We have ten more weeks to enjoy Jupiter in Scorpio. Since Jupiter stays in each sign for a year, we have been reaping its benefits for months. Nevertheless, since one never appreciates something until it's gone, let's take a look at what we have before we lose it. (Ain't it the truth?) Jupiter is called the Great Benefic because it magnifies whatever it touches. It brings added value to different parts of our lives depending on the sign it is in - abundant joy, increased knowledge and the wealth of money. Read below to count your blessings before they end. (Speaking of endings, I remember Rita's tough Grandma. She buried three husbands and two of them were just napping.)
It's a social week. Enjoy schmoozing with kids, partners and members of the general public. Right now your ambition is strong and you're back in work mode. In fact, you're thinking about how you can best manage your life so that you're efficient, effective and productive. However, you have a few more months left with the current blessing of Jupiter in Scorpio, which means your partner's earnings will increase and you can benefit from the wealth of others. For the next few months, you will more easily get a loan or a mortgage or have the use of things that other people own. You might inherit or your partner will get a bonus. You can use this!
You're in play mode. This is why lucky Taurus natives are on vacation. Admittedly, home repairs and DIY projects are still in the works. Relations with coworkers are excellent; in fact some of you might begin a work-related romance. Mars ignites your desire to travel and get further education, especially formal education. The last few months of Jupiter in Scorpio will continue to benefit your partnerships and close friendships. This is also still the best time for you to get married. In the last six months, I've been delighted to encounter a number of Taurus people who have chosen this excellent time to get hitched. Perfecto!
Home and family continue to be your focus. Basically, you want to cocoon at home. ("Will someone peel me a grape?") Nevertheless, Venus and Mercury will both entice you to get out and talk to others: Mercury will push you into busy errands, short trips and intensify your desire communicate to someone; while Venus will seduce you into the arts, parties, sports events, flirtations and activities with children. As for the benefits you will receive from the last ten weeks of Jupiter in Scorpio? They will be more of the same: Jupiter will continue to give you chances to improve your health and improve your job or get a better job. Yay you!
Your busy pace continues with errands, tasks, short trips plus increased reading and writing. You're focused on moneymaking ideas and big expenditures. This might be due to redecorating projects that interest you or something to do with real estate because you do want to beautify and make your home more attractive. Be patient with partners while fiery Mars is opposite your sign. (Patience is the antidote to anger.) Meanwhile, for the next few months, lucky Jupiter will continue to bring you opportunities for vacations, romance and sexy flirtations as well as times to enjoy sports events and playful activities with kids. All the fun stuff!
You have suffered from insane delays, goofy mistakes, technical problems and baffling frustrations while Mercury was retrograde in Leo. Technically it's over, but you're not truly in the clear until Sept. 3. Make note of that date. Glory hallelujah! However, Mercury did bring people from the past back into your life. (That was interesting.) Now Venus creates a gentle appreciation of the beauty of your everyday world and helps you realize how fond you are of the people you know, and in turn, how much they care for you. Money is a strong focus. Jupiter in its last legs of Scorpio makes you think of real estate and ways to improve your home. Jupiter will continue to enrich your family life as well.
This continues to be your time of power because the Sun is in your sign. (Happens for four weeks every year.) This makes you project yourself with conviction. Venus attracts money to you but it also tempts you to buy beautiful things. Mars makes you playful, flirtatious and competitive in sports. Mercury is hidden in your chart, which bodes well for doing research, studying the past and reading history. For several more months, Jupiter in Scorpio will continue to bring you opportunities to study and learn -- expanding your mind and your consciousness. Jupiter also makes your attitude to the world more generous, understanding and more tolerant, and encourages you to think big!
You are still hiding in the tall weeds, watching the action from a distance because the Sun is waiting to enter your sign on Sept. 22. Until then, keep a low profile. Venus in your own sign counters this by making you want to socialize with others. Likewise, Mercury in your House of Friendship makes you think about friends and your attitudes to groups. It also makes you think a lot about your goals. Mars continues to create havoc at home. Fortunately, this will subside soon. (Finally!) Do make use of the last few months of Jupiter in Scorpio because this brings money to you. It boosts your income and attracts opportunities to get a better paying job or to make money on the side.
This is one of your most popular times of the year! Everyone wants you to sit their table. Mercury at the top of your chart promotes discussions with bosses and parents. It also makes you want to plan for your career and your professional future, and encourages you to take up new studies. Mars is lined up with your communication style so you are forthright now when talking to others. You're convincing and persuasive! Naturally, Jupiter, in your sign for the next few months, continues to bring you good fortune. It attracts people and resources that benefit you. It gives you increased poise and self-confidence. It's also the beginning of a new 12-year cycle of learning - and you have already learned so much this year!
This is the only time all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart making you look fabulous in the eyes of bosses and parents. Since this is still happening, use this to your advantage! Ask for what you want. Make your pitch. Venus promotes warm relations with friends and members of groups. (In fact, a friend could become a lover.) Mercury makes you keen to travel and study because you want to learn and expand your world. Fiery Mars is in your House of Earnings making you keen to earn money but just as keen to spend it! The last few months of Jupiter in Scorpio will continue to deepen the spiritual dimensions of your life. This has been a learning year for you. That's good. You love to learn.
Get thee to an airport. Or maybe a road trip is your choice where you can watch those telephone poles going by. Mars in your sign makes you aggressive and energetic. Get some physical exercise to blow off pent-up steam. Mercury promotes discussions about shared property, inheritances and insurance issues; while Venus at the top of your chart creates successful relations with bosses and parents. It also attracts romance with someone older, richer or a mentor figure to you. The last few months of Jupiter in Scorpio will continue to boost your popularity. Friends have benefited you this year and will continue to benefit you. That's nice.
This is a passionate, intense month, which means you are not casual about anything. Everything matters. Mercury opposite your sign attracts lively conversations with others. Venus makes you want to travel for pleasure and encourages romance with people who are different, especially people from other cultures. The last several months of Jupiter in Scorpio continue to bode well for you because Jupiter is at the top of your chart. This is rare. It last occurred in 2006 and will not happen again until 2029. Jupiter makes you look fantastic in the eyes of bosses and parents, which is why you're getting recognition, kudos and applause. Make the most of this because you still have a few more months!
The Sun is still opposite your sign, which means you need more sleep. Mercury makes you busy at work and keen to have opportunities to tackle hands-on tasks and talk to coworkers. Venus continues to attract money, favours and goodies to you from others as well as promote romance and hot sex. Mars encourages you to be physically active with groups and friends, especially in competitive sports. Meanwhile, the last few months of lucky Jupiter in Scorpio will keep bringing you travel opportunities plus chances to shine at school or get further education. Jupiter wants to show you more about your world. Think how much you have learned this year!