All Signs

Today the Sun moves into Leo to stay for four weeks. (It was last in Leo a year ago.) This will hype everyone's social life! Enjoy fun with sports, parties, barbecues, beach activity, romance, love affairs, vacations and playful activities with kids. The arts will thrive because Leo is the sign of the entertainment world. Meanwhile Mercury is retrograde also in Leo causing delays, silly errors and the appearance (real or imagined) of old flames from the past. You'll be listening to "If the phone doesn't ring it's me" and having moments of Dijon vu. (That's when the smell of mustard reminds you of your first hockey crush.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The next four weeks will be fabulous for you! Party city! You will have a strong drive to get out and have a good time. You will feel lighter and happier and eager to socialize. Romantic relationships will be upbeat and sexy. But the main thrust will be your need to express yourself and to be exactly who you are. No mask. You will have the freedom to do your own thing and be who you really are. Admittedly, Mercury retrograde will attract old flames back to your world. However, Mercury will also help you finish creative projects or endeavors related to children. Relations with work colleagues are winning. Wow - you wanted more?

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You have a strong focus on home and family during the next four weeks. You might be more involved with a parent. Relatives from the past will come out of the woodwork and be camped on your doorstep. (Stock the fridge.) Nevertheless, you will feel an increasing need to take time out just for you, which is why you will want to run away somewhere so you can contemplate your navel. Good! Give yourself time to regenerate and restore yourself so you can meet the demands of your world. Venus continues to attract social occasions and boost romance. You can do it all, if you make time to invest in yourself. After all, you're the director of your own movie.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The tempo of your life will accelerate in the next four weeks. Expect more activity, short trips, visits and discussions with others. An erratic restlessness will prompt you to get out and do things! Enjoy a vacation because you want the stimulation of a change of scenery. Be mindful of your discussions with others and let clear communications be your goal. Because your ruler Mercury is retrograde, be proactive and make sure your car or truck is working. Transportation hiccups are classic during this time. Ditto for confused communications. Fortunately, matters at home are smooth and wonderful for entertaining and redecorating.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The next four weeks are the only time all year when the Sun sits in your Money House of earnings, cash flow and possessions. This is why you will examine your relationship to your wealth. Does your stuff serve your needs or are you a slave to it? (This can happen.) Sometimes your involvement with property and possessions is actually damaging to your own best interests. Meanwhile, you want party to show something off, especially a new purchase. The bottom line at this moment is you want to establish greater control of your life through the things that you own and value. This might mean you have to define your value system and assert yourself regarding those values. That's okay.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

This is the only time all year when the Sun is in your sign for four weeks. Happy birthday! This is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year! The Sun has an almost magical effect of attracting people and favourable situations to you. (The Sun is powerful.) In turn, you will project yourself more forcefully than usual. You will also feel a strong need to express yourself. Don't hesitate to do this! This is the one time of year when your first duty is to yourself - and if you don't recognize this, you will not be effective in what you do. Grin and bear it as you encounter silly errors and delays because of retrograde Mercury in your sign. When life gives you lemons - take them cuz free stuff is cool.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Today the Sun moves into a hidden part of your chart for the next four weeks. (This happens only once a year.) You will feel this! You will want more privacy and a chance to work alone or behind the scenes. This doesn't mean you're antisocial. Au contraire! Fair Venus in your sign will encourage warm interaction with others. But your main drive will be for privacy and peace and quiet by removing yourself from the busy pace of the world. Use this time to make some goals for your new year, which begins when your birthday takes place. Write them down -- with deadlines. Scare yourself. "Advice to Myself."

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You're the most social sign of the zodiac, and the next four weeks will be one of the most social months of the year! Go out in full dazzle! It will be easy to work and cooperate with others, especially in groups. Friendships will be important. You want to hang out with people who share your values. Examine the role your friends play in your life. Study the people you hang out with because your friends are a reflection of who you are. (This can be scary.) Your idealism will be aroused in the next four weeks, which is why you will want to support a worthy cause. Old friends will pop up out of the woodwork. (Look sharp.)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

For the next four weeks, the Sun is at the top of your chart. (Happens only once a year.) This casts a flattering spotlight on you! Others will be impressed with you, especially parents, bosses and VIPs. Since you look so wonderful to others - use this! (An advantage not to be overlooked.) Ask for what you want. You don't have to do anything special to get this crdit because people admire you. Hot tip: Don't pretend to be something that you're not because the truth will come out anyway. Don't hesitate to take on any project because you will shine! Friends and groups will be supportive to you now. For some, a friend could become a lover. (You sexy Scorpio.)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You're going to love the influence of this changing Sun! You are the traveller of the zodiac - and today's shift of the Sun into a new sign will bring you opportunities to travel in the next 4 to 6 weeks. Yay me! It will also bring you opportunities that you can explore in medicine, the law, publishing, the media and higher education. In fact, if you are pursuing these directions, go back to previous contacts and reopen negotiations because Mercury retrograde will benefit this dip back into the past. Meanwhile, Venus is at the top of your chart smoothing relations with bosses and parents. In fact, some will strike up a romance with a boss. (Think! Could be dicey.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You will be more intense in the next four weeks. Issues will be important! You will feel passionately about everything and might have a simplistic black-and-white response to things. Be careful you don't overreact. Expect to focus on shared property, taxes, inheritances and insurance issues. You will also be intrigued by hot sex! Oh yes, this is part of the passion and obsession that you will feel in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, opportunities to travel are alluring and beckoning. You might fall in love with someone who is "different." This could be an opportunity for you to settle financial business and agreements. Fingers crossed!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The Sun is opposite your sign for the next four weeks. (Happens once a year.) Symbolically, this means the Sun is as far from your sign as it gets all year, and since the Sun is your source of energy, you will need more sleep. This polarized position of the Sun draws your focus to partnerships and close friendships. Meanwhile, retrograde Mercury will attract ex-partners and old friends back into the mix. Hmmm, it's starting to get complicated! Actually, this is a good time to form working units with others. It's also a good time to study your relationships to see how they do or do not fill your needs. (Marriage is like IKEA -- easy to walk into but hard to get out.)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

It's been party city lately, but as the Sun changes signs today, you will move toward a major shift in the next month. You will focus on work and daily responsibilities. Your drive will be to manage your life has effectively and efficiently as possible so that you can get the best results for your efforts. You will strive to make every action count. You will refine your techniques to get the best results. Many of you by extension will apply this to your health. Yes, you want it all. You want to be perfect! Pumped and healthy! This is a wonderful thing because is motivation is everything. If you're motivated to work hard, be productive and as healthy as possible - your life can only improve! Kale Caesar!