After Sun leaves Leo this week, the whole world will experience a Virgo trip for the next month. People will start to organize their belongings and papers. They will feel the urge to be "prepared." Some will create emergency packs to keep by the door in case of weather disasters. Water purifier? Hand crank radio? Many will make To Do lists about their work, their home, their families, their health and their pets. Some will want to eat healthy. Carbs? Gluten? Less meat? Ketogenic diet? Ah yes, nevertheless, we will still have those moments when you have to eat ice cream right from the carton....and if you don't find the answer by the time you get to the bottom, well, at least, you tried.
Perhaps it's a guilty reflex for partying all summer, or perhaps you're suddenly gripped by common sense, whatever the source, you are now heading into a four-week window where you will become intent on managing your life well. "I'm serious, this time." Figure out what duties and responsibilities you have to take care of - prioritize them - and do them. 'Nuff said. You're determined to be healthy, efficient and on top of your game. (Fear not, with Venus opposite your sign you will still charm everyone with style.) You're also determined to refine your techniques at work or in the arts and go for Baroque!
Oh joy! Once a year, the Sun hypes the part of your chart about romance, the entertainment world, the arts, show business and the hospitality industry. This also includes sports, and working/playing with children. Well, that time has arrived! For the next four weeks, your personal mandate will be to get out and have a good time! You will feel lighter and prankish! You will feel free to express yourself and be who you really are when dealing with others. Relationships, especially romantic relationships, will be fun. Many will be more involved with playful activities with children. Romance will blossom!
As September looms with its back-to-school responsibilities, you will start to focus on home, family and your private life. This focus will stay like this until late September. You want opportunities to cocoon at home and relax among familiar surroundings. (Make this happen.) Many will be involved with a parent more than usual. For you, this is a time of of self-evaluation. This is an excellent month to see a professional counselor. Grab every chance to enjoy time away from the madness - seek solitude. Contemplate, meditate or ponder your life direction. "What's it all about, Alfie?"
Get ready for a busy month! Suddenly, your daily pace will accelerate. Your schedule will be booked with appointments and you'll be talking to everyone, especially siblings, relatives and neighbours. Short trips will happen. This is the perfect time for a vacation because you want a change of scenery and a chance to meet new faces and see new places. You're keen to communicate to others now which is why conversations will be involved and lively! Likewise, those of you who write, teach or act will be energized and expressive. "Once again, with more feeling!"
It's been a fun summer doing your thing -- hosting others and being generous with gifts and hospitality. Small wonder that beginning this week, you enter a month where you will focus on money, earnings and cash flow. Naturally, you will think of ways to boost your income or make some money on the side. Some of you might also ponder job changes. But at a deeper level, you will think about your values. What really matters in life? Does the one with the most toys wins? We know that's not true. So what will make you happy? How should you best use the time that is left to you? Never hurts to ponder this.
Ta da! This week the Sun moves into your sign where it will stay for the next four weeks. This happens only once a year. Yes, it's your birthday! Because the Sun is your source of energy, it's your turn to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Don't hesitate to put yourself first because this is appropriate. The Sun in your sign will cause you to project yourself more forcefully to others. Oh yeah, this is why you make a great impression on people, however, it's also why you might blow someone over by coming on too strong. Nevertheless, you do have a great need to express yourself now and it's a valid need. "Now hear this. Now hear this."
Because your birthday is soon approaching, your personal year is drawing to a close. This means that the next month is the perfect time to be reclusive. Seek out some quiet time (with a chilled glass of wine) to think about what you want for your new year ahead. (Your new year is from birthday to birthday.) It will behoove you to think of some goals even broad goals. Better yet, specific, defined goals with deadlines are the true litmus test. When you set goals, you are more inclined to achieve them because they're in your consciousness every time you make a decision. Capisce? Hint: One of the things that is important to you is your need to solidify your home base.
This has been a high viz. summer! People have noticed you more than usual. Fortunately, you made a great impression. Now you're heading into a four-week window where your popularity will increase and you will enjoy hanging with friends and interacting with groups. You might join a club or an organization or take a class. You will feel greater enthusiasm about your goals, which is why you will want to share your hopes and dreams for the future with someone to get their feedback. Wise choice. The month ahead is excellent to work and cooperate with others. Socialize extensively and study your friends because after all, they are reflection of yourself. (This observation might be encouraging or scary.)
Once a year, the Sun travels across the top of your chart in a four to six week window of time. This particular phenomenon begins this week. What it symbolizes is that you will suddenly be thrust in the limelight! People will notice you more than usual, especially bosses, teachers and VIPs. But the really good news is that this limelight is flattering. People will admire you and think you are capable and competent even if you don't do anything different. (It's all smoke and mirrors.) This is obviously an advantage you can use! This is the time to advance your agenda and go after what you want. Make this flattering "limelight" work for you! Don't waste this opportunity. "I want to be a ballerina and I want a pony."
During the next four to six weeks, you will so want to travel. That's because you want to get away from all this. You need a change of scenery. You want stimulation, thrills, adventure and a chance to learn something new. Is that too much to ask for? I think not. Because your curiosity is heightened, this is a favourable time to undertake any kind of new study, or a new hobby or any intellectual discipline. Whatever stimulates your intellect will give you a boost. Naturally, travel is an obvious choice, but you can also explore your own backyard and be a tourist in your own city. Basically, you want to see new places where you can learn something! For starters, talk to people from other cultures.
This week ushers in a change for the next four weeks. Life will be more intense. Things will matter and they will tend to be serious and more black and white. You might experience strong compulsions or psychological issues surfacing in your life. For many of you, this will be a time of increased self-inquiry or changes to your value structure. You might be more focused on shared property, inheritances and the wealth of your partner or someone else. You might come up against a situation where your values and someone else's values challenge each other. You might be involved with the need for financial backing or a loan from a bank or another source. Fortunately, Jupiter is still at the top of your chart making you look mahvelous to everyone. How timely!
Starting this week, the Sun will sit directly opposite your sign for four weeks. (This is the only time all year this happens.) Because symbolically speaking, the Sun will now be as far away from you as it gets all year (in your chart) and the Sun represents energy - this means you will need more sleep and more rest. This is not the time of year to go it alone. Make an effort to work with others or form working units. Consult experts. You can learn more about yourself through your intimate one-to-one encounters with others. It's time to examine your closest relationships to see how they fit in your life. Do they fill your needs? Do you fill the needs of someone else? Venus promotes affection and intimacy. People are generous to you this month.