They say the future is much like the present only longer, but that's not true. We know that everyone's future holds change. (Checked under the sofa cushions lately?) This week ahead looks pretty tame for most. The Sun and Mercury are in Libra. ("Is everybody happy?") Jupiter and Venus are in Scorpio. ("Sex, money and more sex!") Mars is in Aquarius. ("Let's surprise everyone!") And of course, Saturn is in Capricorn. ("This is the way it's done and it always has been.") This means the theme song for this week is Jimmy Buffet's, "If the Phone Doesn't Ring It's Me."
It's a sexy week! Relations with partners are intense, affectionate and memorable! Not only will you attract opportunities for hot sex, you will attract money through your spouse, a business partner or a bank. Mars continues to urge you to make goals and go after them. Look for ways to achieve these goals by working with others. Saturn at the top of your chart is a reminder that this is a time of harvest when the seeds you planted in the past are coming to fruition. Meanwhile, because the Sun is opposite your sign, you need more rest, while Mercury opposite your sign gives you a chance to clarify your position about something. "He was a census taker who tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."
For months, you have had drive and ambition because Mars has been at the top of your chart. It is still there for one more month, making you independent, feisty and ready to take on the world! Caution about conflict with coworkers or bosses who feel threatened by you. Fortunately, fair Venus opposite your sign sweetens your words and promotes your relationships, even with your enemies; while the Sun and Mercury help you to work as efficiently as possible. Now is the time to examine how you should manage your life and what duties and responsibilities are most important. Apply this same scrutiny to your health. Look at your body to see how you might improve how you function. (For starters, let's get this ankle bracelet off.)
Things are going well! Your strong urge to expand your world through travel and study is satisfied because many of you are doing this! (Even if you're exploring your own backyard.) Venus promotes warm relations with coworkers and helps you to get things done. It is satisfying to do practical tasks with someone. You're pleased with your health, which is encouraging. Meanwhile, both the Sun and Mercury bring opportunities to slip away on vacations, explore romance plus enjoy sports events and playful times with kids. Mercury wants you to play mental games while the Sun wants you to feel free to express yourself and be who you are. (Of course, the planets don't "want" anything. That's just me talking.)
Both Venus and Jupiter encourage fun diversions. Their energy promotes creative self-expression and the enjoyment of love affairs and playful activities with children. You feel comfortable in your own skin because you know there's no need to pretend to be what you are not. How liberating! Mercury and the Sun draw your attention to family and your private life. You feel the need for intellectual withdrawal despite family discussions about repairs and current events. Take time to be by yourself. Conflict about shared property and challenges with others might take their toll. Basically, you are stepping up to the plate and taking your power and this surprises people who are close to you. ("Whaaat?")
For months, your close relationships have been challenged because Mars has opposed your sign making it easy to alienate others, and their response in turn, angers you. Ha! Which comes first the insult or the retort? The result is you feel annoyed. Fortunately, in six weeks, this grating influence is gone. ("Go! And never darken my towels again!") Hang in there. Grab every chance for daily diversions, especially short trips, because they will stimulate you and make you feel alive. This is a great time for writers, teachers, actors and anyone who wants to study or learn. Venus promotes entertaining at home and relaxing times by the hearth, with a glass of sherry before dinner. Ah yes, what are the little people doing tonight?
You're working hard and you're working smart. One of the reasons you're throwing your energies into your job is you take pride in your work right now. (Naturally, you want credit for what you do - that's the catch. In fact, being a team player is not your top priority at the moment.) Fortunately Venus sweetens your words and makes you appreciate your surroundings. It continues to be the perfect time to let someone know how much you love them. Your ability to make money from your words is strong. This is timely because both the Sun and Mercury are in your Money House, stoking your desire to boost your income and giving you moneymaking ideas!
You're energized this week because the Sun is still in your sign along with Mercury. This is why you are talkative, eager to explore your world and raring to go! Mars fuels your enthusiasm by encouraging parties, fun, romance, sports, the theatre, the entertainment world - all the fun stuff! Great time for a vacation! Meanwhile, your ruler Venus and lucky Jupiter are in your Money House attracting money to you as well as encouraging you to spend it on beautiful clothing, jewelry, art and fun entertainment. Oh yeah. The good life - and all this is right up your alley because you love to schmooze and have a fun time!
This continues to be a great time to buy wardrobe items. It might be shopping therapy for some because Mars still triggers chaos and increased activity on the home front. This chaos and insanity with home and family has been going on for months! (You know who you are.) Be reassured that in six weeks, it will be over. Peace will reign once again and joy will fill the land. Your crops will prosper and the vine will yield its fruit. Your children will be free of cavities and get A's. Netflix will not falter, nor will your batteries fail. And you shall prosper. Kidding aside, this is the truth! Get ready!
Expect a lively, promising week because you are popular! Enjoy the company of younger people and the stimulation of their ideas. Be open to their suggestions because since you're pondering future goals, why not get the input of others? (It's a dream until you write it down - then it's a goal!) Mars continues to invigorate your communicating style. Be careful about falling into arguments with others because you identify so strongly with your beliefs. On the other hand, you can use this Mars energy to sell an idea and persuade others to your way of thinking. Hidden romance and love affairs are percolating on the back burner. Remember: To make a dream come true you have to stay awake!
Use all your resources and talents to advance your career and your good name because this is the only time all year that the Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. This is why you look fabulous in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs. You have three more weeks of this favoured advantage, so use it! Meanwhile, both Venus and Jupiter make you more idealistic. This is why you want to improve the world around you in every possible way. This is an excellent impulse because with this placement of Jupiter in your chart, whatever you put out will come back to you in even greater quantity. Yup - we're talking karma, baby!
You've been coming on like gangbusters! This is because (and it's most unusual) for most of this year, fiery Mars has been in your sign. It will stay there until mid November, so you still have a six-week run. Mars boosts your energy - physically, psychologically and emotionally. Mostly, you can use this to your advantage; however, it can also make you overbearing! Be aware of this. (Physical exercise will help to diffuse a built-up energy that could be a problem.) Fortunately, Venus at the top of your chart smoothes relations with bosses and parents. The Sun and Mercury bring opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. They also make you want to travel! Bon voyage!
This is a wonderful time to explore publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education or academia. It's also a great time to travel! Because next year will really boost your professional reputation, grab every chance this year to improve your skills and accomplish as much as you can so that you will dazzle others next year -- when you will so easily advance your cause. Meanwhile, right now you are focused on inheritances, shared property, taxes, debt and dealing with the wealth and possessions of others. This can be burdensome, but ultimately, it will also benefit you. Get rid of the deadweight. "Engage Number One!"