sun will be in Capricorn as well, and of course, lucky Jupiter will be in Sagittarius for most of the year. Let's take a peek at this week, this month, and this year to get a tiny time capsule of the future. My Annual Forecasts for 2019 are in newspapers; and much longer versions are for sale on Kindle and my website. As this year begins, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Remember what Abraham Lincoln said: "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."
You are super charged this week because your ruler Mars returns to your sign for the first time in two years making you more of a fighter for your rights! Mars will accelerate your days and help you to work hard and assert yourself. Your physical energy will be high. You're stoked and ready for action! The Sun at the top of your chart means others are impressed with you. Meanwhile, at the airport, your window seat is waiting because Jupiter will bring you opportunities to travel all year! Jupiter will also bring you good health and a feeling of well-being. It will favour financial matters and help you to accomplish a lot and have fun while you're doing it! Bonus!
You want to blow town and travel! Some of you will take courses and explore further education because your theme this month is to expand your world. This year, lucky Jupiter is in one of your Money Houses, bringing you wealth plus increased assets and help from others. You might get money back from the government. You might get a loan or a mortgage this year. You might inherit. Your partner will earn more money, which means you will indirectly benefit from this wealth. The theme for you in 2019 is increased wealth and help from others! If you have recently been through psychological stress, this will be a healing year for you.
This week Mars changes signs, which triggers a strong desire in you to make goals and actively pursue them. Perhaps you will best achieve your goals through a group? Certainly, you are more likely to work with a group this month. Physical activity with friends, especially sports and athletics, will pump your energy. Meanwhile, for the rest of this year, lucky Jupiter is sitting across your sign for the first time in 12 years. This will improve all your one-to-one encounters with others. Partnerships and close friendships will flourish. In fact, this year will be the best year for Geminis to get married in over a decade! Who will be the ring bearer?
This week Mars sits at the top of your chart for the first time in two years, which totally arouses your ambition! (This ambition will stay pumped for the whole month.) The Sun will also be opposite your sign for the month, which draws your attention to partnerships and close friendships. However, this opposition also means you will be low energy, which means you will need more rest and more sleep. In the bigger picture, lucky Jupiter will improve your job this year or bring you a chance to get a better job. It will also improve your health! No wonder you start this year off feeling so ambitious. You've got expectations! (We're on to you.)
This week Mars moves into your fellow Fire Sign, which means it supports the energy of your Leo Sun. This makes you feel vigourous and willing to work! It also makes you unusually self-confident and productive. You will be more decisive and energetic this month. Sex will be hot as well! Meanwhile, the placement of the Sun this month makes you want to work hard and get better organized. By contrast however, lucky Jupiter wants you to party, take vacations, explore the arts and have fun times - for the rest of the year! Would I kid you? Actually, as a fellow Leo, I kid you every day.
This week, Mars moves into one of your Money Houses, which means you might encounter disputes about insurance issues, inheritances and shared property. You might also attract someone who confronts you about these issues. (Gulp.) Meanwhile Mars is energy and this part of your chart also deals with sex, so your sex drive will be amped during January as well. In the bigger picture, throughout 2019, lucky Jupiter will improve your home life. You might move to a bigger and better home or you might expand or renovate your existing home. Even your family might increase in size. Family members will be happier and more generous to each other. My goodness! How lovely.
Mars is energy and it can help you in many ways. However, every two years, it opposes your sign, and this is a different matter. This opposition is what is happening in January for you. It will likely make you feel annoyed with partners and close friends. (Admittedly, they are annoying! We both know this.) Fortunately, diplomacy is a big Libran strength; and patience will be your best ally. On top of this, the placement of Jupiter throughout 2019 will make you unusually positive minded and enthusiastic about daily adventures and your everyday communications with others. Meanwhile, home, family and your private life are your strong priority this month. It's all good.
This is a fast-paced month full of opportunities to enjoy short trips, talk with siblings, relatives and neighbours and sharpen your communication skills, which will help you in acting, writing, sales, marketing and teaching. Meanwhile, fiery Mars will boost your energy at work this month as well. But the really big news for you is that this year you're going to get richer! Oh yeah! You are going to boost your earnings in your current job, or get a better paying job, or make money on the side. If you don't have a slave wage, then you will increase your assets in other ways because this will happen! Ka-ching! "Spare change?"
This is a lovely time for you! You begin this year in party mode! For the entire month, you want to play, compete in sports and athletics, express your creative energy in the arts, enjoy playful activities with children and grab a vacation. Most of all you want to freely express what and who you are without fear or apology. This month you are focused on earnings and cash flow. However, in the bigger picture, you're laughing all the way to the bank because lucky Jupiter is in your sign this year for the first time in over a decade. Yay! This means 2019 will be a fortunate year for you! You will have increased self-confidence and poise and most of all - the divine protection of Jupiter in your sign. (Wow!)
When Mars enters Aries this week, it triggers increased activity and chaos on the home front for January. This could be due to residential moves, visiting guests, renovations, repairs or something unexpected that makes things topsy-turvy. As a result, you will need to be extra patient with family members. (Patience is the antidote to anger.) You can do this because this month, the Sun is in your sign giving you a chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of year. It will also attract people and favourable circumstances to you. Meanwhile, Jupiter will soften your ego and increase your desire to explore your inner world. Fortunately, you won't need a passport.
As Mars changes signs this week, it will energize your communication style with everyone. For all of January, you will be direct, forthright and prepared to go after what you want. Very likely, you will read more. If you like fiction, you will burn through some books. The tempo of your everyday life will increase and you will have strong opinions about everything! Be careful not to coerce others to agree with you. Lighten up. This is also the perfect month to set goals before your new year (birthday to birthday) begins. In the bigger picture, 2019 will be a much more popular for you. Expect to be more involved with clubs and associations - and possibly, you will start your own group!
This week your cash flow will increase. Coming and going. This could be due to the fact that this is a popular month for you. (Everyone wants to see your face.) But more likely, it relates to the fact that this year, lucky, moneybags Jupiter is at the top of your chart for the first time in 12 years giving you a chance to make your mark in the world. Bosses, VIPs and parents will be so impressed with you! Jupiter can only cross the top of your chart three or four times in your adult life. This means you have a golden opportunity to impress everyone with your accomplishments this year. Expect kudos, promotions and acknowledgement! (Mom always liked you best.)