All Signs

Mars is energy -- sexual energy, aggression, ambition and competitiveness. It takes two years for Mars to travel through all 12 signs, which means Mars is in one sign for six weeks. So every two years, we get this big hit of energy in one part of our life. Did this happen this year? No it did not. Mars went rogue. Instead of staying in Aquarius for six weeks -- it's there for six months! We've had a repeated "hammering" in one area of our lives! Note: It ain't over. Mars will stay in Aquarius until mid November. (Gulp.) This means we have to be adults. Not that transitional age where on a hot day, you don't know what you want - ice cream or beer.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You want to figure out how to manage your life. What duties and responsibilities matter most? You want to be effective, efficient and productive -- on top of your scene! You want the most bang for your buck when it comes to putting out energy and refining your techniques. Not only are you concerned with physical efficiency, you are focused on your health as well. (This is good.) Meanwhile, your ruler Mars has made it a challenge balancing your own self interests with other people's interests. You have to coordinate your needs with theirs. Group pressures have been tough. Solution: Blow off steam with physical activity with friends, especially physical athletics. Just do it.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

It's still play city! Romance, sports events, social outings, the theatre and fun times with kids continue to be top priorities for you. (You love your creature comforts.) Venus and Jupiter opposite your sign continue to bless your love affairs, partnerships and even relations with your enemies! Life is good. However, no matter how many opportunities you have to play and have fun, all summer your ambition was idling in full throttle. (Oh yeah.) You couldn't really relax. Summer was fun but you worked hard. Mars makes you want to be your own boss. You want independence, authority and recognition! Yeah!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Home and family are your main focus, especially family discussions and home repairs. Everything at work is copacetic because Venus and Jupiter now bless everything to do with your health and your job. This is wonderful! Mars of course, continues to amp your desire to travel. "I want to see the world!" (At least, visit Saskatoon.) This has been Mars' influence all summer and will continue this way until mid November. Mars arouses your desire to travel and learn. It makes you want to expand your mind and have engaging discussions about politics, philosophy, metaphysics, religion and really good recipes for cheesecake. Mars might also have forced you into legal difficulties and dealing with law courts. (Ouch.) After November, this focus subsides.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your busy pace continues with short trips, errands, interactions with neighbours, relatives and business associates plus increased reading and writing. You also want to enlighten someone. You want to tell them clearly how you feel about something. Fortunately, your mental processes are sharp. Venus continues to invite chances to enjoy holidays, flirtations, romance, the theatre, the arts and sports events. However, fiery Mars has been in your Eighth House all summer (to stay until mid Nov.) which is good news and bad news. The good news is it amps your sex drive. The bad news is it creates confrontations with others, especially about shared property and jointly-held resources. Is it time to modify your position about something? Stay flexible.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You're entertaining moneymaking ideas, major purchases, and wondering how to best handle your assets. This is good. You have to do this. Venus encourages entertaining at home and redecorating your digs. (You enjoy doing this because a Leo's home is their castle.) The true challenge has been with Mars, which has been sitting opposite your sign since May, making you easily annoyed with others, especially partners and close friends. You're self assertive and will find it difficult to compromise if necessary. It might not be easy for you to see this but others will feel it! Make nice with someone. (Hey, relax - you're not in the forest with a Grizzly nearby and you've got broken leg and no cell service.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Oh my. Both the Sun and your ruler Mercury are in your sign. What's not to like? You can still re-energize yourself for the rest of the year. Life favours you now! Important people and fortuitous circumstances will easily come your way. ("Is that Colin Firth across the room?") Meanwhile, Venus sweetens your words and brings opportunities to make money from sales, writing, teaching and acting. It also enhances your appreciation of your daily surroundings. Venus also makes you realize you are loved --there is a surprising amount of affection in your world! Don't worry about Mars because it makes you work hard and let's face it, you're accomplishing a lot.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You continue to want to keep a low profile until your birthday arrives. And well you should. (It's hard out there without your towel.) Mind you, this low profile position favours research of any kind. Make note of that. Venus and Jupiter continue to bring opportunities to boost your earnings, as well as opportunities to spend on beautiful things! Indeed, Mars is also one of the reasons you have been spending money this summer and will continue to do so until November. Why? Mars makes you want to take vacations, enjoy sports events and make reservations in hotels and wonderful restaurants. Mars will even encourage you to spend money on kids. Sound familiar?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This is still a popular time for you! Your involvement with groups, clubs and friends has been more active than usual. You might also be hanging out with younger people, which is great. (As long as they're potty trained.) Life is blessed because fair Venus and lucky Jupiter are in your sign. Make note that this is a great time to buy wardrobe goodies. It's also the perfect time for you to schmooze with others because you are diplomatic and oh so charming. However, fiery Mars has created chaos and tension on the home front and within your family. Crazy! Just hang in until November because then this insanity will go away. Whew! (You can do this.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You look mahvellous, dahling, mahvellous, especially in the eyes of bosses, parents, VIPs and the police. That's because this is the only month all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart casting you in a flattering spotlight. Mercury promotes solid conversations with authorities, while Venus promotes secret love affairs and little tete-a-tete's. Meanwhile Mars has been busy all summer revving up your desire to communicate in a bold, forthright manner. You identify strongly with your ideas and opinions now, which is why you might be a tad argumentative. Beware of trying to coerce others into believing as you do. On the other hand, this is a great time for those who have to sell an idea. Go for Baroque!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You hunger for a chance to travel and explore new hobbies or new intellectual disciplines. Metaphysics, religion and spiritual concerns might intrigue. Ditto for legal matters. Friendships and your relations with groups are excellent. Observe the values of groups versus your own ideals. What role do these people play in your life? Enjoy team efforts. However, it's time to establish who you are without violating your integrity. Meanwhile Mars makes you ponder your wealth. You might see your wealth as a sign of your personal worth. If you have more money, you're a good person. If you don't, something is wrong. But hey you're not your bank account, your furniture or your property. You are your car.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is an intense, passionate month. Expect disputes about shared property, inheritances or insurance. You might have to deal with someone whose values are different from yours. Lucky Jupiter continues to attract promotions, kudos and congratulations your way. (Everyone loves you.) But now we come to Mars, which has been in your sign since May (except a few weeks) and will stay there until mid November. This means you've had a busy summer busting your buns to show the world you can do. You're more of a fighter for your own rights. But one thing is certain: You're faster than a speeding bullet and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You continue to need more sleep. Respect this need. Your focus on close friendships and partnerships is strong. Opportunities to travel and explore new studies and new ideas with medicine, the law, publishing and the media will come your way. Jump on these because they can help you prepare for next year, when you reach your time of harvest. Everything you do now is leading to a culmination next year, which is why it behooves you to look for ways to learn more and improve your skills. (You don't take a knife to a gunfight.) That is harsh but you get the idea. This is your chance to get ready for next year when you will shine! What's it going to be?